Transcript File

Appeals to a persons sense of wanting to
belong. People are encouraged to follow
along, join the group, be “in” and NOT out, get
on board the train…
 Everybody is saving money with Geico. Why
aren’t you?
 None of my other math teachers give as
many assignments as you do.
Appeals to the use of specific words to evoke
emotion: joy, fear, happiness, pity. Can be both
positive and negative
 L’Oreal – because you’re worth it!
 Subway- Eat Fresh!
 Donate to a cause- abused animals…
 The Senator is such a snake in the grass.
Appeals to the use of a statistics even though
they may be used improperly, BUT may not
have actual numbers- (more, less, graphs…)
 9 out of 10 dentists recommend it Colgate
 …growing, Longer, Fuller, Darker lashes
 With brand X, you get more for less money
Focuses on competitors shortcomings instead of a
product or candidates strengths, often using
derogatory terms.
Calling competitors bad names; or using images to
show you are better than the other brands
 Does your DSL leave you hanging on the line?
Why settle for less? Switch to Comcast highspeed internet.
 Tide is better than any other detergent.
 Bounty v. the leading competitor…
Uses ordinary folks- moms, dads, babies… to
sell the product by claiming to relate to
everyday people.
 Like a good neighbor, State Farm is there.
 Pampers, breakfast foods, snacks…
 Unless it’s a celebrity or animated character,
it’s probably using plain folks who are meant
to look at the average person like you and
Uses high class products or names to push
you to make a purchase and/or appeals to
your sense to be smarter, richer, or in some
way, better than the average.
 Think luxury and sophistication- ball gowns
and fancy suits…
 BMW, Mercedes, Lexus, Audi, Fiat…
 Choosy mothers choose Jif.
Appeals to the use of a person of power or
 Michael Jordan wears Nike (and Hanes)
 Beyonce- “Got Milk?”
 Regular person who used a product and
claims the benefits
 Dr. Smith loves to use his Camry to take long
road trips! He even says, “I would rather not
drive than drive something other than my
Connects feelings about one item to another
through comparison.
 Using sex appeal to sell things- chips,
burgers, cars, clothes, air freshener, ice
• John Kerry (2004 presidential candidate) is a
freak/monster like Frankenstein
 Pick a product. It can be real or made-up
 Think about what kinds of people the product would be
sold to determine target audience
 Think about what kind of persuasive device would help
sell the product to those people
 Create an ad for your product using at least 3 of the
persuasive devices
- Create a “pitch” to sell your advertising campaign to the
producers of your product
- Include where your ad will appear (T.V., radio, Internet,
magazine…) as well as who is your target audience
- Practice presentation skills so you are sure to make good
eye contact, use appropriate volume, pronounce words
MUST write the following on presentation paper for posting on
1) Name of product with a description
Raisin Bran, cereal
2) Target audience
older people wanting to eat healthy
3) Intended Mode of Advertisement
TV and internet
4) Create an advertisement with a memorable slogan
using 3 propaganda devices and describe it on your paper
Older couple eating breakfast after a jog talk about how much
more energy they have since they switched from their old brand
cereal where the raisins were hard to find- “2 scoops of raisins in
every bowl”
Plain folks, loaded words, name-calling, misuse of statistics
 Get 3 note cards or similar size paper (cut it!)
 Identify 3 slogans or advertisements as you go
through your day: on radio, billboard, TV…
 SIDE 1: Identify the name of the company and product. Write
the slogan and a brief description of the advertisement
Jif peanut butter
“Choosy moms choose Jif”
SIDE 2: Identify and write the primary persuasive device used
snob appeal
*Loaded words can NOT be used– ALL ads use them, so find
3 DIFFERENT devices [do NOT repeat the focus device]