Chapter 14 PP

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The Age of Faith
A Spiritual Revival in the
Chapter 14 Section 1
Causes and Effects
• Causes:
– Vikings and other invaders raided western
Europe and destroyed monasteries and
centers of learning- New monasteries
were built with the idea of reform.
• Effects:
– New religious orders of monks spread the
ideas of reform- devotion and reverence
to God, restored and expanded Pope’s
Main Problems in the Church
1. Illiterate Priests
2. Popes with questionable morals
3. Bishops and abbots cared more
about their Feudal duties than the
4. Priests with wives and children
5. Simony- bishops selling positions
6. Lay investiture
Reforms and Church
1. Popes Leo and Greg- enforced laws
against simony and married priests
2. Restructured
1. Resembled a kingdom
2. Papal Curia- the pope’s group of advisors
1. Acted as a court
2. Developed Canon law
3. Tithes
a. 1/10 of the yearly income
b. Used to perform social services- hospitals
The Crusades
The Crusades
1. Social- stop attacks, reclaim Palestine
for Christians
2. Political- get rid of knights who
threatened peace in the kingdoms
3. Economic- younger sons of knights
seeking fortunes, cash loans to
finance the journey, control of trade
1. 1097- three armies of knights and people
gathered outside Constantinople- not
prepared for climate and had no plan, no
2. 1099- army of 12,000 managed to capture
Jerusalem and a small strip of land
3. 1144- Muslims captured a key city- 2nd
Crusade began
4. 1187-Jerusalem captured by Saladin
1. Three Kings- Phillip II (France),
Barbarossa (German Emperor)
and Richard the Lionhearted
(England) --- arguments and
death left Richard alone
2. Saladin- Kurdish Warrior and
Muslim leader- admired by
many westerners
3. Result-Truce in 1192 Jerusalem
under Muslim control, but
unarmed Christians could visit.
The Crusading Spirit Dwindles
A. Causes- 4th Crusade failed, looting of
Constantinople by knights, religious
spirit faded- most were out for their
own gain.
B. The Children’s Crusade
1. French-led by a 12 year old, 30,000
2. Germany- 20,000 children
3. Results- many died from cold or
starvation, lost at sea, sold into slaveryonly 2,000 returned home
The Spanish Crusade
1. 1100’s-Muslims (Moors) controlled
much of Spain
2. Reconquista- long effort to drive out
3. 1492- Ferdinand and Isabella gain
control of Grenada (island) – the last
Muslim controlled territory
Spanish Inquisition
1. To unify Spain and increase their
power I and F used the court of the
church to suppress heresy
2. Heretics- people who’s religious
beliefs differed from the Roman
Catholic Church (Muslims and Jews)
3. 1492- all Jews and Muslims were gone
from Spain
Effects of the Crusades
1. Women-chance to manage estates or
operate businesses
2. Merchants- expanded trade- imported
spices, fruits, and cloth
3. Pope- weakened his power and noblesincreased the power of kings
4. Muslims- intolerance and prejudice of
Christians left a legacy of bitterness and
hatred- still in effect today
5. Jews-time of increased persecution in
Europe and poor relationships in Muslim
Jerusalem in the
Middle Ages
The town and monastery
reached the height of their
glory when in Vézelay St.
Bernard called for the Second
Crusade, in an oration heard
by King Louis VII of France and
a great number of nobles on
March 31, 1146. Vézelay was
also the site of the rendezvous
between kings Philippe IV of
France and Richard I of
England as they embarked on
the Third Crusade.
The Formation of Western
Changes in Medieval Society
Chapter 14 Section 1
A Growing Food Supply
Switch to Horsepower
• In the past - farmers
used oxen (not real
• Switched to horses
that could do 3 times
as much work in the
same amount of
• Harness was
Three Field System
• In the past – used a
two-field system,
where they only used
50% (1/2) of their land.
• The three-field system
allowed farmers to use
67% (2/3)of their land,
thereby producing
The Guilds
Definition –
organization of
individuals in the
same business who
work together to
improve economic
and social
conditions for it
Functions of the Guild
1) Set standards of
2) Train Apprentices
3) Carried goods to
local regions
Guilds Con’t
Examples of Guilds
Wine makers
Glass makers
To be a member
– Started as an
– Moved to a
– Become a MASTER
• “Masterpiece”
Commercial Revolution
Expansion of TRADE and
Commercial Revolution
Fairs and Trade
Took place mainly in
Peasant from manors
would travel to buy,
sell, and trade
Items: cheese, bacon,
wine, glass, salt,
leather, dyes, knives,
ropes, honey
Crusades opened up
trade routes
Business and Banking
1) Due to the mass
travel or merchants
and traders checks
and credit became
a means of moving
2) Lending also
became prevalent
Effects of the Commercial
1) Increased the power of the king
2) More money was available for building
3) Workers were paid for labor
Urban Life
• Population began to grow.
• Towns were small, but there were lots
of them.
• Towns were FILTHY.
• People were not content to live on the
manor, so they moved to towns.
