Nationalism and Imperialism

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After coming into class and quietly taking
your seat, take out your World History Binder
and turn to your Hey History! for today.
Topic: United We Stand?
On your own, take a minute to list as many
factors that might unite a group of people
and establish a nation.
In your groups, go around in a circle and have
each person state one of their factors, but it
has to be one that has not been said yet.
See who can be the last person to list an
original factor.
What factors do you think may have pushed
Italy and Germany toward Unification?
The French Revolution, a growing sense of
nationalism, economic improvements, and
the desire to gain power through expansion
are only some of the causes of Unification!
But how did they do it?
Person A and B, you will get Italy!
Person C and D, you will get Germany!
Work together to use your textbook for determining the
major events in each case that led to the Unification of each
Once you have determined your events, place them in a
sequence chart placing the events in order
Also, for each event, include a statement for how the event
helped the nation move toward Unification.
After you have finished your nation, work with your table
group to create a sequence chart for the other nation
Use the information you have gathered, and
work with your table group to record defining
facts about each person and event that led to
the eventual Unification of each country.
Use what you have learned today to see if
there is anything you can add to your
Vocabulary Awareness Chart!
Similarities and differences between the
unification process in Germany and Italy
Venn Diagram!
Read Chapter 16, sections 3-5
After coming into class and taking your seat
quietly, take out your World History materials
and turn to your Hey History! for the day.
Pick Up Box
Topic: Nationalism!!
Using your prior knowledge and critical
thinking skills, come up with your best
definition for nationalism.
Imagine that our school Haynes Academy
was a nation of its own… what type of
actions performed by your classmates could
or would be considered as nationalism?
Nationalism refers to the devotion for one's
own nation's interests over those of all other
Nationalism in the 1800s in Europe was
crucial to the development of prominent
Create a 2 column Chart on 2 pages…
(Tables 2-3) Austrian Empire: Revolt of 1848,
Ethnic Problems, Compromise of 1867, Dual
(Tables 4-5) Ottoman Empire: decline of the
Ottoman Empire by the 1800s, foreign influence in
the Balkan area, Balkan Wars, and the Balkan
(Tables 6-7) Russian Empire: Russification, Reforms
of Alexander II, Pogroms, Russo-Japanese War,
Revolution of 1905
Left Column: Name of Country, Name of each
Right column: Description of each topic
Leave some space between each topic, so you
can add other information if necessary.
Rotating Discussion…
Once you rotate, share your description of
the topics with your “new group members.”
Below the description for each topic, discuss
with your group members how the topic led
to the growth of nationalism. Record your
response under the description.
Look at the maps of Europe in 1815 and
Europe in 1915…
Write a summary of how the political
boundaries in Europe changed between 1815
and 1914.
Also, indicate which changes you believe were
the result of nationalism.
Skim over Chapter 17, look for words that are
in your Vocabulary Awareness Chart
Add information from Chapter 17 into your
Vocabulary Awareness Chart
Review/Complete Activities from this week if
you haven’t already (if you don’t you may
regret it)