Transcript Nationalism

 Nationalism
 Nation-state
Essential Question: How were European countries affected by
nationalism in the 1800’s?
Objective: Analyzing European nationalism with our list of key
characteristics of nationalism (from yesterday).
The belief that one’s greatest loyalty should be to a nation of people
who share a common culture and history
Not loyalty to a king or an empire
Pride for your country
Grew out of of the Enlightenment and French Revolution – stressed
equality and liberty
Unite with people of common culture and history
Gain independence from foreign rulers
1815 – Europe had several empire (Austrian, Ottoman) that included many
nationalities – very diverse
Nationalism ignited a number of revolutions
Greece, Latin American countries - successful
Goal of Nationalism – unify and gain independence for people with a
common national heritage
Each group of people should have its own country
Bonds That Create a
Culture: Jewish culture, bar mitzvah celebrations, kosher eating, etc.
Religion- Judaism
Nationality- Hebrew/Jewish people
Territory- Eastern Mediterranean Sea
Language- Hebrew/Yiddish
History- stories of Torah, enslavement in Egypt, exile, Holocaust
Analyzing the bonds that
create a Nation-State
Using page 254, write a definition of each bond.
Then provide an example for each.
Next, answer the following question:
Do you think nationalism has had more a positive or negative impact on
the world?
Positive Results
People within a nation overcoming their differences for the common
The overthrow of colonial rule
Democratic governments in nations throughout the world
Competition among nations spurring scientific and technological
Negative Results
Forced assimilation for minority cultures into a nation’s majority
Ethnic cleansing
The rise of extreme nationalistic movements, such as Nazism
Competition between nations leading to warfare
Nationalism Shakes Austiran Empires
How did nationalism impact the
Austrian Empire?
 Large multiethnic empire
with different pockets of
people: Slovenes, Hungarians,
Germans, Czechs, Slovaks,
Croats, Poles, Serbs, Italians
 Ethnic groups seek
independence and nationstate status
 Pressure eventually forced
split of Austrian empire into
Austria-Hungary (remember
this for WWI!)
Nationalism Shakes Aging Empires
Ottoman Empire
Ruling Turks, Greeks, Slavs, Arabs, Bulgarians, Armenians
Pressure forced all people to be equal
Conservatives unhappy, causes tensions
Armenians massacred and deported in response to nationalism
Bell Work
Which of the bonds that create nation-states do you think would be
the most influencing for people to unite? Explain.
Steps to Italian Unification
How was Italy affected by
Pre- unification: collection of
small city-states
Reasons to unify: common
culture, history and language;
shared geography; claim on land
formerly controlled by the
Italian Nationalist Leaders
King Victor
Emmanuel II
Giuseppi Garibaldi
The “Sword”
Count Cavour
The “Brains”
Giuseppi Mazzini
The “Heart”
German Nationalism
How was Germany affected by
Prussia makes claims on
resource-rich states to fuel its
professional military
German states brought together
by culture, language and history
Prussia seeks supremacy and
dominance over rival German
state of Austria
Steps to German
1) Prussia leads the way as the strongest of the 39 German States
2) Prussia and Austria went to war vs. Denmark to get two border
3) Seven Weeks War – Prussia vs. Austria – Prussia takes over
Northern states
4) Southern states join with Northern to fight France
5) King Wilhelm I of Prussia is Kaiser
Kaiser William/Wilhelm I
Chancellor Otto von Bismarck
“Blood and Iron”