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DNA: Silently complete
handout “North and South in
the Civil War” on the back
table (skip #3). Also, please
check the homework board!
Thank you!
Correct handout “North and
South in the Civil War.”
Accountability Paper
 Copy the whole thing by hand.
 When finished, quietly walk to the back
table and staple your hand-written copy on
the TOP to the photocopied sheet & put it in
your Core 3 tray.
 Sit quietly and read or sleep…or if you
haven’t finished all the work from last week
(check homework board) do it now!
 I will be fishing today so…you are warned!
The War Begins: NC Secedes
DNA: Read and complete the
handout titled “The War Begins,”
on the back table, to the best of
your ability. [15-20 minutes] You
may write on your copy.
------------------After 15-20 minutes, we will go
over this as a whole-class.
DNA: Correct “The War Begins” handout
Ch. 15 – The Civil War
 Essential Question: What factors and
events influenced the outcome of the Civil
 AIM: Students see the war unfold before
their eyes as they study the sequence of
battles, understand why battles were fought,
feel what it was like to be a soldier in the
Civil War, and remember facts about key
battles to understand the outcome of the
Civil War.
What you need to know about the
 Sequence of Battles/Events
 Purpose or reason why battles were fought
 Facts and outcomes about the Battles
List of Important Battles/Events
 Fort Sumter
 Bull Run/Manassas
 Monitor and Merrimac
 Shiloh
 Antietam
 Emancipation Proclamation
 Fredericksburg
 Chancellorsville
 Gettysburg
 Vicksburg and Port Hudson
 Sherman’s March
 Bentonville
 3 Big Battles for Richmond:
– Wilderness, Spotsylvania, and Cold Harbor
 Appomattox Courthouse
DNA – 3/29/2011
 Go see if any of the work on my back wall
is yours or not. I appreciate that some of
you want to help me decorate my room, but
please remember to put your name on your
assignment!!! Name it and give it to me!!!
 While you’re there, please get the handout
titled, “Creating a Civil War Game” from
the back table.
 Sit down and quietly read it. I will give you
more info in a bit.
The Civil War in Four Minutes
The War Begins
Early Battles
Jefferson Davis
Abraham Lincoln
Fort Sumter: April 12, 1861
 Head of the Rebels: Beauregard
 Head of the Union: Anderson
 Purpose: To secure a major port by the sea
 Outcome: Confederate victory
 Facts:
– First battle of the Civil War
– No casualties
– Prompted Lincoln to mobilize troops
 Have already seen video of this
Bull Run/Manassas: July 21st, 1861
 Purpose:
– Union---to go to Richmond, VA
– South---try to stop the Union from getting to VA
 Head of Rebels: “Stonewall” Jackson
 Head of Union: McDowell
 Outcome: Confederate Victory
 Facts:
– Showed that the war would be long and bloody
– 5,000 casualties for North
– Inexperienced troops on both sides
– Earned Stonewall Jackson as his nickname
General Thomas “Stonewall”
Bull Run/Manassas: July 21st, 1861
Video Clip:
 Gods & Generals: Scene #9 @ 36:45-52:20
(15 min.)
– For the “action” aspect
– Shows Thomas “Stonewall” Jackson
– Start at Thy Will Be Done & show until the end
of the war/scene
• “General, how is it that you can keep so serene?”
• End after this speech…
DNA – 3/31/2011
 Again, make sure you find your work on my back
wall if it’s yours. I appreciate that some of you
want to help me decorate my room, but please
remember to put your name on your assignment!!!
Name it and give it to me!!!
 While you’re there, if you didn’t get the handout
titled, “Creating a Civil War Game,” please get it
from the back table.
 If you missed yesterday, check the “missed work”
 Sit down and wait patiently for the next part to
begin…the Monitor & Merrimac.
Monitor (Union) & Merrimac (Confederacy)
Battle of the Monitor & Merrimac
March 9, 1862
Battle of the Monitor & Merrimac
March 9, 1862
 Purpose: Confederates tried to break the Union
 North = Monitor, South = Merrimac
 Outcome:
– The two battle for hours like heavy weights with no
real outcome. It was a draw!
