Standard 10.1 Development of Western political thought

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Transcript Standard 10.1 Development of Western political thought

Development of Western political
• 1. Name at least one contribution to
democratic ideas by the Greeks, Romans,
and the Judeo-Christian tradition.
• 2. What are the characteristics of a
republic and a direct democracy?
• 3. What form of government (ideal ruler)
did Aristotle, Plato, and Socrates each
10.2 Enlightenment: Glorious Revolution of
England, the American Revolution, and the
French Revolution
• 1. Philosopher: Political Ideas: Name at least
one Enlightenment idea that each philosopher
contributed and include at least two quotes for
• Locke
• Montesquieu
• Rousseau (what is the social contract)
• Hobbes
• Baccaria
• Wollstonecraft
• 2. What is the significance of the Magna
Carta? What does "no taxation without
representation," mean? What did the
English Bill of rights do in 1689?
• 3. What are the differences between the
Three Estates of France?
• 4. What are the main ideas in the
Declaration of the Rights of Man and the
Citizen 1789?
• 5. What were the goals of the Congress of
• 6. What was the reason for the Reign of
Terror? What was wrong with the
• 7. Why did Napoleon take over France in
• 8. Why did Monarchies fear Napoleon and
• 9. What were Simon Bolivar’s political
ideas? What Revolution inspired him?
What continent did he try to free from
Spain's control?
10.3 Industrial Revolution in England, France,
Germany, Japan, and the United States.
• 1. Why was England the first country to
• 2. What impact did the Industrial
Revolution have on cities? Describe
• 3. What inventions were instrumental in
spreading industrialization? What was the
result of Eli Whitney's interchangeable
• 4. What is Romanticism? It relies on which
of the following?
• a. science
• b. emotion
• c. reason
• d. religion
• 5. What did Marx believe about economic
• 6. Who was Adam Smith and what were
his economic ideas?
• 7. Which invention freed factories from
being located near river for power? What
was the fuel that was needed?
• 8. Describe the difference between the
cottage system and the factory system.
How is each worker paid?
• 9. Charles Dickens’s books were known
for what topics?
• 10. What were the goals of labor unions
during the 1800’s?
• 11. What do the Textiles industry create?
• 12. What is the difference between the
Cottage Industry and the Factory System?
• 13. Why did people leave farms for the
cities? How had farms changed during this
10.4 New Imperialism
• 1. What is imperialism and who were
Europe’s greatest imperial powers? Why
did Europeans want to make colonies?
• 2. What is Social Darwinism and what did
it justify?
• 3. Who is Sun Yat-Sen and what is his
• 4. What were the positive and negative
effects of Imperialism?
10.5, 10.6,
Students analyze the causes and effect of
the First World War.
• 1. What region was known as the “powder
keg” of Europe? Why?
• 2. What were the three major battle fronts
of World War I?
• 3. What type of warfare brought World War
I to a stalemate? Describe a stalemate.
• 4. Why did the United States enter World
War I?
• 5. What was the Armenian genocide?
• 6. What caused Russia to withdraw from
the Great War? Once Russia quit it
allowed Germany to send troops to what
• 7. After WWI France and Great Britain
wanted Germany to fully accept….
• 8. Which weapon from WWI was
eventually banned in the 1920’s?
• 9. “Lost Generation” writers were inspired
by what? What is disillusionment?
• 10. President Wilson’s 14 Points helped to
create what organization?
• 11. Why did countries form the Triple
Alliance? Who were the members?
• 12. How would propaganda portray
enemies? What kind of atrocities would be
• 13. After the Ottoman Empire (Middle
East) was defeated, who took over their
• 14. What were U-Boats and why did the
British Navy want to stop them?
• 15. What countries were created by the
division of Austria-Hungary after WWI?
End of WWI
• 1. What were the differences between the
Treaty of Versailles and the Fourteen
Points? Who created each?
• 2. Why was the generation after World
War I considered “lost?”
Rise of Totalitarian govt’s
• 1. What are the characteristics (traits) of a
totalitarian government?
• 2. What kind of leadership did Russia have
before the revolution?
• 3. What type of government system did
the Soviet Union establish?
• 4. Who were the fascist rulers of Germany,
Italy, and Japan?
• 5. How did Stalin come to power? (page
• 6. What was Stalin’s Command
economy? (page 396)
• 7. What was the Great Purge? (page 397)
• 8. What was the Five-Years Plan? What
was it trying to accomplish?
• 9. How did Ukrainians respond to
Collectivization? What did Stalin do?
What was Terror Famine?
• 10. What was the Cheka? Who created it
and what was it used for?
• 11. Hitler, Stalin, Tojo, and Mussolini were
all what type of ruler?
10.8 Causes and consequences
of World War II
• 1. Who were the major aggressor nations
of the 1930’s and how did they build their
• empires? Example: Invasion of
Manchuria in 1931.
• 2. How did Britain and France appease
Hitler? (appeasement)
• 3. What was the Nazi-Soviet
Nonaggression Pact of 1939?
• 4. What were the stages that led to the
Holocaust? (Hint: were Jews thrown in
death camps first?)
• 5. Describe Kristallnacht 1938.
• 6. What country was invaded that started
• 7. Who was the leader of Great Britain
during WWII?
• 8. What ISM did Hitler use to gain support
among German people?
• 5. What country was invaded that started
WWII? What is the capital of Russia?
What is the capital of Poland?
• 6. What was the result of the Yalta
Conference in 1945?
10.9 Post- World War II. Cold
• 1. What was the Cold War?
• 2. What did the “iron curtain” represent?
• 3. What was the purpose of the Truman
Doctrine and the Marshall Plan?
• 4. What happened to the Czechoslovakia
after WWII? Who controlled them?
• 5. What was the Domino Theory?
• 6. How did Mao Zedong come to power?
What are his political beliefs?
• 7. What were Mao’s Great Leap Forward
and Cultural Revolution?
• 8. How did Stalin treat the Eastern Block
countries of Poland, Hungary, and
• 9. What are the similarities and differences
between the wars in Korea and Vietnam?
• 10. After World War II the international
community attempted to solve its problems
using: Describe each below
• United Nations
• Warsaw Pact (who is their enemy?)
• NATO (who is their enemy?)
• 9. What is a “Push factor.” What is a “Pull
• 10. What is the main function of the UN
Security Council?
• 11. How did Poland resist the Soviet Union
during the 1980’s
• 1. Describe in one paragraph the conflict
in the Middle East regarding the creation
of Israel. Name at least 3 wars and one
peace agreement.
• 2. When was Israel created? What was
the response by their Arab neighbors?
• 1. Where are the OPEC nations located?
• 2. What are some of the problems
associated with the growth of the world
• 3. What are the characteristics of a Third
World country?
• 4. How has technology impacted world
• 5. Where does most manufacturing take
place in the world today?
• 6. Why are rivers important to trade even
today (2011)?