World History

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World History
Third Nine Weeks Review
Vasco da Gama’s discovery of a route to India
by sea proved to be very profitable, since da
Gama returned with a cargo of spices and
made a profit of several thousand percent.
Industrial Revolution
 The steam engine was crucial to Britain’s
Industrial Revolution.
 Christopher Columbus went to his grave believing
he had discovered a westward passage to Asia,
when in fact he had actually discovered the
Mercantilism was the set of
principles that dominated
economic thought in the
seventeenth century.
Napoleon’s coup d’état overthrew the Directory
to establish his consulate.
To Darwin, natural selection was central to
organic evolution.
James Watt developed a steam
engine that could drive
The Middle Passage
Originally, African slaves were brought to the Americas to
supply labor for the sugarcane plantations.
French Revolution
 The Declaration of the
Rights of Man and the
Citizen proclaimed equal
rights for all men, but no
political rights for women.
 John Cabot explored the New England coastline
of the Americas for England.
 According to mercantilists, the prosperity of a
nation depended on a large supply of bullion, or
gold and silver.
Industrial Revolution
The production of cotton cloth was one of the first industries to
be affected by the Industrial Revolution.
The Third Estate
 The French National Assembly swore the Tennis
Court Oath, which was a vow to continue to
meet until they had produced a French
The Treaty of Tordesillas, signed in 1494, established a line of
demarcation between territories controlled by Portugal and
those controlled by Spain.
Mohandas Gandhi set up a nonviolent
movement with the aim to force the British to aid
the poor and grant independence to India.
French Revolution
 The Committee of Public Safety was given broad
powers to defend France from threats.
Ancien Regime
 The Third Estate
(commoners) was NOT
exempt from the taille.
The Middle Passage was the name for the journey of slaves from
Africa to America.
 If a colony was run by direct rule, local elites
were removed from power and replaced with a
new set of officials from the mother country.
The term sans-culottes, meaning “without
breeches,” implied that the members of this
political group were ordinary patriots without
fine clothes.