Transcript Section 3

Nationalism Before the Civil War
Chapter 7 Section 3
• Analyze the causes and effects of nationalism
on domestic policy during the years following
the War of 1812.
• Describe the impact of nationalism on the
nation’s foreign policy.
• Summarize the struggle over the issue of
slavery as the nation grew.
Era of Good Feelings
• The Federalist Party
collapsed, leaving no
political rivalries.
• DemocraticRepublicans backed
nationalistic economic
policies that used
federal power to
assist business and
American System
• Developed by Henry
• Called for more
involvement in the
• 3 Main features:
– 1. High Tariff
– 2. Re-charter the
National Bank
– 3. Transportation
An interconnected national economy
resulted in cycles of “boom or bust.”
During busts farmers often blamed the
banks for their difficulties.
Monroe Doctrine
• President Monroe feared
France or Spain might retake
newly independent republics in
Latin America.
• Monroe Doctrine stated the
U.S. would not tolerate any
new colonies in the western
• In 1823, the United States was
incapable of enforcing the
Monroe Doctrine, but in time
the doctrine became a
cornerstone of American
foreign policy.
• Andrew Jackson invaded
Florida to fight the Seminole
Indians who harbored runaway
• Madison’s Secretary of State
John Quincy Adams
concluded the Adams-Onís
Treaty by which the United
States purchased Florida from
Missouri Compromise
• Missouri sought
admission as a
slave-owning state.
• Acceptance would upset
the balance between free
and slave-owning states
in the U.S. Senate.
• A northern proposal to
ban slavery as the price
of Missouri’s admission
caused debate.
Henry Clay
averted a
crisis with
the Missouri
of 1820.
• Missouri would be admitted as
a slave state.
• Maine would be admitted as a
free state.
• Slavery was banned north of
Missouri’s southern border
(36’30 Line)
Still, Southerners were worried. They blamed the Missouri
debates when Denmark Vesey, a black freedman, planned
an unsuccessful slave revolt in 1822.