Topic: Conjugating –ar verbs

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Transcript Topic: Conjugating –ar verbs

Topic: Conjugating –ar verbs
Essential Question: How do I converse correctly
using –ar verbs in the present tense?
Gramática 2.2
Español 1
Key Terms
Subject – WHO or WHAT the sentence
is about
◦ Felix listens in class.
Verb – The action of a sentence
◦ Felix listens in class
Infinitive – The original form of a verb,
without a subject, ends in –r in Spanish
◦ escuchar – “to listen”
◦ trabajar – “to work”
Making Connections:
What’s wrong with these sentences?
I’m happy that I
speaks Spanish.
Señorita Spetly
teach Spanish at
They are not grammatically
correct because the verbs
Making Connections:
I’m happy that I
speak Spanish.
Señorita Spetly
teaches Spanish at
Now the sentences are
grammatically correct
because the verbs are
CONJUGATED correctly
according to the subject.
What is conjugation?
Conjugating a verb is the process of
changing the verb ending so that it
AGREES with the subject.
◦ I speak Spanish.
◦ She speaks Spanish too.
Conjugating in Spanish
In Spanish, there are three types of verbs
◦ --ar verbs (hablar, estudiar, etc.)
◦ --er verbs (comer, beber, etc.)
◦ --ir verbs (escribir, compartir, etc.)
Regular verbs are conjugated the same
way according to the type of infinitive
(see above)
Conjugating –ar verbs in the present
The present tense verb conjugations
show that an action is happening NOW.
◦ Estudio español.
 I study Spanish.
 I am studying Spanish.
 I do study Spanish
Subject pronouns – REVIEW:
Yo – I
Tú – You (familiar)
Él – He
Ella – She
Usted – You (formal)
Conjugation Table
Singular forms of verbs
Conjugating –ar verbs in the present
Here’s how you form the present tense of
verbs that end in –ar:
1. Start with the infinitive  hablar
2. DROP the –ar  habl
3. ADD the appropriate ending (according to
the subject)
Yo hablo
Tú hablas
Él/ Ella/ Usted habla
What are the conjugations?
 Yo  add o
 Yo hablo español. (hablar)
 Yo escucho la música de Drake.
 Yo tomo apuntes en clase. (tomar)
 Yo dibujo en la clase de arte. (dibujar)
What are the conjugations?
 Tú
 add as
 Tú hablas español.
 Tú escuchas la música de Drake.
 Tú tomas apuntes en clase.
 Tú dibujas en la clase de arte.
What are the conjugations?
 Él, Ella, Ud.
 add a
 Srta. Spetly habla español.
 Antonio escucha la música de Drake.
 Ella toma apuntes en clase.
 Usted dibuja en la clase de arte.
Conjugate ‘estudiar’
Yo –
Tú –
Elena –
Yo estudio
Tú estudias
Elena estudia
Conjugate ‘contestar’
Tú (informal) –
Él –
Usted (formal)
Conjugate the verbs in the paragraph:
Hola, me llamo CiCi. Yo (hablar) _1._ español
en mi clase.Yo (tomar) _2._ apuntes todos los
días y siempre (escuchar) _3._ a la maestra. En
mi clase de español, mi amigo Danilo
(contestar) _4._todas las preguntas. ¿Y tú,
(estudiar) _5._ español también?
 Now, translate
the paragraph in