10. - Search-Advertising
Transcript 10. - Search-Advertising
eMarketing: The Essential Guide to Marketing in a Digital World
Search Advertising
What you’ll learn
• How to put together a search advert
• How to target your search ad at relevant users
• The process of bidding on key phrases and how this affects
your ranking
• How to plan, set up and run your own search advertising
What is search advertising?
Also called pay-per-click (PPC) advertising, is a
way to advertise your business or product directly
From text adverts to rich media banners to
video adverts
Search advertising generates 95% of
Google’s revenue
What search ads look like
Search advertising is keyword based
Adverts are displayed when potential
customers are already expressing intent –
they are searching for a product or service
Advertisers present their offering to a
potential customer who is already in the
buying cycle
How to structure an advertising campaign
Who is the market leader?
Google AdWords is the best known and is
considered the industry standard.
• Transact in the currency of your choice
• Comprehensive analytics tool
• Offers training programmes and
• Has the best contextual and geographical
targeting worldwide
Search ad structure
• Heading
• Two lines of advert copy.
• Sometimes shown on one line.
• www.DisplayURL.com
• Ad extension
Writing great ad copy
Great ad copy is the only tool available to attract
attention, convey a message and entice action.
• Understand the searcher’s intent and
keywords used to find your brand
• Use compelling and well-crafted CTAs
• Use offers and benefits
70% of searches are unique
• Most searches are unique
• Not much competition
• Cheaper to bid on
• Could yield high conversion rate
What is the long tail?
• Longer, more detailed search
• Show very clear intent
• Low volume but highly
Keyword strategy
Which is more important?
High volume of traffic (but less qualified)
= Broad, general keywords
Highly-qualified leads (but lower volume)
= Long-tail keywords
What is a display URL?
A URL for show, not the actual URL, also called a
vanity URL.
• The display URL must be the same
domain as the destination URL.
• Google will show only one advert per
• For example:
Display URL: www.brand.com/offer
Destination URL:
Landing pages
The page that the user reaches by clicking on an
advert is called a landing page.
Landing pages can make or break an
advertising campaign
Campaigns that convert
• Make sure that users land on a page
relevant to their search
• Use a very visible Call to Action
Ad extensions
Google offers several ways to
add value or information to
search adverts - ways to extend
the ad
Ad extensions
Location extensions:
Call extensions:
Social extensions:
Ad extensions
Seller ratings:
Ad extensions
Offer extensions:
Image extensions:
How do I target my ads?
Search adverts are targeted in a variety of ways,
depending on how you want to reach your
1. Keyword match types
2. Language and location targeting
3. Behavioural and demographic
How do I target my ads?
Keyword match types
• Broad match
• Broad match modifier
• Phrase match
• Exact match
• Negative match
How do I target my ads?
Language and location targeting
• Geo-targeting
• User’s location and region (down to
postal code)
• User’s set language
How do I target my ads?
Behavioural and demographic targeting
• Target users who were previously
on your site
• User browsing behaviour
• User demographics
Bidding and ranking
Search ads are charged on a per-click basis. The cost is determined by
a variety of factors, and is based on a bidding system.
• Run as an auction model
• Advertisers place bids to appear based on
certain criteria
• The advertising platform determines when
adverts are eligible to appear
• The advertiser pays the advertising
platform when their advert is clicked on
Conversion and clickthrough rates
Adverts nearer the top of the page attract the highest clickthrough rates.
Competition can be fierce and the cost per click very high.
Ads at the top of the page generally:
• Are very relevant to a user’s search query
• Consistently perform well, with high CTRs
over time
• The CPC bid is competitive and outbids
other ads of the same quality
How do clickthroughs and conversion rates work?
Conversion – took
action on the website
Conversion Rate =
Conversions / Clicks %
Click – clicked on the
Clickthrough Rate =
Clicks / Impressions %
Impression – ‘’saw’’
the advert
Setting campaign goals
You need to know the value of each conversion. If the value of a
conversion is less than the cost of achieving it, you effectively lose
money with every conversion.
How bidding works
Each advertiser will pay the bid of the advertiser below him,
plus a standard increment (typically $0.01), for a click on their advert.
AdWords Quality Score
As well as your bid, the search
engine will take other factors
into account. For Google
AdWords, this is known as
Quality Score.
AdWords Quality Score
Quality Score is determined by:
• The relevance of the keyword to the
search term.
• The relevance of the advert copy to the
search term.
• The relevance of the landing page to the
search term.
• The historic CTR of that advert.
Conversion tracking enables campaign reporting all the way
through conversion.
Types of tracking:
• Tracking pixels
• Tracking tags
• Third-party tracking
• Pay-per-click tracking
• Google Analytics
Planning and setting up a campaign
1. Do your homework
2. Define your goals
3. Budget, cost per action (CPA) and
4. Keyword research
5. Write the adverts
6. Place your bids
7. Tracking
8. Measure, analyse, test, optimise!
Why search ads are a great part of a
digital marketing strategy
• No to low cost barrier
• Tracking every cent
• Targeted advert placement
• You’re giving your customers what they
• Click fraud
• Bidding wars and climbing CPCs
• Keeping an eye on things
Who does it well?
‘Sister Act’ on Broadway increased online ticket sales by
using entertainment-focused video adverts.
What happened?
• 14% of searchers interacted with the
Media Ad video
• 20% more ticket sales on the official site
• Double the search marketing return on
That’s all folks
You can also read about:
User Experience Design , Web Development
and Design, Writing for Digital, CRM, SEO,
Search Advertising, Online Advertising,
Affiliate Marketing , Video Marketing, Social
Media Channels, Social Media Strategy,
Email Marketing, Mobile Marketing, Data
Analytics and Conversion Optimisation.