Food and Nutrition

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Ch. 8- Food and Nutrition
Questions: T or F?
Foods that are high in calories are unhealthy.
You should avoid foods with sugars in them.
You should avoid fats in your diet.
Vegetarian diets are low in protein.
Snacking is bad for you.
Common Terms…
Nutrients- substances the body needs to regulate bodily
functions, promote growth, repair body tissues, and
obtain energy. You need more than 40 different
Metabolism- the chemical process by which your body
breaks down food to release this energy.
The amount of energy released when nutrients are
broken down is measured in units called calories.
Carbohydrates- made of carbon, hydrogen and
oxygen. These supply energy for your body’s functions.
Simple (sugars- fruits, veggies, milk, cookies, candies, soft drinks)
Complex (starches (long chains of sugars) plant foodspotatoes, grains
Fiber (in plants), can’t be broken down into blood stream. Prevents
constipation, reduces risk for colon cancer, helps prevent heart disease.
Unsaturated Fats- Vegetable oils, nuts and seeds.
Monounsaturated Fats- olive oil, canola oil, peanuts and avocado.
Polyunsaturated Fats- safflower, corn and soybean oil, and seafood.
Both are important for your heart.
Saturated Fats- Animal fats, lard and dairy products.
Daily intake should be 20-35% of your calories, primarily unsaturated.
Cholesterol- waxy, fatlike substance found only in animal
products. Your liver makes this, it’s not a necessary part of
your diet.
Trans Fats- when manufacturers add hydrogen to fat molecules in
vegetable oils (hydrogenation). Found in margarine, chips, &
commercially baked goods.
Turn and Talk
 On
the count of 3, turn to your neighbor
and talk to them about… 1…2…3…
What high-fat foods do you eat?
How can you cut down?
One tip… Cook For Yourself!
Nutrients that contain nitrogen, carbon, hydrogen, and
oxygen are called proteins.
Most Importantly- Proteins have a role in growth and
repair of your body’s tissues!
High protein foods- meats, eggs, poultry, milk & milk
products. Nuts, dried beans, dried peas, and lentils =
good source too!
Amino Acids (make up proteins)- Our bodies are made
up of 20 different amino acids, your diet has to supply 10
“essential amino acids” daily. 2 + plant protein sources
can provide a complete protein.
Complete (meats, fish, etc.) and Incomplete (beans,
rice, etc.)
10-35% of your calories should come from protein, daily.
Turn and Talk
 Again
in 1…2…3…
What are the main sources of protein in your
Breaking a Bad Habit (p.200-201)
1. Define the habit you want to change.
(ie: drinking soda)
2. Set you goal.
(ie: I will limit my soda to 2 per week)
3. Design an action plan.
(ie: I will try to plan ahead, carry water, etc.)
4. Build a supportive environment.
(ie: Talk to family about soda purchases, remember
water bottle, talk to friends about goal)
Try it, tell me if it works! 
Myth: As a part of a healthy diet, people need to take dietary
Fact: A diet that contains a variety of healthful foods usually
supplies all the vitamins and minerals that your body needs.
Vitamins are required in small amounts and assist many
chemical reactions in the body. They help the body use
other nutrients and are not a source of energy.
Fat-Soluble- Vitamins A, D, E, & K in vegetable oil, liver,
eggs, & certain veggies.
Water soluble- Vitamins C, B-1 (whole grains), 2 (milk), 3
(poultry), 6 (meat), 12 (eggs), Pantothenic acid (organ
meats/grains), Folate (green, leafy vegetables), Biotin
(bananas), C (citrus fruits)
Antioxidants- Protect healthy cells from damage caused
by normal aging process as well as certain types of cancer.
Calcium- lack of can
lead to osteoporosis.
Potassium- & sodium
work together to
maintain water
balance in the body.
Iron-Necessary for
healthy red blood cells.
Sodium-important for
heart and water
balance but too much
can = high blood
Classification of Nutrients
AKA: 6 Essential Nutrients
4 calories/gm 1. Carbohydrates 50-60%
9 calories/gm 2. Fats
4 calories/gm 3. Protein
Simple & Complex
less than 30% Saturated & Unsaturated
Provides energy for
activity and
body heat
10-15% Complete & Incomplete
Build, repair, and
maintain body
No Calories
4. Water
eight – 8oz. glasses
5. Minerals
6. Vitamins Water & Fat Soluble (ADEK)
Control and
Regulate Body
65% of your body weight is water.
 Nearly all the body’s chemical reactions take
place in a water solution.
 Homeostasis- Process of maintaining a steady
state inside your body.
(overheat … sweat = cools your body)
 Electrolytes- dissolved substance in water
(for example the nervous system depends on
electrolytes such as sodium and potassium?
DehydrationA serious reduction in
the body’s water
Symptomsweakness, rapid
breathing, weak
 How
much water?
 Water
vs. Sports Drinks:
If you exercise for 60
min.+ then okay. 5 hrs.
+ then yes.
What would happen if you stopped drinking
water ??
The Dietary Guidelines…
Provides information on how to
make smart food choices.
 To obtain all of the nutrients
you need, choose a wide
variety of foods.
 Handle Food Safely:
-Wash your hands.
-Separate raw and cooked foods.
-Cook all meats to safe internal
-Keep cold foods cold and hot
foods hot!
-Don’t thaw foods on the counter.