Standard 5
The student will demonstrate knowledge of ancient Greece in terms of
its impact on Western civilization by:
a. Assessing the influence of
geography on Greek economic,
social, and political development,
including the impact of Greek
commerce and colonies
• Geography
o Physical Features
• Balkan, Peloponnesus
• Europe, Asia Minor
• Mediterranean Sea
• Black Sea, Dardanelles
o City-States
• Athens, Sparta, Troy
o Macedonia
• Economic and Social
o Agriculture, lack of arable land
o Commerce and the spread of
Hellenic culture
o Shift from barter to money
economy (coins)
• Political Development
o Mountainous terrain led to
development of city-states
o Greek cities were designed to
promote civic and commercial life
o Colonization related to
overpopulation and search for
arable land
Standard 5
The student will demonstrate knowledge of ancient Greece in terms of
its impact on Western civilization by:
b. Describing Greek mythology
and religion
• Greek Mythology
o Polytheistic
o Explanations of natural
phenomena, human qualities,
and life events
• Gods and Goddesses
o Zeus, Hera, Apollo, Artemis,
Athena, and Aphrodite
o Symbols and images in Western
literature, art, and architecture
Standard 5
The student will demonstrate knowledge of ancient Greece in terms of
its impact on Western civilization by:
c. Identifying the social structure
and role of slavery, explaining the
significance of citizenship and the
development of democracy, and
comparing the city-states of
Athens and Sparta
• Greek Polis
o Free males were citizens with
political rights and a
responsibility to participate in
o Women, foreigners, slaves had
no political rights
• Athens
o Stages in evolution of Athenian
• Monarchy
• Aristocracy
• Tyranny
• Democracy
o Tyrants who worked for reform
• Draco, Solon
o Origin of democratic principles
• Direct democracy. Public
debate, duties of the citizens
• Sparta
o Oligarchy
o Rigid social structure
o Militaristic and aggressive society
Standard 5
The student will demonstrate knowledge of ancient Greece in terms of
its impact on Western civilization by:
d. Evaluating the significance of
the Persian and Peloponnesian
• Peloponnesian War 431-404
• Persian Wars 499- 449 B.C.E.
o United Athens and Sparta
against the Persian Empire
o Athenian victories left Greeks
in control of Aegean Sea
• Battle of Marathon
• Battle of Salamis
o Athens preserved its
independence and
continued innovations in
government and culture
o Caused in part by competition
for control of the Greek world
• Delian League- Athens
• Peloponnesian LeagueSparta
o Resulted in slowing of cultural
advance and the weakening
of political power
o Sparta “wins”
Standard 5
The student will demonstrate knowledge of ancient Greece in terms of
its impact on Western civilization by:
e. Characterizing Athens during
the Golden Age of Pericles
• Extension of
o Most adult males had an equal
• Pericles rebuilt Athens
after destruction of
Persian Wars
o Parthenon
f. Citing contributions
• The Arts
o Drama: Aeschylus, Sophocles
o Poetry: Homer
• The Iliad and The Odyssey
o History: Herodotus,
o Sculpture: Phidias
o Architecture: Columns
• Doric, Ionic, Corinthian
o Science: Archimedes,
o Math: Euclid, Pythagoras
o Philosophy: Socrates, Plato,
Greek Columns
Standard 5
The student will demonstrate knowledge of ancient Greece in terms of
its impact on Western civilization by:
e. Characterizing Athens during
the Golden Age of Pericles
• Extension of
o Most adult males had an equal
• Pericles rebuilt Athens
after destruction of
Persian Wars
o Parthenon
f. Citing contributions
• The Arts
o Drama: Aeschylus, Sophocles
o Poetry: Homer
• The Iliad and The Odyssey
o History: Herodotus,
o Sculpture: Phidias
o Architecture: Columns
• Doric, Ionic, Corinthian
o Science: Archimedes,
o Math: Euclid, Pythagoras
o Philosophy: Socrates, Plato,
Standard 5
The student will demonstrate knowledge of ancient Greece in terms of
its impact on Western civilization by:
