Chapter 8 Powerpointx

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Chapter 8
A New National Identity
Let’s Review
1. In 1800 Democratic Republican
Jefferson became the 3rd president.
2. Because of a tie between Aaron
Burr and Jefferson the 12th
Amendment was added to the
Constitution stating a separate
ballots for President/Vice-President.
3.Valuing a farm economy, Jefferson
wanted to purchase New Orleans from
France to secure river rights. Napoleon, at
war with Britain, gave up his dream of
ruling America and offered Louisiana
territory for $15 million.
4. Jefferson sent Lewis and Clark to explore the
territory. Sacagawea assisted them.
5. War between Britain and France
was heating up and the United
States made money selling
6. The U.S. was following the Neutrality
Stay out of
Proclamation (not taking sides) while France and
England went to war!
7. Britain seized U.S. ships and forced
American soldiers to serve in their army and navies.
8. Jefferson issued an Embargo that stopped all
trading with foreign countries.
This hurt the economy!
#9 Reasons for the war of 1812:
1. British aiding Native Americans in battle.
2. Interfering with trade rights.
3. Impressment of U.S. citizens.
I’m Andrew
Jackson and I
won the war!
10. President James Madison called for a
war the U.S. was unprepared to win,
however after three years of battle, The
United States was victorious at the Battle
of New Orleans.
A New National Identity
The United States shows the world its great strength
after the British surrendered!
Disputes had to be settled with Britain.
1. Rush-Bagot Agreement allowed both the U.S. and
British Canada limited naval power so each kept
their fishing rights.
2. Convention of 1818 set the border between
Canada and the U.S. at the Rocky Mountains.
James Monroe elected 5th
Shy and Quiet as a child
• He was a patriot and a soldier in the
Revolutionary War. He was shot in the shoulder
during battle.
• He studied law at the College of William and
• Helped arranged the Louisiana Purchase.
• James Monroe was married to Elizabeth
Kortright Monroe.
• 2 daughters and 1 son
• Said to be one of the “best me ever created.”
• Known for the Monroe Doctrine
• Died on July 4, 1831 at the age of 73, the last of
the founding fathers.
James Monroe Video
• List three things you heard!
We get Florida!!!
• Americans wanted to settle in parts of
Spanish owned Florida. Conflicts over
the U.S.-Florida border and attacks
from Seminole Indians began the 1st
Seminole war.
• In 1818 Andrew Jackson troop’s
invaded Florida to capture Seminole
raiders (who helped runaway slaves
and invaded U.S. settlements)
• Jackson overtook Spanish military
posts, overthrew the government.
I didn’t
even ask
Adams-Onis Treaty
• Jackson’s actions upset
many Spanish leaders,
but Americans
supported his actions.
• In 1819 the Spanish
government signed the
Adams-Onis Treaty that
gave the U.S. East
Florida and the U.S.
gave up claims to Texas.
Trouble in the world
Spain was experiencing
trouble! Many Spanish
colonies in the Americas
were claiming
Revolutionary fighter Simon
Bolivar a.k.a. The
Liberator, led many of
these struggles for
• Bolivar freed six nations
from Spanish rule. He
hoped to create a united
Video Simon Bolivar
Monroe Doctrine
· North and South America should no longer be thought of as
areas for European colonization!!!!
· The U.S. would not interfere with European affairs, and
European countries should not interfere with the affairs of
any nation in the Western Hemisphere.
GOALS of the Monroe Doctine:
- To protect the independence of new Latin American nations.
- To keep Russia from moving south into the U.S. from Alaska.
Monroe Doctrine, A Live Wire (New York Herald, by
permission of the New York Sun, Inc.)
• Nationalism: The feelings of pride and loyalty
to a nation
• Henry Clay: proposed the American System: A
series of measures to make America
financially strong and self-sufficient
Henry Clay
• Henry Clay: U.S. representative
from Kentucky, a senator, the
Speaker of the House and
secretary of state.
Supported: Nationalism
Developed the American System
Dedicated to preserving the Union
Initiated the Missouri Compromise
The American System
• National bank to provide a single currencyimproved roads and canals funded by a tariff.
• Some argued the improvements were not
permitted in the Constitution-but Congress
and Clay believed possible gains for the
country justified national action.
New American Roads
• New Roads for trade,
business and expansion
• Cumberland Road-first
federal road built!
• Began in Maryland and into
Illinois by 1850
American Canals
• Americans tried to make water transportation
easier by building canals.
• The Erie Canal ran from Albany to Buffalo in
New York allowing goods and people to move
between East Coast towns
The Era of Good Feelings!
• Under President Monroe the USA
experiences a time of peace, prosperity
and progress from 1815-1825
• National Unity strengthened by 2 Supreme
Court decisions that reinforced federal
• McCulloch v. Maryland declared that
implied powers of Congress allowing for
the creation of a national bank.
• Gibbons v. Ogden stated states could not
interfere with power of Congress to
regulate interstate trade.
Abraham Lincoln
“A house divided against itself cannot stand. I
believe this government cannot endure
permanently half slave and half free. I do not
expect the Union to be dissolved-I do no expect
the house to fall-but I do expect it will cease to be
divided. It will become all one thing, or all the
other. Either the opponents of slavery will arrest
the further spread of it…or it’s (supporters) will
push it forward till it shall become…lawful in all
the states, old as well as new, North as well as
The Missouri Compromise
Even during the Era of Good Feelings, disagreements arose.
• Sectionalism: disagreements between different
regions, threatened the Union (United States)
• In 1819 Missouri asked to join the union as a slave
state. If they added a new slave state then the
balance of power in the Senate would favor Southern
The Missouri Compromise
To protect the power of free states, the House
passed a special amendment. It declared that
Missouri could enter but importing African
slaves into Missouri would be illegal. The
amendment also set the children of slaves free
Southerner’s were MAD!
The Missouri Compromise
• The Amendment did not pass but Henry Clay
proposed a plan in 1820.
The Missouri Compromise:
• Missouri could enter as a slave state.
• Maine could also join the Union as a free state.
• Slavery would be prohibited (forbidden) in any
new states or territories north of the 36 30’
latitude. (An imaginary line was drawn)
• The Compromise passed but resentment grew in
the South.
The Controversial Election of 1824
The Corrupt Bargain!
• 4 candidates.(Jackson 99, Clay 37, Adams 84,
Crawford 41)
• Andrew Jackson was the popular vote
( defeating the Seminole Indians helped!)
No one candidate had enough electoral votes
• The House had to choose a winner so they
chose John Quincy Adams.
• Jackson said there were some back door deals
between Senator Henry Clay and Adams. It
didn’t help that Adams asked Clay to be his
Secretary of State.
• Adams became a unpopular, weak and a one
term president.
I was