Revival of Learning
• Result of the Crusades
• Muslims were very educated
– Aided with the writing of the Greek philosophers
• Vernacular – Common language of a place
or region
• Scholastics – men who studied together at
the great universities
• Thomas Aquinas – Argued for religious ideas
that could be proved with logic, favored the
England and France
Chapter 14 Section 3
• For Centuries: Anglos and Saxons invaded
England and stayed creating the AngloSaxon culture
• 800’s= Vikings were turned back by King
Alfred the Great who named the territory
• 1016= Danish King united Vikings and AngloSaxons into one people
• 1042- King Edward the Confessor took the
• 1066= Edward died without an heir
The Norman Conquest
“the last invasion”
• William the Conquer- cousin of Edwardinvaded and claimed the throne
• Harold Godwinson- Anglo-Saxon who also
claimed the throne
• Battle of Hastings- At stake was whether
Normans of Anglo-Saxons would rule
England Result: Harold died…. William
• William took England’s land, kept 1/5, and
divided the rest (feudalism)
Goals of English Kings
1. Hold and gain French lands
– Marriage- Henry II married Eleanor of
Aquitaine *** This made him a king and a
vassal to the French King***
2. Strengthen their power over nobles
and the church
Juries and Common Law
• King Henry II
– Sent judges to all parts of England
• Collect taxes
• Settle law suits
• Punish crime
Juries and Common Law (Cont.)
Introduced juries to English courts
• 12 loyal neighbors of the accused
• Answered questions about the crime
• Only could be used by the royal courts
*Formed Common Law – jury decisions formed
a unified body of law that are still the basis
for laws in most English speaking countries
Leading up to the Magna
• Henry II- Richard the Lionhearted-John
Softsword-Edward I
• John lost Normandy, took away town
charters, alienated the church, and
raised taxes…. taxation without
• Nobles revolted and forced him to sign
the Magna Chart on June 15, 1215!
The Magna Charta
• Guaranteed certain political rights
– No taxation without representation
– A jury trial
– Equal protection under the law
• Intended to defend the rights of Nobles
• In time extended to all citizens
More Steps Toward
• Edward I needed more money- raise taxes
• Called knights, lords, bishops, and burgesses
(people with wealth) from all over England
in November 1295 to form the Model
• 1300s-1400s- Parliament divided into two
houses (Lords and House of Commons)
served to check the king’s power and
strengthen democracy
The Capetians in France
• Capetian Dynasty began when the last
Carolingian (remember Charlemagne) died
and Hugh Captet took over France.
• Capetian rulers secured French unity and
increased their power over 300 years.
• Phillip II (Remember the Crusader who
fought with Richard) – sought to weaken
English Kings’ power in France- succeeded
under John (remember the Softsword)-
Democracy in France????
• Phillip created courts in France
• Henry IX (Phillip’s grandson) created a
French appeals court- strengthened his
• Phillip IV- began to call members of society
(including commoners) together to make
decisions and gain support for his policies:
forming the Estates General
– First Estate = Church Leaders
– Second Estate = Nobles
– Third Estate - Commoners
Conflict and Disaster
Chapter 14 Section4
The Church Divided
The 100 Years’ War
The Bubonic Plague
A Church Divided The
Great Schism
CAUSE: Thru a series of situations the Roman Catholic
Church ended up with two popes. (One in Italy and the
other in France)
The division (or schism) was over which one should be the
This weakened the power of the church (Lost some of
their credibility.)
John Wycliffe
1. Who – English preacher
2. Stated – “Jesus Christ was the head
of the church, not the Pope.”
3. His complaint – Church was worldly,
and pope had too much authority
The Hundred Years’ War
• Lasted from 1337 – 1453
• Fighting was off and on, not
• Who: England v. France
• Central Issue: The Throne of France
• Weapon that altered everything was
the longbow
The Hundred Years’ War Con’t
• Longbow – “The Machine Gun of the
Middle Ages”
– English developed it
– Description: about 6 feet tall, cheap to
make, easy to carry
– Lethal Aspects: Accurate to about 200
yards, average archer could shoot about
14 arrows per minute
– The French were still using crossbows,
which made the battles even more
The Hundred Years’ War Con’t
• French Heroine
– Joan of Arc – French Teenager
– Background – Had visions that she should
lead the French Army
– The Army followed her, and won several
battles, and guided the French to victory
– Condemned as a witch, and burned at
the stake
Impact of the Hundred Years’ War
Nationalism emerged in the two
Power of the French monarch evolved
English suffered internal turmoil
The Bubonic Plague
In the stomach of the fleas
Fleas to Rats
Rats to Fleas
Dirty People in Dirty Towns
Trade Routes and Trade Ships
Fleas / Animals
Fluids (like blood)
The Bubonic Plague Con’t
• When: 1300s
• Where: Europe, Asia, North Africa
• “Fathers and mothers refused to nurse or
assist their children.”
• “Black Death” – B/C of the bluish/black
spots that developed on the victim’s skin
• Followed the trade routes from the east
• 75% of those who caught the disease
The Bubonic Plague Con’t
The Bubonic Plague Con’t
• Symptoms of the Black Death
Painful boils on the skin (armpits & groin)
Black and Purple Spots on the skin
High fever, chills, delirium
• Effects of the Black Death
50+ million dead
Population reduction
Trade went down
Contributed to the ending of Medieval Society