Transcript document
The Age of
And the “discovery” of
Why Europe?
• China richest country
in world and
formidable sea
• Had invented
compass, had some
of the most reliable
ships in the world
• But had become
convinced that the
rest of the world was
populated by
barbaric and
uncivilized peoples
Why Europe?
• Arab world had
knowledge of
geometry and
astronomy that
surpassed Europe
• Their ships
dominated Indian
• Bound by religion
not to travel further
Why Europe?
• Mayas had made
frequent voyages in
the Caribbean Sea
• Had enough
knowledge of
astronomy to
navigate the sea by
300 AD
• Ruled over abundant
empire that lacked
few resources,
therefore no need to
The Renaissance
• Re-birth of interest in culture of ancient
Greece and Rome
• Time period 14th - 17th centuries
• Awakened human creativity and
demanded an outward expression of
• Writers, artists, and thinkers were
brimming with new ideas
• Spirit of curiousity and adventure
Emerging Nations
• During the Middle Ages (period before
the Renaissance) Europe was splintered
into many small states
• By the late Middle Ages, monarchs
started to unify many small states,
producing countries like England,
France, Spain, Portugal and Holland,
with strong governments
• This unification was necessary to
participate in exploration and discovery
Seeking the East
• European countries wanted luxury
goods and spies from Asia
• Knew the land route there, but wanted
to find the sea route to increase trade
• Technology in seafaring, such as the
quadrant to measure position, and
better more seaworthy ships, like the
carrack and caravel (the ships
Columbus sailed with) made exploration
more possible than in the past
• First country to seek this sea route to
the east
• In the 1400’s Portuguese explorers
managed to find the sea route to Asia
by going around the tip of Africa
• But it was thought, that there was a
shorter route there
Christopher Columbus
• Born in Genoa, Italy
• Moved to Portugal
due to his interest in
• Studied atlases and
read whatever he
could about travels
and exploration
• Decided he could get
to Asia by sailing
west from Europe
World Map
His voyage
• Eventually got financial
backing for his trip
from Spain
• Left with the Nina,
Pinta and Santa Maria
in August 1492
• October 12 went
ashore on a small
island in the Bahamas
and claimed it for
• Believed he reached
East Indies, so called
Native people Indians
The Americas
• Continued exploring the Caribbean after
his initial landing - found Cuba (thought
it was China), Hispaniola (thought it
was Japan)
• Natives encountered were the Arawak
(Tainos) whom Columbus and his men
reacted to with admiration and
• March 1493 returned to Spain with
gold, parrots, spices and some Native
Later Voyages
• Made a second voyage six months after
his return to Spain with 1200 colonists
to Hispaniola
• His third voyage landed on northern
coast of South America “I believe that
this is a very great continent, which
until today has been unknown”
• Final voyage 1502 and mapped the
American coastline from Guatemala to
World Map
Columbus’ Voyages
Perspectives in History
• Read the passage below and try to determine what the
hostorian is describing.
“Not long after, they tooke me to one of their greate Counsells,
where many of the generalitie were gathered in greater number
than ever I had seen before. And they being assembled about a
great field of open grass, a score of their greatest men ran out
upon the field, adorned each in brightly hued jackets and
breeches, with letters cunningly woven upon their Chestes, and
wearinge hats uppon their heads, of a sort I know not what. One
of their chiefs stood in the midst and would at his pleasure hurl a
white ball at another chief, whose attire was of a different colour,
and whether by chance or artyfice I know not the ball flew
exceeding close to the man yet never injured him, but
sometimes he would strike at it with a wooden club and giveing
it a hard blow would throw down his club and run away. Such
actions proceeded in like manner at length too tedious to
mention, but the generalitie waxed wroth, with greate groaning
and shoutinge, and seemed withall much pleased.”
Reading Historical
• It is important to keep in mind some key
questions when studying primary documents:
• Who is the writer? Where is s/he from? What
were the prevailing beliefs of the culture that s/he
living in? What bias or vested interest may s/he
have? Does s/he have prior knowledge of the
people or place s/he is writing about? How was
the account communicated (letter, story, diary,
legend, legal document, etc.)? Do we have
supporting evidence to back up his person’s
account of events? What may have been left out
of the account?
First Contact
• Read pages 33 – 44 in Encounters in the New
World : A History in Documents, Jill Lepore, 2000
• As you read, analyze each of the excerpts using
the questions on the previous slide.
• Using your own words and interpretations of the
documents, write a short journal entry or letter for
each of the following people, describing how they
feel about first contact. You may choose to write
this in two parts, to show how they may have felt
differently after a second or third contact.
Natives (Tainos, Aztecs or Micmacs)
Europeans at home (Paolo Pozzi)
European Governments (Pope Alexander VI)
Explorers (Christopher Columbus)