Transcript Ch19

When should the U.S. enter into War?
When is it right for America to intervene in
foreign conflicts?
What am I????
What am I????
What am I????
• Imperialism-This will sharpen rivalries
• Militarism-diplomacy took a back seat to the
build up of armies and navies (arms race)
• Nationalism-the “great powers” acted in their
own national interest
• Alliances-complicated alliances developed to
bolster nation’s security
Secret Alliances
• Central Powers-Germany,
Austria-Hungary, and
Ottoman Empire (Triple
• Allies-Russia, France,
Great Britain (Triple
July 1914
• World War I begins
May 1915
• German U-boat sinks
the Lusitanian
submarine warfare)
killing 128 Americans
March 1916
• German U-boat sinks
the Sussex, a French
passenger ship
• Wilson demands the
passage of the “Sussex
February 1917
• In Zimmermann note,
Germany proposes
alliance with Mexico
March 1917
• Russian Revolution
occurs, pulling them
out of the war
March 1917
• German submarines
sink three U.S. ships,
the Illinois, Memphis,
and Vigilancia
April 1917
• U.S. declares war on Germany
The War at Home
Ch 19 Sec 3
What were some things
accomplished by the following
wartime agencies and laws?
Interesting Facts!
• Your brain is most active during this time?
– Night
• This birds eye is bigger than its brain?
– ostrich’s
• In this city it is faster to ride a bicycle for most trips of
less than 50 minutes!
– Tokyo
• On average, people fear spiders more than this?
– death
War Industrial Board
• Government control of
many industries
• Encouraged companies to
use mass production
• Set production quotas
• Increased production by
20% nation wide
• Caused corporate profits
to soar
Railroad Administration
• Controlled the nations
Fuel Administration
• Regulated coal
• Rationed gasoline
• Introduced daylight
National War Labor Board
• Resolved labor
disputes and pushed
for improved working
• Could lose draft
exemption “work or
Food Administration
• Encouraged public to
reduce consumption
of food
• Gov set high price for
wheat and other
• “Meatless or
Wheatless” days
Committee on Public Information
• Mobilized the nation’s
artists and advertisers
to popularize war
• Propaganda at its
• Inflamed hatred and
violation of certain
ethnic groups
Becomes main form of encouragement to help support
the war!
SOAP (Source/Occasion/Audience/Purpose)
World War One Images and Music
• Over There,
George M. Cohan
sung by The American Quartet, 1917
• Sheet Music Art
Norman Rockwell
I Want You for the U.S. Army
James Montgomery Flagg
True Sons of Freedom
Charles Gustrine, 1918
Destroy This Mad Brute
H.R. Hopps, 1917
Over The Top For You
Sidney H. Riesenberg,
Rivets Are Bayonets Drive Them Home!
J.E. Sheridan, 1918
Fight or Buy Bonds
Howard Chandler Christy
Espionage and Sedition Act
• Prosecution of over
2,000 people who
spoke up against the
war/interfered with
the war effort
• Restricted
-Many lost their
jobs and were
-Fear of spies
and espionage
lead to a
restriction of
-The Great
-A mass
movement of
Americans from
the South to the
North in search
of better
-Segregated in
army and rarely
allowed to fight
-Took on jobs
that they had
never done
-Encouraged the
passing of the
The War at Home
Ch 9 Sec 3
What changes did the war bring
about for the following groups of
Ch 19 Sec 2
Preparing for War!
How did the U.S. raise an Army?
– Selective Service Act-authorized a draft
– “the war that ends all wars”
– 1 million immediately w/ 3 million more to
come (called the American Expeditionary Force)
– General Pershing will be put in command of
How did U.S. soldiers help win the war?
– Brought fresh soldiers who would be
desperately needed (Germans were 50 miles
away from Paris)
– African Americans will allowed into the military
but were segregated and rarely allowed to fight
Preparing for War!
How did the United States build its Naval
– Allowed anyone to help (African
Americans, women, volunteers,
– Converted private ships to war
time vessels
How did the U.S. Navy help win the war?
– Created the convoy system which
allowed for troops and supplies to
get across the Atlantic safely
Machine Guns
Artillery that can reach enemy miles away
The first tanks
First Attack Planes
Poisonous Gas
Punish civilians
What did the war cost in terms of the number of…..
• Civilians deaths
– 11 million
• Military deaths
– 11 million
• Injuries
– 20 million
• Refugees
– 10 million
• What were the
economic costs?
– 338 billion dollars
End of the War!!!!
Ch 19 Sec 4
End of War
1918 14 points
Dealt with a variety of issues that
related to keeping the peace after
the war
Wanted to keep away from
punishing Germany harshly for war
1-5=prevent war
1. Open treaties
2. Freedom of Seas
3. Encourage free trade
4. Arms reduction
5. Interests of colonial
6-13. Boundary changes and self
determination of ethnic and
national groups
14. League of Nations
End of War
1919 Treaty of Versailles
• Forced Germany to take
blame for WWI and pay
33 Billion in reparations
that they will be unable to
• This will humiliate
End of War
1920 Rejection from Senate
• Senate was suspicious of the
provision for joint action
against aggression
• U.S. didn’t want to get dragged
into another war
• Henry Cabot Lodge was the
leader of conservative senators
who disliked the Treaty of
End of War
1921 U.S. signs separate treaty
• Wilson tries to get Treaty of
Versailles passed to no avail
• Senate rejects Treaty of
Versailles for the last time
signing a separate treaty with
Germany in 1921
Question to Ponder
1.What were Wilson’s possible political mistakes that
cost him congressional support for the Versailles
2.Why do you think the allies imposed such harsh
conditions on Germany?
3.Were the seeds of the next war being planted at the
peace conference?
4.Consider how the war effort may have contributed to
the dark mood at the end of the war?
Austria-Hungary-declares war on Serbia
Russia-Protector of Serbia, mobilizes army along
Austria-Hungary border
Russian’s ally, France readies its troops
Germany-chief ally of Austria-Hungary begins to
mobilize troops on Russian and French border
To reach France, Germany invades Belgium
Great Britain protectorate of Belgium, declares war on
Central and Allied Powers are formed
Ottoman Empire joins Central Powers, Italy joins Allied
Powers. U.S. stays Neutral!