Doug Woodring - The Security Network

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Transcript Doug Woodring - The Security Network

Ocean Monitoring
San Diego Maritime Week
We use 85,000,000 plastic bottles
every 3 minutes
 We use Permanent material for
disposable products – 50% of all
plastics made
 Over 260m tons per year………
Roughly 90% never gets recycled
Mission: Restore the World’s Ocean
Humanity’s growing problem of marine debris
 60 years of neglect
Understand, evaluate, inspire, prevent
Convergence zones—beginning with the North
Pacific Gyre—expanding to other parts of the
ocean over time.
Voyage Tracker
Ocean Research Expeditions
 Annual scientific expeditions to perform research at
sea on the pattern and impact of marine debris
 Break Through Analysis
 Our scientists analyze this new data in our network
of collaborating laboratories globally
 Innovation Development
 We identify, test and promote new ways to retrieve
and convert marine debris as well as prevent and
reduce waste
 Accelerating Change
 We apply our discoveries in programs to change
consumer behavior, improve industry practices,
and craft public policy
Unvisited area – little knowledge
Science exploration, new data,
new questions……….
Awareness brings innovation
Global Ocean Recovery System
Visual Intelligence – satellite,
“scanners,” detectors..
Communal Science Interactivity
 Real
time, with a story