 Facts:
– During battle, the South sank one ship, drove
another away, and forced a third to surrender.
– The South’s Merrimac was covered with iron plates
4 inches thick !
– Both built with low profile and lots of metal plating .
Battle of the Monitor & Merrimac
March 9, 1862
 Facts continued:
– Both meet up at Hampton Roads, Virginia
– Merrimac was hit—smoke and fumes in
engine room…over 100 degrees down
– South never mounts a serious attack on the
blockade throughout the war
– All fleets around the world become obsolete
– Begins a major arms race throughout the
Battle of the Monitor & Merrimac
March 9, 1862
 Show Ken Burns Video: Episode #2
– 14:06-20:38 “Ironclads” (6 min.)
• Also introduces Union General U.S. Grant
Shiloh (Place of Peace): April 6th, 1862
 Head of Rebels: Johnston and Beauregard
– Less than 30,000 troops
 Head of Union: Grant
– 42,000 troops
 Purpose:
– Union tried to take control of the Mississippi
 Outcome: Union victory
 Facts:
– 2,477 total dead
– Showed that the Union’s strategy to take
control of Mississippi might succeed
– Showed that the war would be deadly
General Pierre Beauregard
General Ulysses S. Grant
Shiloh (Place of Peace): April 6th, 1862
 Show Ken Burns Video: The Civil War
– Episode #2 @ 32:00-44:00 (12 min.)
Antietam: September 17th, 1862
 Head of Confederate Forces: Lee
 Head of Union Forces: McClellan
 Purpose: Confederates march on “the offensive”
into Maryland
 Outcome of the Battle: Union victory or draw
 Facts:
Union soldiers find Lee’s battle plans
Bloodiest single day battle in U.S. history
23,000 men die or are missing in 12 hours
15th Massachusetts has 50% killed or wounded
South loses 25% of its soldiers
General Robert E. Lee
General George McClellan
Antietam: September 17th, 1862
 Show Battlefield Detectives (45 min.)
Emancipation Proclamation
 DNA: Read and
complete handout on
the back table.
 When finished, silently
look over your answers
to make sure they are
correct! Hint Hint!!!
 Thank You!
Emancipation Proclamation
 On July 22, 1862, Lincoln showed a draft of the preliminary Emancipation
Proclamation to his cabinet. It proposed to emancipate the slaves in all rebel
areas on January 1, 1863. Secretary of State William H. Seward agreed with
the proposal, but cautioned Lincoln to wait until the Union had a major victory
before formally issuing the proclamation. Lincoln's chance came after the
Union victory at the Battle of Antietam in September of 1862. He issued the
preliminary Emancipation Proclamation on September 22. The proclamation
warned the Confederate states to surrender by January 1, 1863, or their slaves
would be freed.
 Some people were critical of the proclamation for only freeing some of the
slaves. Others, including Frederick Douglass, were jubilant. Douglass felt that
it was the beginning of the end of slavery, and that it would act as a "moral
bombshell" to the Confederacy. Yet he and others feared that Lincoln would
give in to pressure from northern conservatives, and would fail to keep his
promise. Despite the opposition, however, the president remained firm. On
January 1, 1863, he issued the final Emancipation Proclamation. With it he
officially freed all slaves within the states or parts of states that were in
rebellion and not in Union hands. This left one million slaves in Union
territory still in bondage.
Emancipation Proclamation
 Throughout the North, African Americans and their white allies were
exuberant. They packed churches and meeting halls and celebrated the news.
In the South, most slaves did not hear of the proclamation for months. But the
purpose of the Civil War had now changed. The North was not only fighting to
preserve the Union, it was fighting to end slavery.
 Throughout this time, northern black men had continued to pressure the army
to enlist them. A few individual commanders in the field had taken steps to
recruit southern African Americans into their forces. But it was only after
Lincoln issued the final Emancipation Proclamation that the federal army
would officially accept black soldiers into its ranks.
