Diapositiva 1

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Transcript Diapositiva 1

The ‘’Mediterranean Diet’’ is a blend of dietary cultures from approximately 14
countries surrounding the Mediterranean Sea, including Italy, France, Greece,
Spain and Portugal.
The diet is based on high amounts of :
These three types of food are diffused thanks to the typical mild Mediterranean
climate which favours its growth.
The Mediterranean Diet is very healty. In fact there are some benefits that the
Mediterranean-style eating includes, like lower risks of heart disease and cancer,
as well as an extended lifespan.
Another extremely important ingredient for
the Mediterranean Diet is the olive oil.
The olive oil is used for seasoning salads, to flavor a variety of foods
or to store vegetables in jars. It is also suitable for frying.
It is recommended for its wealth of monounsaturated fatty acids
and also for the benefical capacities due to the presence of
antioxidants. It also has properties to fight cholesterol.
The Mediterranean Sea is full of swordfishes, anchovies, lobsters,
mussels , clams and bluefishes.
For this reason, the Mediterranean Diet is wealth of fishes and
molluscs. Fishes are among the most healtful elements of the diet
The quality of fats and proteins contained in fishes are far superior
to that contained in the meat. In addiction, this food provides a
very low content of cholesterol, except for crustaceans
The fatty acids contained in fish have a beneficial effect on
cardiovascular health and visual functions.
The Mediterranean diet has been declared
intangible heritage of UNESCO in 2010 in
Nairobi, Kenya, because it is considered a
cultural heritage to be safeguarded