1.3 Liggett notes

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Transcript 1.3 Liggett notes

Interactions among living things
• Adapting to the environment
– Natural selection – A process by which
characteristics that make an individual better
suited to its environment become more common
in the species
– Niche – The role of an organism in its habitat, or
how it makes it’s living.
3 types
of interactions among organisms
1. Competition – The struggle between organisms
to survive as they attempt to use the same
limited resources.
2. Predation
Effects of predation on population size
Predator adaptations
Prey adaptations
3. Symbiosis
3 types
of interactions among organisms
Predation – An interaction in which one
organism kills another for food.
– Effects of predation on population size
– Predator adaptations
– Prey adaptations
Predator adaptations
Prey adaptations
Prey adaptations
3 types
of interactions among organisms
Symbiosis – a close relationship between two
species that benefits at least one of the
– Mutualism
– Commensalism
– parasitism
3 types
of Symbiosis
– Mutualism – a relationship between two species
in which both species benefit.
(Rhino and bird)
3 types
of Symbiosis
– Commensalism - a relationship between two
species in which one species benefits and the
other is neither helped nor harmed.
3 types
of Symbiosis
– Parasitism - a relationship in which one organism
lives in or on a host and harms it.