 African American men rushed to enlist. This time they were accepted into all-
black units. The first of these was the Fifty-fourth Massachusetts Colored
Regiment, led by white officer Robert Gould Shaw. Their heroism in combat
put to rest worries over the willingness of black soldiers to fight. Soon other
regiments were being formed, and in May 1863 the War Department
established the Bureau of Colored Troops. The proclamation allowed black
soldiers to fight for the Union -- soldiers that were desperately needed. It also
tied the issue of slavery directly to the war.
Comprehension Questions
In the opening paragraph, when did Lincoln warn the Confederate states to
surrender by?
Why were some people critical of the proclamation?
On January 1, 1863, Lincoln issued the final Emancipation Proclamation,
officially freeing “all slaves within the states or parts of states that were in
rebellion and not in Union hands.” However, this left about how many slaves
in Union territory still in bondage?
In the beginning of the Civil War, the North was mainly fighting to preserve
the Union. After Lincoln gave the Emancipation Proclamation, the purpose
of the war changed. What was the purpose of the Civil War now?
Could black soldiers enlist in the Union army before Lincoln issued the final
Emancipation Proclamation? Yes or No
The first Colored Regiment, the Fifty-fourth Massachusetts, was led by a
white officer named:
a) Frederick Douglass b)William H. Seward c) Abraham Lincoln d) Robert Gould Shaw
Emancipation Proclamation
 Definition: A law
issued by President
Lincoln on January
1, 1863, making
slavery illegal in
the Confederate
Purpose for giving the Address:
 Mid 1862-He believed the only way to win the
war was by broadening his goals
– Slavery must end, but to what extent?
 Did not want England and other countries entering
the war on the South’s side
– England ended slavery in the late 1700’s
 Did not want to upset slave owners in the Union
and Union held territory
 Believed it would give the slaves in the South
hope and get them to resist
Purpose for giving the Address:
 Lincoln was receiving political pressure as there
were no clear decisive military victories
 Waited for a Union Victory to announce plan
– Antietam
– Was it really a Union Victory?
Emancipation Proclamation
 Facts:
 The Emancipation Proclamation made
slavery illegal in the 11 rebelling Southern
states, but it left slavery in place in the
states that had stayed loyal to the Union.
 However, this did not mean slaves were free
in the Union or Union held territory.
Emancipation Proclamation
 Free the Slaves!
 Video Clip: “The People Speak”
– (listen to and watch DVD)
– Provide students with handout
Fredericksburg: December 11-15, 1862
 Head of the Rebels: Lee
 Head of the Union: Burnside
 Purpose: Union again attempts to go to
Richmond and take the South’s capital
 Outcome: Confederate victory
 Facts:
One of the worst defeats of the war for the Union
Battle of the Irish Brigades: N vs. S
5 day battle—13th was the main battle
13,000 Union Casualties
5,000 Confederate Casualties
General Robert E. Lee
General Ambrose Burnside
Fredericksburg: December 11-15, 1862
 Gods and Generals: Show Video (28 min.)
– Disc #1—Ch.24-26 (1:38:52-1:52:30)
– Disc #2—Ch.27-30 (0:00-14:20)
Chancellorsville: April 30-May 6, 1863
 Head of the Rebels: Lee and Stonewall Jackson
 Head of the Union: Gen. “Fighting Joe” Hooker
 Purpose: Gen. Hooker from the Union tries to
outflank Lee and defeat the South in Virginia
 Outcome: Confederate victory & perhaps Lee’s
 Facts:
– Numbers: North-115,000 & South-60,000
– Tactics: General Lee divided his forces several times
to confuse the Union and he did
– "Casualties” = dead or wounded
• North 17,000 + South 13,000 = 30,000 total !!!
Stonewall Jackson…DEAD!!!
 Facts continued:
– Costly battle for South as Stonewall Jackson is shot
by “friendly fire” on May 2nd around 9:00pm
– He dies the next day from the wounds @ 3:15pm
– Stonewall was Lee’s right hand man
– Extremely costly to the South
– Causes Lee to retreat into Pennsylvania
 Gods and Generals: Show Video (22 min.)
