Arizona Quitline Strategies and Healthcare
Transcript Arizona Quitline Strategies and Healthcare
Arizona Quitline Strategies
for Healthcare
Rebecca “Bec” Ruiz-McGill
May 2, 2005
AZ Smokers’ Helpline a service funded by the Arizona
Department of Health Services and a part of the
University of Arizona College of Public Health
Data Mining
Helpline collects data with contact
information on anyone who calls for self or
Mined data for healthcare agents who had
called for resources for their patients.
Built a relationship database which would
track these core agents and any new
agents added.
Relationship Marketing
Developed marketing strategy to increase
referrals from these agents.
Tracked efforts to recruit new agents to
refer clients to the Helpline.
Tracked number of referrals, materials
mailed or contacts.
Coupled effort with Healthcare Partnership
Training Unit and community-based efforts
System for Tracking Referrals
Developed Proactive Referral System:
The vehicle is a fax which provides a
clearer system for tracking the # of
referrals received by agent or agency.
Strategic partners include
GlaxoSmithKline and the healthcare
providers they market to as well Mayo
Clinic and other medical groups and
And the numbers say…..
Began tracking 12/30/2002. Data from
12/30/2002 to 6/30/2003 showed 226
proactive referrals received.
FY 03-04 shows 1,261 proactive referrals
Data which tracks how clients heard of
services shows referrals from healthcare
providers has increased from 8% FY 9899 to 30% FY 03-04.