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Latin America
• Haiti (French Colony) inspired by
“Liberty, Equality, Fraternity”
• 1791 Slave Revolt
• Toussiant L’Ouverture—ex-slave
became a leader and freed the
slaves on the island of Hispaniola.
French eventually captured and
imprisoned him (died in 1803)
South America
• Simon Bolivar—wealthy Creole
in Venezuela who helped
Venezuela declare
independence from Spain
• Russia in 1800’s: still struggling
with its identity; struggled with
the challenges of
modernization; wanted to rid
country of serfdom because it
was a major hindrance to
Russia cont…
• 1853—Czar Nicholas I
attempted to take over part of
the Ottoman Empire in the
Crimean War.
• Problem: Russia was not
modernized/advanced enough to
challenge the Ottoman Empire
Russia cont…
• Alexander II—made it his
mission to modernize and
advance Russia
• Greatest accomplishment was
emancipating the serfs in 1861
• Alexander II was assassinated
in 1881
Russia cont…
• Alexander III—determined to
expand the planned reforms of
his predecessor. By now,
nationalism-pride and loyalty
towards Russian people, was a
major factor in Alex. III plan
Russia cont…
• Started a program called
“Russification”—a plan to unite all
Russian people (Russian language,
church, etc.) harsh measures were
used to force people to comply
• Jews were often targeted. Their
lands and businesses were seized
and they were forced into ghettos
and were eventually massacred in
the pogroms
• Mostly a German speaking
kingdom, but there were other
ethnic nationalities living there.
• Hoped that by uniting Austria
and Hungary and the many
nationalities it would make it a
much more powerful nation
Austria-Hungary cont…
• 1867 Francis Joseph (Emperor
of Austria) proclaimed a dual
monarch Austria-Hungary. The
2 empires were technically
independent states in terms of
parliaments, but Joseph was
ruler of both
Austria-Hungary cont…
• Two sides were supposed to
compliment each other and make the
empire one of the strongest in
Europe. Empire definitely one of the
largest, but ironically the
nationalism that united the empire
eventually destroyed the empire and
it officially disbanded at the end of
• Formed as a result of
nationalism. Movement was
known as Risorgimento in Italy
(resurgence of nationalism
which led to the unification of
Italy cont…
• Italy in 1815
• North controlled by Austria
• Spain controlled Sicily and
South mainland
• Pope controlled most lands
around Rome
Italy cont…
• 1832 process begins to unite
due to nationalism
• Giuseppe Mazzini (26 years
old)—Young Italy—no one older
than 40 . Nationalist Group
Italy cont…
• 1848—year of many revolutions
throughout the Italian peninsula
• Most of the revolutions failed
• One success story was in
Sardinia where the 1848
revolution had brought a liberal
Italy cont…
• 1852: Sardinia’s King Victor
Emmanuel II named Camillo di
Cavour as Prime Minister
• Cavour will be able to expand
Sardinia’s power and influence
and became an instrumental
leader in Italian unification
Italy cont…
• Process of unification
• 1: To secure the north he had to
remove Austrian influence—he
allied w/France and the 2
defeated Austria—they received
everything but Venetia
Italy cont…
• 2: The south was secured by
Giuseppe Garibaldi and the Red
Shirts. Garibaldi secured Sicily
and then the southern mainland.
Garibaldi then united the
southern regions w/the kingdom
of Sardinia
Italy cont…
• 3: Venetia was incorporated in
1866 when they (Italy) sided in
the Seven Weeks War
Italy cont…
• 4: Papal States—lands governed
by the Pope—Rome came under
Italian control. Rome became
the capital. The Pope refused
to surrender the lands
immediately surrounding his
home and those lands became
known as Vatican City
Problems with
• Rivalries btwn industrial
north/agricultural south
• Different dialects
• Economic problems—strikes,
riots, heavy taxes=poor country
German Unification
• Prussia will lead the way
• Process:
• 1-N. German Confederation created at
the Congress of Vienna
• 2-Zollverein (economic union) created in
• 3-Wilhelm I became king of Prussia in
1861; appointed Otto von Bismarck as
Prime Minister
• Wilhelm and Bismarck supported by the
Junkers (wealthy Landowners
German Unification
• 4-Bismarck’s strategies:
• Realpolitik
• 3 wars used to unite Germany
Bismarck’s Plan
• Realpolitik—”Realistic Politics”
do whatever is necessary
• 1-increase the army
• Reduce Austria’s influence
• Unite the rest of the German
states under Prussian rule
• Use 3 wars to accomplish plan
3 Wars
• Danish War: (Used to set Austria up)
Prussia fought the Danes because
they ruled over the territories of
Schleswig and Holstein. Schleswig
had large German population.
Prussia persuaded Austria to fight
against the Danes (Denmark). After 3
months, Denmark surrendered and
Prussia convinced Austria to let tem
have Schleswig and Austria took
3 Wars cont…
• 7 Weeks War: (Used to eliminate
Austria) Prussia made alliances with
everyone to isolate Austria. Prussia
invaded Holstein and got Austria to
declare war on Prussia. Austria lost.
Prussia got Holstein, Italy got
Venetia, and Austria removed from
the North German Confederation.
3 Wars cont…
• Franco-Prussian War: Used to
complete unification and bring in S.
German states
• France worried that a Hohenzollern
would take throne of Spain to
surround France. Meeting took
place. Bismarck altered a telegram
insulting the French.
3 Wars cont…
• Franco-Prussian War: The
French declared war on Prussia.
The Fr. Would march through
the south to get to Prussia—so
the S. German states had to
unite w/Prussia
• Unification complete 1871!!!
3 Wars cont…
Wilhelm I = Kaiser
Bismarck = Chancellor
Berlin = Capital
German Empire had a
constitution w/democracy!!!