– Disc #2 – Ch.46-48 (1:10:46 – 1:27:37)
[ SKIP Ch.’s 49 & 50 ]
– Disc #2 – Ch.51 (1:37:40 – 1:42:30) Jackson’s death!
Listen to 4 songs
Music Day
Do Now Activity: Introduction
 Music can foster a deeper
understanding of the attitudes,
values, and issues of an era. This
often-overlooked perspective will be
featured in today’s lesson on
differing attitudes toward the Civil
 But first, define what these 3 words
mean to you by writing your
“perspective” on paper.
– Attitudes, Values, and Issues - ???
Differing Attitudes Towards the
Civil War:Tapping into the “Musical-Rhythmic”
intelligence of students.
Response Group Activity
 AIM: Students will
listen to and analyze
the lyrics of 4 songs
to determine how
Southerners, AfricanAmericans, and
soldiers on both sides
all perceived the war
from differing
Group Arrangements
---------- Roles ---------1.
1-Presenter, 3-Writers
All students will be responsible for recording
answers during group discussion.
Each group will have 5 minutes to discuss the
4 critical thinking questions.
We will then move on to the next song.
After all songs are finished, we will have a
whole-class discussion. (presenters)
Song #1-4: Critical Thinking
 From who’s viewpoint or perspective do you think
this song is from?
– Northerner’s, Southerner’s, African-American’s, or
 What part do you think captured the attitude of the
chosen side’s perspective best?
 What part do you think captured the values of the
chosen side’s perspective best?
 What part do you think captured the issues of the
chosen side’s perspective best?
Whole-Class Discussion
 Ask presenters from 2 or 3 groups to
share their answers.
 What is the writer’s message in each of
these songs?
 How do you think different perspectives
and time changed people’s attitudes toward
the war?
 How did the songs reflect these changes?
The "Marching Song"
 “The Marching Song of the First Arkansas
Colored Regiment” is one of the few Civil Warera songs inspired by the lyrical structure of "The
Battle Hymn of the Republic" and the tune of
"John Brown's Body" that is still performed and
recorded today.
 The "Marching Song" has been described as “a
powerful early statement of black pride, militancy,
and desire for full equality, revealing the
aspirations of black soldiers.”
Do Now Activity
Read handout “The North Takes
Charge” and be prepared to answer
questions about it!
The North Takes Charge
A Turning Point in the War
Battle of Gettysburg: July 1st - 3rd, 1863
 Purpose: Lee tries to rampage through
Pennsylvania and go to Washington
 Head of the Rebels: Lee
 Head of the Union: Meade
 Outcome: Union victory
 Facts:
– This battle is the turning point of the war
– 23,000 Union Casualties
– 28,000 Confederate Casualties
– The Union wins the battle at a grave cost for
both sides: over 50,000 dead or wounded
Battle of Gettysburg: July 1st - 3rd, 1863
 Facts continued:
– Lasted 3 long and bloody days
– Cripples the South so badly that it would never recover
from the loss
– Also shatters the South’s morale
 Key skirmishes that the South loses:
– Little Round Top (Day #2)
– Pickett’s Charge (Day #3)
Battle of Gettysburg: Little Round
Top & Pickett’s Charge
 Little Round Top
 Take the “high-ground”
 Reader’s Theater handout
 Pickett’s Charge – 3rd Day of Battle
 Show video Battlefield Detectives, Ch.4 (38:00-43:52)
 The Confederates “KEY mistake was…”
 Show Video: “Gettysburg”
 Pickett’s Charge (40 min)
Battles of Vicksburg and Port Hudson
Battles of Vicksburg and Port
Hudson: May - July, 1863
 Purpose: The Union, led by Gen. Grant,
unleashes the Anaconda Plan to try to (1) split
the south in two, (2) control the Mississippi,
and (3) cut off the Confederacy’s trade with
 Outcomes: Both Union victories
 Facts:
– Union General Winfield Scott’s Anaconda Plan
is put into effect!
– Enlarge the picture to the right…
Why Vicksburg?
