Blank Jeopardy

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Transcript Blank Jeopardy

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What processes help form
igneous rocks?
What is the hardening of
magma or lava.
What starts the change
from an igneous rock to a
sedimentary rock?
What is weathering.
What igneous rock has tiny
holes formed by gases escaping
from the lava as it cools
and floats?
What is Pumice.
Give an example of an
igneous rock.
What is Pumice, Granite, Obsidian,
Basalt, or Gabbro.
Describe the rock cycle.
What is the ongoing Earth
processes that change rocks
from one kind to another
over time.
What are rocks?
What is Earth materials
made of one or more
What processes help form
sedimentary rocks?
What is weathering and
erosion,as well as depositing
and sticking together of
What processes help form
sedimentary rocks?
What is weathering and
erosion,as well as depositing
and sticking together of
Give an example of a
sedimentary rock.
What is Conglomerate,
Limestone, Sandstone,
or Shale.
How do fossils form?
What is organisms die and
are quickly buried by sediments.
When the sediments harden, the
remains are trapped and preserved
in Earth’s rocks.
What is one thing that can
change a rock to a
metamorphic rock?
What is heat and pressure.
How is a mineral different
from a rock?
What is a mineral is a
natural solid that has crystal
shapes and a rock is made
up of one or more minerals.
Metamorphic rocks can be
formed from any kind of rock.
What is TRUE. They can
be formed from sedimentary,
igneous, or even other
metamorphic rocks.
Give an example of a
metamorphic rock.
What is Marble, Schist, Slate,
Gneiss,or Quartzite.
One way scientist classify rocks
is by how they formed. Choose
one type of rock and explain how
you think it might have formed.
What is:
Sedimentary-pieces of minerals
stick together
Igneous- mixtures of minerals
harden to form crystals
Metamorphic-existing rocks are
changed by heat and pressure
Matter is…
What is anything that takes
up space and has mass.
Explain the meaning of mass, how
you would measure it, and
what tools you might use to do so.
What is the amount of matter
something has. You would use
a pan balance.
What is volume? Also tell how you
would measure it and what tools
you might use to do so.
What is the amount of space
matter takes up. You could use a
ruler or a graduate depending on
whether you are finding the volume
of a solid or liquid.
What is density?
What is the comparison of the
amount of matter of an object to
the amount of space it takes up.
You could use a calculator or
paper/pencil to divide the rock’s
mass by its volume.
Explain conduction and
give an example.
What is the movement of heat
through matter as particles bump
into each other. (a cold spoon
becomes warm/hot when placed in
hot chocolate.
Name the layers
of the Earth.
What is the
Name the four tests for
a mineral.
What is streak, hardness,
luster, and color.
Name the hardest and
softest mineral.
What is diamond is the
hardest and talc is the
softest mineral.
Explain the formation
of crystals.
What is crystals are formed
as melted rock cools. The
more slowly the material
cools, the larger the crystals
are that form.
Name at least five ways rocks
are used in our daily lives.
What is jewelry, coins, metal
objects, electric wire, pencil
lead, table salt, matches,
statues, sidewalks, etc.