1848 – The Year of Revolutions

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Transcript 1848 – The Year of Revolutions

1848 – The Year of
• Congress of Vienna 1815 – restores old regimes
• Isms emerge as reactions to Napoleonic,
Industrial Revolution and Congress Era
• "Down with 'em! Chop em down my brave
boys: give them no quarter they want to
take our Beef & Pudding from us! ---- &
remember the more you kill the less poor
rates you'll have to pay so go at it Lads
show your courage & your Loyalty"
• The Carlsbad Decrees – 1819
Austria and the German States
"Down with 'em! Chop em down my brave boys: give them no quarter they want to
take our Beef & Pudding from us! ---- & remember the more you kill the less poorrates you'll have to pay so go at it Lads show your courage & your Loyalty":
• “Peterloo Massacre”
• St. Peter’s Fields Manchester
• Protest of the Corn Laws and in favor of
other needs of the poor
A French Cartoonist’s depiction of
France’s Talleyrand at the Congress
• Response to the Congress of Vienna’s reestablishment of the Monarchy with
Tallyrand’s signature
A French political cartoon of Louis
“My dear children, I carry you all
in my heart.”
• Rule returns to Louis XVIII
• Count of Artois (Charles X) tries to reestablish absolute
• Flees to England – Abdicates (1830’s)
• Louis Philippe – the “Citizen King”
– Claimed to represent the average citizen
– Favored rich
– Refused demands for greater representation & universal
– Anti – government protests in 1832 (Les Mis)
• The French Equivalent of the Burchenschaften
• What the Eve of revolution may have looked like according to Victor Hugo
• The Revolt
– and then again in 1848
Louis Phillippe - France
• England – the Chartists
Revives in 1848 in response to Revolutions
in Europe but no “revolution” occurs in
• Marx and Engels
This is the year they publish the Communist
Manifesto so the line “let the ruling classes
tremble at a Communist Revolution” is
1848 Goals:
• Some wanted Economic Reforms
(workers rights, redistribution of wealth
and property)
• Some wanted Political Rights (male
suffrage, end to serfdom, civil liberties,
representative government)
• Some wanted Independence from foreign
control, unification into a sovereign state
France - Barricades Feb 22nd
Feb. 24th – Louis Philippe abdicates
10 Man committee leads provisional republic
Universal male suffrage
Abolition of slavery in the French colonies
Abolition of the death penalty
10 hour workday in Paris
“National Workshops” (cooperatives) to relieve
• Public works
• Conditions/ hours/ wages/ work hours
Assembly elected by all French men
Alexis deToqueville (1805 – 1859)
Observed 2 camps
Socialists (pro coops) and Antisocialists
(pro private property)
May 15th
• Workers invade Assembly
• Try to set up new government
• National guard defends assembly
• “We behold in it nothing more than a blind and rude, but
powerful, effort on the part of the workmen to escape
from the necessities of their condition, which had been
depicted to them as one of unlawful oppression, ……
These poor people had been told that the wealth of the
rich was in some way the product of a theft practiced
upon themselves. They had been assured that the
inequality of fortunes was as opposed to morality and the
welfare of society as it was to nature. ….It must also be
observed that this formidable insurrection was not the
enterprise of a certain number of conspirators, but the
revolt of one whole section of the population against
another.” Alexis de Tocqueville
June 22nd
Assembly Dissolves National Workshops
enter army
go to work in shops outside Paris
Bloody June Days – 24th – 26th 1848
Assembly forces win
10,000 dead, 11,000 prisoners deported
Perception by all that this was class warfare
Louis Napoleon elected (hope for a strong executive
The German States
• “Now had arrived in Germany the day for the
establishment of "German Unity," and the
founding of a great, powerful, national German
empire. ……… the demands for civil rights and
liberties, free speech, free press, the right of free
assembly, equality before the law, a freely
elected representation of the people with
legislative power, ….. the right of the people to
carry arms, …….in short, that which was called
a "Constitutional form of government on a broad
democratic basis."
– Carl Schurz: A Look Back at 1848, 1907
Austrian Empire 1848
• Hungary
– Nationalistic Hungarians want sep state with civil
liberties and suffrage (m)
– Louis Kossuth
– Revolt & begin a constitution
• Vienna – Student, peasants, workers revolt over
economic conditions/ liberties
– Ferdinand I and Metternich flee
– Monarchy abolishes serfdom in the Empire
• A-H still mainly agricultural, peasants appeased
 weakening of revolution
• Croats / Serbs / Czechs / Romanians want their
own states – oppose Hungarians attempts to
incorporate them
• Prague Czechs & Austrians battle (March)
• Ferdinand abdicates to nephew Franz Joseph
• June
• Government unites minorities and Germans
against Hungarians
• October
• Retake Vienna – 4 Thousand dead
Nicholas I – Czar of Russia
• Lends troops to help Austria reconquer
• (example of cooperation of the
conservative order (Troppau))
• Hungary is occupied by troops
• Demands for Political reforms (reactions to
Congress Carlsbad decrees of 1819)
• March 1848
• Marchers demanded:
• Constitution
• Freedom of Speech / Press
• Elections