Anaconda Plan
Siege of Port
 Reading Handout
– Why did the
Union seize Port
Hudson in
Why Port Hudson?
 Control of the Mississippi River was important to both sides during the
American Civil War. The North wanted to control the river and split
the Confederacy in two. The South wanted to maintain control and
ensure the flow of supplies back and forth across the river. Confederate
control of the Mississippi was soon was in jeopardy. The Mississippi
was the primary route for the shipment of supplies from Texas to the
heartland of the Confederacy.
 The bluffs near the small town of Port Hudson represented a perfect
site for the river batteries. These bluffs were the first high ground
upstream from Baton Rouge and overlooked a severe bend in the river.
This bend presented an additional obstacle for Union warships. They
constructed a series of river batteries along the bluffs and, in the
months that followed, built a 41/2-mile line of earthworks to protect
the land approach to the river batteries.
Why Port Hudson continued
 On the morning of May 27, and again on June 14, the Union army
launched ferocious assaults against the 41/2-mile-long string of
earthworks protecting Port Hudson. These actions constituted some of
the bloodiest and most severe fighting in the entire Civil War.
 As the siege continued, the Confederates nearly exhausted their
ammunition and were reduced to eating mules, horses and rats. When
word reached Confederate Commander Franklin Gardner that
Vicksburg had surrendered, he realized that his situation was hopeless
and nothing could be gained by continuing the defense of Port Hudson.
Surrender terms were negotiated, and on July 9, 1863, after 48 days
and thousands of casualties, the Union army entered Port Hudson. The
siege became the longest in American military history.
Why Port Hudson Questions:
Answer the reading comprehension
questions as a class.
The Gettysburg Address
November 19th, 1863
 DNA: Silently complete questions #1-4 on
handout of the Gettysburg Address.
 We will complete #1-14 on the back as a
class today.
– So don’t worry about those right now!
Gettysburg Address
November 19th, 1863
 Purpose: Abraham Lincoln helped the
nation realize that it was a single nation,
not just a collection of states.
 Facts:
 Was a dedication to the soldiers who died in
the Battle of Gettysburg…at the new
Gettysburg Cemetery.
 See handout for more facts…
Gettysburg Address
November 19th, 1863
 Get together with a partner.
 Complete #1-14 on the back.
 In 10-15 minutes we will correct them.
– Work quietly and efficiently! Thank you!
Gettysburg Address
November 19th, 1863
 Show Video Clip: “The People Speak”
– Read the Gettysburg Address (follow along)
Reconstruction Era Begins
 December 8th, 1863
 Lincoln issues the Proclamation of
Amnesty and Reconstruction, offering
pardons to Confederates who take a loyalty
– It basically outlined a path by which each
southern state could rejoin the Union.
Letters Home from the Soldiers
Dear Mother and Father,
I am still in the land of the
Hardships of War
 Letters Home from the Soldiers
– Listen to/watch readings from “Civil War
Minutes” DVD
– Ken Burns: Episode #2
• 27:39-32:00 ---“Our Boy” (5 ½ min.)
 Think about what you’ve read and heard.
– Technology…Home life…Camp life…
– Write your own letter home describing what
life is like as a Civil War soldier, on either side.
Question: What would you write
to loved ones if you were in the
army and far away from home?
 Think about what you would write if you were a soldier.
Would you write about guard duty? Army food? Camp
life? The battles? What would you miss the most if you
were far away from home? How about a favorite food like
pizza? One may not be available if you are far away from
home, maybe even in another country. It makes you
appreciate the pizza shop near your home!
 Write a letter to a relative or friend using as many Civil
War words and phrases as you can.
A General Takes Command
Ulysses S. Grant - Grant is appointed in early
1864 as head Commander of all Union armies after
his win at Vicksburg. General McClellan is fired!
Early 1864: Grant after Vicksburg…
 Grant’s plan was to destroy Lee’s Army in
Virginia while Sherman raided Georgia
 Tactics:
– Attack constantly
– Engage in total war against civilians, as well as
the military
 His Generals:
– Sheridan
– Sherman
Sheridan in the Shenandoah
Valley: 1864
 Grant sends Sheridan into Virginian
farmland to destroy farms, the land, and the
 Sheridan
is successful!
