Transcript Light Blue

War Propaganda from WWII
By: Greg Perry
• World War II
has many
artworks. Most
of these
posters and
used to get
attention on
the war.
Some of these propaganda posters are aggressive and to the
point. Like this one below states that in order to keep our
boys safe then do your job.
A poster like this
could make
someone feel
responsible for
someone else's
behalf, and could
cause the person
to gain a since of
pride or
Some propaganda posters were mint
to create a sense of pride in the
people who looked upon them.
A poster like this
one here helped to
make men feel like
it was their duty to
enlist into the
military to do their
Chart on Propaganda Use in Past American Wars:
Black: Others
Green: Iraq Wars
Light Blue: Cold
Yellow: Korean War
Red: Vietnam
Blue: First World
Dark Red: Second
World War.
Propaganda Poster were not
just popular in America but
also in all the countries.
These are Soviet Propaganda Posters the
one on the right reads in Russian “Please
Soldier, Save Me From Slavery.” While
the one on the bottom reads “Fight for
the Red Army and Save Us.”
This Poster is one
of my favorites .
It is a German
Poster showing
different aspects
of Americans and
American life and
how it will
destroy Germany.
If you look close
enough you can
see the Ku-Klux
Klan, Miss
America, there is
a Jewish flag, and
other odd ball
pics making up
the American
This German
Illustrated to the
German People
that Nothing
could stop and
The passage
reads that the
defeat of Russia
is coming at full
• Mainly Most of
World War II
posters were the
most hateful and
racist in design
history. For
Example this
poster from Italy
was ambivalent
about its alliance
with Germany,
and artists were
called on to stir
the population
with extreme