Section 1 An Age of Exploration

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Transcript Section 1 An Age of Exploration

Name: ____KEY__________________________ Date: _______________________ Per: ________
Chapter 4
Settlement of the Thirteenth Colony
1477-1752 Section 1: The Age of Exploration
Learning Group 1: Terms
middleman – a trader who buys goods from producers and sells them to other traders and consumers
monarch – a king or queen
mercantilism – a trade policy where a country exports more than it imports; colonies are expected to
supply raw goods to the mother country
indentured servant – a person who agrees to work for someone for a set period of time for passage
To the ”New World”
slave – a person who spends his/her entire life in service to others
garrison – a fort where troops are housed
colony – a group of people who settle in a new land but keep ties with their homeland
Six Reasons People Traveled After Pre-History
1. spices
4. land
freedom from fear
just because they can
James _Oglethorpe__________ built Fort _Frederica_________________ to _defend__________
The new colony of _Georgia_______________ from the _Spanish________ in _Florida___________.
Signs of the Times:
Population: from 114-120 people in 1733 to approximately 5,000 colonists in 1752
Life Expectancy: males: 30-40 years old
females: much younger
Children: life difficult – children age 6 or 7 had to work in the home or in the fields - :Lolling
around” considered a sin or weakness – dressed the same as parents – played hop-scotch, cat’s
cradle –fly kites - played with corn-husked dolls
Literature: when they landed they got a bible and prayer book – popular authors: Anne Bradstreet.
Samuel Pepys, and Ben Franklin
Art/Architecture: brick 2 story houses/brick streets; paintings–pasture scenes, portraits by traveling
Sign of the Times: continued
Music: hymns and “reels”
Fashion:rough work cloths – fine social cloths – long dresses – hats/umbrellas – dyed bright colors
Fads: dancing – esp. reels and the minuet – a slow dance from Europe
Education: GA’s experiments in agriculture – grapes, oranges ,and corn – learned to raise silk worms
Schoolmaster for boys- classics, Latin, Greek, and French – girls taught homemaking
Learning Group 2: Section 1 An Age of Exploration
European Trade:Europe traded with Asia through ports in the Mediterranean and along the land route
Called the Silk Road
Luxury items traded:dyes, silk, perfumes, drugs, gold, jewels, spices – pepper,cinnamon,nutmeg,cloves
Describe Marco Polo’s 1477 Travels
This __book__________ led many ___Europeans____________ to believe _China’s________
fabulous _riches_____ could be reached by _ship_______. First Europeans had to find a shorter
__trade route____ to the Orient (Asia) before they could make these items available to the people.
Search for New Trade Routes:
First, looking for a trade route to the _Far__ East___ was Prince _Henry_____ the _Navigator____
from _Portugal_____. During the mid-1400’s he sent ships along the _southern_____coast of
__Africa_____ in search of an _eastern_______ passage to the __Indian ______ _Ocean_______.
Next, Bartholomew _Diaz___ rounded the tip of __Africa________ at the __Cape_______
_of__ ___Good______ __Hope______.
Christopher _Columbus______ believed that the route to the __Far____ ___East_____ lay to
the _west_____. Like most experienced __navigators_______ of his day he believed the _Earth____
was __round____. Finally, Queen _Isabella____ and King _Ferdinand________ of ___Spain_______
agreed to finance his _voyage______.
Search for New Trade Routes continued
On August 3, __1492___, ___Columbus_______ a 41 year old _Italian_______ set sale from ___Palos___
_Spain___ hoping to reach _China____ and the _East____ Indies_____. His ships were the _Pinta___
__Nina_____, and the _Santa____ _Maria______. He landed on an island in the _Caribbean_____
____Island_______ on October 12, __1492___. He named it ____San___ __Salvador________.
Columbus thought he found the East Indies and a route to the east by going _west____. He named the
natives ___Indians_____. What he found was named the “___New___ __World________.”
_John___ __Cabot____ like Columbus was also from _Genoa____, _Italy__ and also sailed _west___
in _1497_______ sailing for the _English_____ he discovered _Newfoundland_____ located in present
day __Canada______. Actually, he __rediscovered_______ it because _Lief__ __Erickson_______
discovered it in the year__1001__ and founded a settlement named __Vinland_________ but because
of the area and unfriendly _Indians_______ the Norsemen returned to ___Greenland__________
In 1498 __Vasco_ de_ _Gama__ sailed around __Africa____ and reached __India_____. An ocean
_trade__ _route_____ to the _Orient______ had finally been found.
Amerigo __Vespucci_____ an Italian _navigator_____ had the honor of giving his name to the _New___
___World___. Vespucci’s journal writings caught the eye of a mapmaker or ___cartogapher______
who in the year _1507____ named the “New World” __America____________.
In 1522, _Ferdinand__ _Magellan____ reached Asia by sailing __west__ around the
tip of ___South_____ _America______. It was long and hard. During this time Europeans were
looking for the _Northwest__ __Passage______, an _all__ _water____ _route___ to
Asia through the _North____ __American____ continent.
Giovanni _Verrazano____ who sighted land in March _1524___ near what is today __Cape___
_Fear___, North _Carolina____. He did not go __south___ to far because he was afraid he
might meet up with the __Spanish_______.
Learning Group 3: Spanish Exploration of the New World
_Spanish_ explorers were looking for _wealth_ in the Caribbean. In 1513 _Juan_ _Pounce_de _Leon___
discovered _Florida_. Vasco Nunez _de_ _Balboa_ crossed the Isthmus of_Panama_ to reach the _
Pacific_ _Ocean_. isthmus-a narrow strip of land w/ water on both sides that connect 2 larger…
Spanish Exploration of the New World continued
Hernando _de_Soto____ found tremendous ___________ at the hands of the ___________ Indians.
He killed their ruler _________________ and took their ____________ and ________________.
Francisco _______________ went to __________ and conquered the ____________ ____________
in 1535. Pizarro captured the richest silver mines in the world.
Spanish Exploration of Georgia
In 1539, ____________ ___ _______ left ____________ with over ________ men and _______
horses, along with ________ and ________. He was headed toward what today is ____________. In
________ he entered the southwestern part of today’s _____________. They were looking for ______.
They had ___________ and ___________ and rode ___________. They wore ___________ which
_____________ could not pierce. Also the Native American’s died of _____________, ____________,
______________, and ______________ ______________.
After de Soto came many explorers from ______________, _____________, and ________________.
They all wanted the _____________.
Learning Group 4: Early Spanish Missions
In 1565, __________ sent Captain General ___________ _____________ to begin a ____________
In ______ ________________, _____________. About ________ men were left to establish a _____
on GA soil. The _______________ later established a mission on _____ ____________ ___________.
Spain became rich and ________________. Other European nations resented ____________. Spain
had to ____________ the countries of ______________ and _______________to hold onto its gains.
War on the seas between Spain and ______________ took its toll on Spain. Sea Captains like ________
___________, ___________ _____________, and ____________ _____________ captured
__________________ gold, _____________ and other ______________ goods. The ____________
also attacked and burned ________________ settlements in the New World. Spain planned to attack
______________ at sea. _______________ was superior with superior ____________ and faster