g. Explaining the conquest of
Greece by Macedonia
• Phillip II
o King of Macedonia
o Conquered most of Greece
• Left weak from
Peloponnesian wars
• Alexander the Great
o Established an empire from
Greece to Egypt and the
margins of India
o Extended Greek cultural
g. And the formation and
spread of Hellenistic culture by
Alexander the Great
• Hellenistic Age
o Blend of Greek, Persian, and
Indian elements
o Spread of Hellenistic culture
through trade
Ancient Rome
700 B.C.E- 500 C.E.
Standard 6
The student will demonstrate knowledge of ancient Rome from about
700 B.C.E. to 500 C.E. in terms of its impact on Western civilization by:
a. Assessing the influence of
geography on Roman economic,
political, and social development
• Location
o Centrally located in the
Mediterranean basin
o distant from eastern
Mediterranean powers
• Physical Features
o Italian Peninsula
o Alps mountains
• Offered protection
o Mediterranean Sea
• Offered protection
• Sea-borne commerce
b. Describing Roman mythology
and religion
• Mythology
o Based on Greek polytheistic
o Explanation of natural
phenomena, human qualities,
and life events
• Gods and Goddesses
o Jupiter, Juno, Apollo, Diana,
Minerva, and Venus
o Symbols and images in
literature, art, and architecture
Standard 6
The student will demonstrate knowledge of ancient Rome from about
700 B.C.E. to 500 C.E. in terms of its impact on Western civilization by:
c. Explaining the social structure
and the role of slavery,
significance of citizenship, and the
development of democratic
features in the government of the
Roman Republic
• Social Structure
o Patricians
• Powerful nobility
o Plebeians
• Majority of the
o Slaves
• Not based on race
• Citizenship
o Patrician and plebian men
o Selected foreigners
o Rights and responsibilities of
• Taxes
• Military service
• Features of
Representative Democracy
The Senate
Twelve Tables (Codified laws)
Standard 6
The student will demonstrate knowledge of ancient Rome from about
700 B.C.E. to 500 C.E. in terms of its impact on Western civilization by:
d. Sequencing events leading to
Roman military domination of
Mediterranean basin and Western
Europe and the spread of Roman
culture in these areas
• Punic Wars
o Rome vs. Carthage 264- 146
• In competition for trade
• Hannibal invaded Italian
• Three wars = Roman victory
o Destruction of
o Expanded wealth and
trade for Rome
• Evolution of the Roman
Empire and spread of
Roman Culture
o Mediterranean basin
• Africa, Asia, Europe,
including Hellenistic world of
the Eastern Mediterranean
o Western Europe
• Gaul, British Isles
Standard 6
The student will demonstrate knowledge of ancient Rome from about
700 B.C.E. to 500 C.E. in terms of its impact on Western civilization by:
e. Assessing the impact of military
conquests on the army, economy,
and social structure of Rome
• Decline of the Roman
o Spread of slavery
• Causes farmers to go into
o Migration of small farmers into
cities and unemployment
o Civil war over the power of Julius
o Devaluation of Roman currency
• inflation
f. Assessing the roles of Julius and
Augustus Caesar in the collapse of
the Roman Republic and the rise
of the imperial monarchs
• First Triumvirate
o Julius Caesar
• Seizure of power
• assassination
2nd Triumvirate
o Augustus Caesar
• Civil War with Marc Antony
• Rome’s 1st Emperor
• Empire
o Unified and enlarged using
imperial authority and the military
o Failure to provide for peaceful
succession of Emperors
Standard 6
The student will demonstrate knowledge of ancient Rome from about
700 B.C.E. to 500 C.E. in terms of its impact on Western civilization by:
g. Explaining the economic,
social, and political impact of
the Pax Romana
• The Pax Romana
o Two centuries of peace
and prosperity under
imperial rule
o Expansion and solidification
of Roman Empire
• Particularly in the Near
• Economic impact
o Established uniform system of
• Which helped to expand
o Guaranteed safe travel and trade
on Roman roads
o Promoted prosperity and stability
• Social impact
o Returned stability to social classes
o Increased emphasis on the family
• Political
o Created a civil service
o Developed a uniform rule of law
Standard 6
The student will demonstrate knowledge of ancient Rome from about
700 B.C.E. to 500 C.E. in terms of its impact on Western civilization by:
h. Describing the origin, beliefs,
traditions, customs, and spread
of Christianity
• Origins
o Roots in Judaism
o Led by Jesus of Nazareth
• Proclaimed Messiah
o Conflicted with Roman
polytheistic beliefs
• Beliefs, traditions, and
customs and Christianity
o Beliefs
• Monotheism
• Jesus
o Son and incarnation of
• Life after death
o Holy Book
• New Testament
o Christian doctrine established by
early church councils
• Spread of Christianity
o Popularity of the message
o Early martyrs
o Carried by apostles throughout
Roman Empire
Standard 6
The student will demonstrate knowledge of ancient Rome from about
700 B.C.E. to 500 C.E. in terms of its impact on Western civilization by:
i. Explaining the development
and significance of the Church
in the late Roman Empire
• Impact of the Church
of Rome in the late
Roman Empire
o Emperor Constantine
converted to Christianity
o Christianity later became
the state religion
o The Church became a
source of moral authority
o Loyalty to the Church
became more important
than loyalty to the emperor
o The Church became the
main unifying force of
Western Europe
Standard 6
The student will demonstrate knowledge of ancient Rome from about
700 B.C.E. to 500 C.E. in terms of its impact on Western civilization by:
j. Listing contributions
• Art/Architecture
o Pantheon, Coliseum, Forum
• Technology
o Roads, Aqueducts, Roman
• Science
o Ptolemy
• Medicine
o Emphasis on public health
• Pubic baths, public water
system, medical schools
• Language
o Latin, Roman languages
• Literature
o Virgil The Aeneid
• Religion
o Roman mythology
o Adoption of Christianity
• Law
o Principle of innocent until proven
• Twelve Tables
Standard 6
The student will demonstrate knowledge of ancient Rome from about
700 B.C.E. to 500 C.E. in terms of its impact on Western civilization by:
k. Citing the reasons for the
decline and fall of the Western
Roman Empire
• Causes
o Geographic Size
• Difficulty of defense and
o Economy
• Cost of defense and devaluation
of Roman currency
o Military
• Inclusion of mercenaries
o Moral decay
• People’s loss of faith in Rome and
the family
o Political
• Civil conflict, weak administration
o Invasion
• Attacks on the borders,
• Division of the Roman
o Move of capital by
Constantine from Rome to
• Renamed Constaninople
o Survival of Western Roman
Empire until 476 C.E.
• Last Roman emperor
o Eastern Roman Empire
• Byzantine Empire
Review Games!
• Greece- Battleship
• Rome- Flashcards
• SOL Questions #32- 78