Transcript Slide 1

WEST (1789-1900)
Main Idea: Spurred by discontent and
Enlightenment ideas, people in Latin America
fought colonial rule.
 Latin American Colonies followed the example
of the French Revolution (Important!!!!)
 Fought for independence over freedom and
 Geography: Andes Mountains made it difficult
for South America to unify as a whole
6 social classes
 Top:
Peninsulares: born in Spain
 Next: Creoles: Spaniards born in Latin America
 Next: Mestizos: Mixed European and Indian
 Mulattos: Mixed European and African
 Africans
 Indians 55% of the population!
French Colony
 Island
of Hispaniola
African Slaves who worked on plantations
 Leader of Revolution: Toussaint L’Ouverture
 Freed
 1804: Claim Independence as Haiti
Significance: first Latin American colony to free
Least oppressed class below peninsulares
 Educated and spread revolutionary ideas
 Felt they were being treated unfairly by the
peninsulares and government
 Last Straw: Napoleon overthrowing king of
Spain and making his brother king
 No loyalty to new king and revolt
Two Creole Generals were key to success
 Simon Bolivar (aka The Great Liberator)
 Writer,
fighter, and political thinker
 Won independence for Venezuela
 Led combined armies to victory giving independence
to several Spanish colonies (next page)
 Teams up with Jose de San Martin to help other Latin
America colonies gain independence
Jose de San Martin
 Helped
win independence for Argentina and Chile
Additional Independence Winners
Bolivar helped Peru, Colombia, Panama, and
Ecuador gain independence
Mestizos and Indians led the fight for
 Failures of Revolution:
 Miguel
Hidalgo: tried to lead revolution but failed
when the creoles joined with the government and
put down the rebellion
 Feared Mestizos and Indians taking their land
 Jose Maria Morelos become leader of rebellion for
the next four years but it also defeated
New government came to power in Spain
 Creoles
feared they’d lose their rights and sided
with lower classes
Rebel and achieve independence for Mexico in
Brazil was controlled by Portugal
 Change in kings leads to independence
 Petition: 8,000 Creoles signed a paper
pleading for Brazil’s independence
 King agreed
What do you Think of when you here
 Think
of some examples of how we show
nationalism here in the U.S
Europe Faces Revolution
Main Idea: Liberal and Nationalist uprisings
challenged the old regime’s reestablished by the
Congress of Vienna.
Struggle for power between
 Conservatives:
Supported the king (Nobles)
 Liberals: Power for legislature (Merchants/Business)
 Radicals: end rule of king/full voting rights for all
Spread of Nationalism
Pride in one’s country
Loyalty is to your country and not your ruler
or empire
group of people who share a common
culture and history
Felt they should have a right to land they
could call their own
Nation-state: group with their own
Leaders of these groups began using the
idea of nationalism as a way to unite
people under a common goal
The Balkans
Area of first
group to
win selfrule
 Greeks
broke away
from the
Fight for Greek Independence
Ottoman’s despised rebellion and tried to put
down rebellion
 Greeks rich history and influence on other
countries for decades allowed them to gain
support around Europe
 Russia, France, and Britain sided with the
Greeks and helped them win their
Not All Rebellions Were Successful
Italy tried to unite their several different states
but failed
 Poles (Polish) revolted against the Russians
and were put down.
 Hungarians and Czechs fail
 Revolutions of 1848: several states attempted
to revolt but were poorly organized and were
slaughtered by the old regimes
 Significance: Old Regimes did not back down
from nationalism and liberal attempts for
change (Reaction to Revolutions)
France Tries Again!
