Transcript HUMAN NEEDS

Physiological Needs
Basic, biological.
 Survival needs: food, water, oxygen,
elimination of waste, sleep and protection
from extreme temperatures.
 If any of these needs go unmet, death will
Safety and Security
 Important
when physiological needs are
 Free from anxiety, fear; the need for order
and routine
 Prefer familiar to unknown.
 New environments, change in routine,
marital problems, job loss, injury, disease
can threaten a person’s safety
Love and Affection
 Strives
for love and affection after safety
and physiological needs are met.
 Social acceptance, friendship, and to be
 More willing to adapt to change and face
unknown situations.
 Sexuality both a love and affection need
and physiological one
Love and Affection
 Sexuality
is defined by people’s feelings
concerning their masculinity or femininity
 Ability to give and receive love
 Roles in reproduction.
 Involves a persons feelings and attitudes
 Sexuality extends throughout life cycle
 Gender/name-Couples sharing nursing
home rooms.
 Feeling
important and worthwhile
 When others show respect, approval, and
appreciation=feelings of self esteem=self
 Individuals engage in activities that bring
achievement, success, and recognition in
an effort to maintain self esteem
 Failure=loss of confidence=lack of self
 Once
esteem needs are met:
 Confident=strives to become what they
want to be.
Self Actualization
 Self
Realization: All other needs must be
met at least in part before self
actualization can occur.
 People have reached full potentials, and
have become exactly what they want to
 Confident, willing to express beliefs and
STICK to them. Also, willing to reach out
to others and provide assistance and
Methods of Satisfying Needs
 Direct:
hard work, realistic goals,
situation evaluation, cooperation with
 EX: student consistently making good
grades by: studying, setting goals,
listening more in class, asking questions,
 Evaluate situation, by determining why
they failed in the first place..and taking
steps to correct the situation
Methods con’t
 Indirect:
Defense Mechanisms: methods
used for maintaining self esteem and
relieving discomfort.
 Defense mechanisms can be useful=some
coping ability
 Harmful when used too much and people
substitute them for more effective ways of