Transcript jargon

New Figurative Language
 Jargon is the vocabulary that is peculiar or
specific to a particular trade, profession, or
 What may be jibberish to us, may be
meaningful to someone else.
 Jargon is often used to impress an audience,
therefore it is often used in advertising.
 A computer manual for a computer dude might say…
“The RZ887-x current loop interface allows the computer to
use centronies blocked duplex protocol.”
 An artist my say… “The horizon line on this landscape is
slightly slanted causing the whole composition to bring the
eye directly to the abstract tree.”
 A basketball coach might say… “The wing cuts to the
opposite baseline to take a jump-shot while the forward on
that side sets a pick for the shooter.”
Here is an example in an every
day new article:
 Sometimes jargon can sound a little ridiculous,
and sometimes it is extremely overdone.
Your assignment is…
 Create a script for a television advertisement using jargon for the
particular item you are advertising.
Choose a partner.
The script needs to be at least 10 lines long.
The script needs to have at least 5 jargon words.
You may use a dictionary, the internet, or magazines to find jargon for
your product.
At the top of the script, your title needs to say the product you are
advertising and the kind of jargon you are using.
Each group needs to bring either the item you are advertising or a
picture of it.
One copy of the script will suffice.
You will perform the advertisement in front of the class as if you were
on television.