France: restored absolute monarchy (result of
congress of Vienna)
 Sparked riots
 Political groups battled for what reforms would
be made (bloody)
 Form parliament and strong president elected
by the people
Becomes president (Napoleon’s nephew)
 Built railroads, encouraged industrialization
 Helps restore prosperity and decreases
Need for Reform in Russia
Problems leading to Reform:
 Failed
to Industrialize (will hurt country for
 Feudalism still existed hurting the economy and
leaving the serfs under brutal living conditions
 Czar Nicholas I: continued to fail at war due to his
lack of supplies for his army from their poor
Alexander II modernizes Russia
Son of Nicholas who modernizes after
shortcomings of the war
 Wanted to be able to compete with the west
 Frees Serfs
 Reforms come to a halt when he is
 Alexander III takes over and tightens control
and focuses on industrialization
Main Idea: nationalism plays big role in forming
Italy and Germany.
 Unification would allow countries to grow
economically and gain colonies
 (Italy
and Germany did not have colonies in Latin
America and other places because they were
Nationalist Builders
 Nationality
 Ethnic
 History
Strong national leaders would be the key to the
success of unifying groups and gaining
 Nationalism created ethnic unrest in some
 Russification: policy forcing Russian culture on
ethnic groups in Russia.
 Significance:
Backfires and pride in ethnic groups
grows eventually causing revolution in which groups
will break away from the crumbling Russian empire
Unification of Italy
Ruled by Austria and Spain
 Camillo di Cavour
 Prime
minister who unified Northern Italy
Giuseppe Garibaldi “The Red One”
 Leader
of the redshirts (patriots) who won control
over parts of Southern Italy
Territories would unify with one another
Unifying Germany
Germany was made of 39 loosely grouped
 Austrian Empire controlled them
 What Happens?
 Prussia
helps unify German States
 Prussians were mostly German and nationalism
united their empire instead of broke them apart
 Use powerful army to push for unification
Wilhelm I
Was being denied money by parliament to raise
of bigger army
 Supported by the Junkers (Conservatives)
 Believed
in centralized power
Otto Von Bismark: Junker who was elected
prime minister.
 Master
of realpolitik (politics of reality)
 Means
tougher politics and rejects idealism (Belief that
anything can be achieved)
Otto Von Bismark
Uses Realpoltik to become one of the most
commanding figures in German History
 Had kings approval to rule without the consent
of parliament
 Believed in the use of “Blood and Iron”
 Violence
instead of peaceful change
Manipulates allies and enemies by turning
them against each other and forcing war.
 During
war, nationalism grows in Southern Germany
and they support the Prussian empire and their
leader Kaiser Wilhelm
Term given to German and Prussian leaders
that means emperor.
 Bismark achieved Prussian dominance and
unification of Germany
Summing it Up: Shift in Power
Congress of Vienna establishes 5 great powers
 Britain,
France, Austria, Prussia, and Russia
 Equal in strength
Who emerges at the top after 1800?
 Prussia
(Germany) and Britain
 Powerful economies and militaries
In the Middle: France
 Lagging Far Behind: Austria and Russia
Revolutions in Art
Main Idea: Enlightenment ideas are replaced by
a new movement called romanticism
Romanticism: movement in arts and ideas that
focused on nature and the thoughts and
feelings of the individual
Romanticism vs. Enlightenment
Valued feeling not reason
 Valued nature not society
Supporters of the past: viewed the past as
simpler and a better time to live
 Encouraged tradition but still did support
Writing and Music
Famous Writing of the Early 1800’s
 Victor
Hugo: Hunchback of Notre Dame
Poor individual fighting back against an unfair
 Mary Shelley: Frankenstein
Horror tales of good and evil
 Appealed
to hearts and souls of listeners
 Beethoven became famous during this period
Fall of Romanticism and Rise of Realism
Harsh working life and living conditions brought
down the positive mood of Romanticism
 Replace by Realism (Reality)
 Show
things as they really were
 Art was used to protest unfair social conditions
 Emile
Zola: book revealed harsh working conditions
and helped lead to new laws
 Charles Dickens: books on how people were
suffering from the industrial economy
Film and Photography
Creation of the camera changes art
 1827
first permanent photo
 Ability to capture real moments
Reaction against realism
 Impressionism:
used light and shimmering colors to
produce an impression of a subject or moment
(tried to stay more positive)