Chapter 7 Overview

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Chapter 7 Overview
*Republican Thomas Jefferson defeats Federalist
John Adams in the Election of 1800 and ultimately Aaron
Burr in the House of Representatives
*Jefferson is inaugurated in March of 1801
*He stresses the need for limited central government and
more power in the hands of the states--he also pushes
Republican emphasis on agriculture, low tariffs, strict
Construction, and a French alliance
*During Jefferson’s first term, a supreme court
case called Marbury vs. Madison established
the judicial branch as a truly equal third
branch of government– the ability to rule that
laws might be unconstitutional became an
additional check and balance (judicial review)
*The Louisiana Purchase doubled the size of
the United States for merely $15 million
*The Lewis and Clark Expedition, with major
help from Sacagawea, gathered tons of new
information on soils, plants, animals, Native
Americans, and waterways--Americans
became eager to move and settle west!
*France and England were once again at each
other’s throats- the U.S. was trying to remain
*England began impressing U.S. sailors, while
pirates held ships for ransom
*Congress and Jefferson tried the Embargo Act
and the Non-Intercourse Act as avenues of
neutrality, but the War Hawks called loudly for
war after Tecumseh unified the Indians with
the help of the British
*New England Federalists opposed war and
wanted a friendly reunion with the British for
industrial trade purposes
*President James Madison decided to ask to go
to war against England--the United States
would become unified in the war effort
Effects of the War
• National pride and patriotism
• Self-sufficient manufacturing
• Weakened Native resistance