Transcript Sales

The Business
The Business
 French camping website
 Earning revenue from:
 Campsite Listings
 Adsense or others
 Affiliates
 Display Advertising
 Product Sales
Campsite Listings
 Think of variations
 Gold
Plan of site
 Silver
 Extras
 Bronze (Free)
 Basic listing
 Definitely a database item
Adsense or “personalised” ads
 Advertisements are related to page context.
 Paid per click
 Keyword vitally important
 Others use cookies embedded by sites already visited
to reinforce advertising to the visitor
 Can be switched off
 Database to feed content includes keywords in text
and keywords into metatags
 Paid on visitor purchasing from affiliate.
 Types:
 Independent
Affiliate manages business interface with publisher
 Agency
 Agency manages business interface with publisher
 Database holds ad data and you control on which pages
to display.
 You are controlling the contextual advertising from the
Display Advertising
 Banner Ads
 Paid by number of page impressions
 Need independent proof
 Again database used in similar way to affiliate
Product Sales
 Advertise own product contextually
 Set up shopping system
 Database tracks pages and displays ads
General Points
 To display adverts it will become necessary to:
 Display contextual adverts
 Randomly display this set over same page and similar
For Assignment
 Introduce the Advertising Plan in the Business
Proposition Section
 Put details in an Appendix
 Large chunk of cash can come from campsite listings
 10,000+ in France alone
 Editorial Schedule
 Advertise to owners a schedule of articles
 Sell space on the back of this
 What are you going to suggest
 This section should not be too long