Arizona Quitline Strategies and Healthcare

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Arizona Quitline Strategies
for Healthcare
Rebecca “Bec” Ruiz-McGill
May 2, 2005
AZ Smokers’ Helpline a service funded by the Arizona
Department of Health Services and a part of the
University of Arizona College of Public Health
Data Mining
Helpline collects data with contact
information on anyone who calls for self or
Mined data for healthcare agents who had
called for resources for their patients.
Built a relationship database which would
track these core agents and any new
agents added.
Relationship Marketing
Developed marketing strategy to increase
referrals from these agents.
Tracked efforts to recruit new agents to
refer clients to the Helpline.
Tracked number of referrals, materials
mailed or contacts.
Coupled effort with Healthcare Partnership
Training Unit and community-based efforts
System for Tracking Referrals
Developed Proactive Referral System:
The vehicle is a fax which provides a
clearer system for tracking the # of
referrals received by agent or agency.
Strategic partners include
GlaxoSmithKline and the healthcare
providers they market to as well Mayo
Clinic and other medical groups and
And the numbers say…..
Began tracking 12/30/2002. Data from
12/30/2002 to 6/30/2003 showed 226
proactive referrals received.
FY 03-04 shows 1,261 proactive referrals
Data which tracks how clients heard of
services shows referrals from healthcare
providers has increased from 8% FY 9899 to 30% FY 03-04.