Transcript World War I

World War I
Use your self produced outline to find the
answers to these questions
Mexican guerilla leader who led raids
into the United States
Pancho Villa
Mexican general who seized power
from Madero and whom Wilson
wished to overthrow
Victoriano Huerta
Archduke of Austria-Hungary,
assassinated in Bosnia
Franz Ferdinand
Germany, Austria-Hungary, and Italy
Triple Alliance
France, Great Britain, and Russia
Triple Entente
In the Caribbean, Wilson followed
Roosevelt’s example and sent marines
Haiti, Nicaragua, and the Dominican Republic
When Germany sank the Lusitania,
Sent diplomatic notes to Germany
Before the outbreak of World War I,
European nations
* became industrialized and sought colonies
* had experienced fifty years of general peace
* began a great arms race
The nation that had the most effective
propaganda to influence Americans
• Great Britain
The Central Powers included all of
these nations EXCEPT
Austria – Hungary
Section II
German foreign minister who sent
note to Mexico to form GermanMexican alliance
• Arthur Zimmerman
Secretary of war under Wilson
Newton D. Baker
United States commander and leader
of American Expeditionary Force
• John Pershing
Nickname for American soldiers
• doughboys
American colonel who led U.S. soldiers
in France
• Charles E. Stanton
By reactivating its submarines in 1917,
Germany violated the…
Sussex Pledge
The Treaty of Brest-Litovsk ended the
military effort against Germany by…
• Russia
The Selective Service Act provided for
• Draft
During World War I, African Americans
• Discriminated against in every branch
To combat German submarines, the
allies used
• Depth charges
• “sub – chasers”
• destroyers
Section III
Wall Street stockbroker who led War
Industries Board
• Bernard Baruch
Journalist who headed Committee on
Public Information
• George Creel
Bought by children to support war
• War Savings Stamps
Raised more than $20 billion for war
• Liberty Bonds
Wilson’s goals and objectives
• Fourteen Points
The American people sacrificed and
conserved for the war effort by…
• Meatless Tuesdays
• Wheatless Mondays
• Victory gardens
The Espionage and Sedition acts came
into conflict with
• Freedom of speech
The Fourteen Points proposed
• Diplomacy
• Disarmament
• Freedom of the seas
The war provided an opportunity for
significant economic improvement to
• Women
• African Americans
• Labor Unions
War fever led to mistreatment of
• German Americans
Section IV
Attorney general who rounded up 6,000
immigrants suspected of being
• A. Mitchell Palmer
Organization that practiced racial
• Ku Klux Klan
Prohibited manufacture, sale, or
transportation of intoxicating beverages
• 18th Amendment
Granted women the right to vote
• 19th amendment
Work stoppage in sympathy with
striking shipyard workers
• Seattle General Strike
The leaders of the United States, Italy,
France, and Britain who met to forge a
peace treaty were known as
• The Big Four
The League of Nations was opposed
primarily by
• Senate Republicans
Especially hard hit by the economy
after the war were American
• farmers
Massachusetts governor Calvin
Coolidge called out the state guard to
repress a strike by
• Police
The “Red Scare” evidenced Americans’
fear of
• Labor leaders
• Immigrants
• Political Radicals