Transcript Document

Ancient Egypt
How big is Egypt
• Egypt is exactly 1,001,450 km2 wow
that is 386,649 miles.
• People throughout history have lived
along the rive Nile because the land
from under is rich because the land
around the river Nile is thirstily so
they con make crops.
The 2 kingdoms of ancient Egypt
• Egypt is a big county in Africa
The two kingdoms
• Lower Egypt
• Upper Egypt
What is a pharaoh is
• A pharaoh is a king that rules Egypt
• He ruled over the Egyptian people
Life after death
• The Egyptian liked life so much they wanted to live on
• Ancient Egyptians believed the pyramid would keep the dead body safe in the after life
• A mummy is placed in a funerary temple along with there belongings for the afterlife
• The large temple buildings were made of stone so that
they would last forever. Their walls were covered with
scenes that were carved onto the stone then brightly
painted. These scenes showed the pharaoh fighting in
battles and performing rituals with the gods and
Discovering the past
• The are so important because the treasure and the history in he ancient Egypt life