William Tecumseh Sherman
Sherman’s March from Atlanta to the Sea
 Purpose:
– Destroy the will of Southerners to fight by
unleashing “total war” against the Confederacy
 Outcome:
– Was a success for the Union!
 Facts:
– These tactics included:
Engage in total war
Destroy civilian property
Rip up railroad tracks
Live off of the land
 Show Video: “Sherman’s March”
Film Overview
 Sherman's March focuses its attention on Sherman, his friendship with
Grant, the march, and the men who followed him, we get a fairly
balanced view of what Sherman did, who he was, and why he did it.
To Northerners, Sherman was the savior, but to Southerners, he was
the devil himself.
 Viewed as one of history's most controversial military campaigns,
Gen. William T. Sherman's infamous march through the South, cut a
path of widespread devastation and brought an end to the Civil War.
The documentary comes to life through personal accounts of soldiers,
ordinary citizens and Sherman himself, thought to be one of the
greatest military strategists ever. This program vividly captures his
historic march to the sea, starting in Atlanta and ending in Savannah.
 Sherman marched 60,000 troops 650 miles in less than 100 days. With
most southern men away at war, Sherman brought Georgia to its
knees by burning the countryside and crippling its economy. One can
argue about the ethics behind his choice (Lincoln didn't approve), but
one can't argue that it helped end the war sooner and that it saved
thousands of lives on both sides.
90 min.
Hero or Monster?
What was General William
Sherman's legacy after the
Civil War--hero or monster?
How did he he treat his
former soliders?
From "Sherman's March.“
Video Clip (2:34)
Lincoln is Reelected in 1864
 Lincoln vs. George McClellan
– Lincoln at first thought he would never be reelected
– McClellan was willing to restore slavery if
peace could be achieved
– Lincoln wins as a result of
Sherman’s & Sheridan’s success
– The Vote is close (see map)
Electoral Vote
Union & Confederate Calvary
 Read and complete handout “Union &
Confederate Calvary.”
 March 5-8, 1865
Battle of Bentonville: March 19-21, 1865
Battle of Bentonville: March 19-21, 1865
 Purpose: The Union tried to break
through the Confederacy’s defense
 Outcome: Union victory
 Facts:
– This battle was part of Sherman's Carolinas
Campaign that occurred after the capture of
Savannah, Georgia in late December 1864.
– Antietam=US, Bentonville=NC
– Bentonville was the last major battle to
occur between the armies of (N) Sherman
and (S) Johnston.
Battle of Bentonville: March 19-21, 1865
 Read and complete handout “Treatment
of the Wounded at the Battle of
Three Big Battles for Richmond, VA
 Purpose: Grant attempts to capture
Richmond, VA
 Head of the Confederacy: Lee
 Head of the Union: Grant
 Outcome: Union Victory
 Facts:
– These battles took place at the Wilderness,
Spotsylvania, and Cold Harbor in one
month’s time. (May-June, 1864) [-30 days]
Three Big Battles for Richmond, VA
 Facts continued…
– Was known as Grant's Overland Campaign
– Grant had lost 60,000 dead or wounded
– South has its army shredded
– Grant finally takes Lee at Petersburg near
Richmond on April 2, 1865.
Head General Robert E. Lee
Head General Ulysses S. Grant
Three Big Battles for Richmond, VA
Appomattox Courthouse
April 9th, 1865
Appomattox Courthouse
April 9th, 1865
 Purpose: Get General Lee to surrender and
end the Civil War
 Head of the Confederacy: Lee
 Head of the Union: Grant
 Outcome: Union Victory in the Civil War!!!
 Facts:
– Lee’s soldiers were paroled and sent home
with their:
• Personal possessions, horses, and food rations
• Officers were permitted to keep their side arms
Video Time!!!
 Show Video
 America: The Story of Us
 Episode: The Civil War
– Length (45 min.)