Global 10 Review

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Global 10 Regents
Enlightenment-18th century
• Questioning attitude of Scientific Revolution
• Locke and Hobbe’s views on government and
• Belief that reason can decide what are the best
types of government
• Theories of balanced government, natural rights,
rule by the people
• French Revolution-people want change and
equality-government to protect their natural rights
“Life, Liberty, and Property”
French Revolution-1789
• Terrible French debt; poverty by Louis XVI & Marie Antoinette
• Estates System - 3 Estates (Old Regime)
• High tax burden on Third Estate – middle & lower classes
• Lack of voting & political rights of Third Estate (especially middle
• Enlightenment ideas
• Louis XVI executed-Reign of Terror
• Nationalism-Germany and Italy
•Latin American Independence Movements
• Napoleon’s rise to power and wars of conquest
Latin American Revolutions-c.1800 on
• Enlightenment ideas; French & American examples
of success
• Domination by European parent countries-want to
break from mother country
• Colonial system in which only peninsulares had
power or influence (middle class creoles and lower
class want)
Peninsulares (born in Spain)
Creoles (Spanish but born in Latin America)
Mestizoes and Mulattoes
Natives and slaves
European domination ended
New ruling triangle of wealthy
landowners, military, Catholic Church still
oppress the poor
Simon Bolivar-The Liberator-freed
Venezuela, Bolivia, Columbia, Peru
Toussaint l’Ouverture-Haitian
Independence; ex-slave
The Age of Napoleon c. 1800
• French Revolution disruption & death lead to desire for stable
• Nationalist attitude
• Coup d’etat - sudden seizure of power - Directory was weak
• Political/Economic Stability-Napoleonic Code (education,
• Temporary wide-spread European conquests
• Spread of nationalist attitude to other kingdoms
• Congress of Vienna restored balance of power
Nationalism: mid-19th century
• French Revolution example
• Attitude that people with the same culture should be part of the
same country
• Unequal treatment by many monarchs of minority groups in their
• Otto von Bismarck - united Germany “Blood and Iron”-went to
war with France (Franco-Prussian war)
• Italy- Cavour, Mazzini, and Garibaldi
• Formation of nation-states like Italy & Germany
• Breaking up of big empires with large number of ethnic groups
like the Ottoman Empire & Austria-Hungary (by the end of WWI)
Industrial Revolution-19th century
• New inventions improve speed of manufacture &
lower cost of production
• Move of farmers to cities for more reliable work
• Agrarian Revolution  enclosures
•Leads to rise in population and demand of goods
• Factors of Production
•Land, labor, and capital
• New Technology-flying shuttle, spinning jenny,
steam engine
• Factory System – assembly line
Large percent of lower class employed in factories with all
their dangers & long hours
Sadler Report - report on child labor
Rise of middle-class factory owners & overseers-new social
Economic theories: laissez-faire = no government
regulation + supply & demand (Adam Smith)
Marx and Engels Communism = classless society,
government regulation
New Imperialism: 19th century
• Demand for raw materials & markets in industrial
• European nationalism, racism – White Man’s
Burden, and greed
•Social Darwinism
• European conquest of most of Africa, India, S-E Asia;
leads to WWI and WWII
• Destruction of local economies & political systems
• Christianity spreads – missionaries
Irish Potato Famine
• Irish dependent of potato crop for main food
• Potato blight disease hits in 1840
• 1 million+ starve to death
• Huge immigration to the US
• British colonial indifference
WWI: 1914-1918
• Nationalism: Russia and Serbia (Slavic) want control of
Bosnia but Austria-Hungary takes it over; FranzFerdinand assassination
• New weapons technology (planes, subs, gas, machine
guns) & built-up armies
• System of opposing alliances & treaties (MAIN)
• Germany received most blame in Treaty of Versailles; punished;
balance of power; rise of Fascism; Russian Revolution
• New technology causes huge # of deaths (10 million soldiers)
• Breakup of empires (Austro-Hungarian and Ottoman); territories
change hands
• Poor working/living conditions for factory workers
• Karl Marx’s belief that the poor workers
(proletariat) would rise up against the factory
owners (bourgeoisie) and take over the factors of
production creating a classless society
• Russian Communism not true to Marx; society
not classless
• Marx’s theory used to enforce “collective farms”
and terrible conditions to make Russia catch up in
heavy industry under Stalin
New Middle East-post WWI
• Breakup of Ottoman Empire into states; Armenian
• Desire for self-government
• Democratic vs. authoritarian ideas of government
• Ataturk’s democratic government in Turkey and his
ideas of westernization
• Authoritarian governments in Iran (Pahlavi) and
Saudi Arabia (Saud)
• Oil wealth makes Middle East - powerful in world
Russian Revolution-1917
• Serfdom in Russia until late 1800s keeps poverty
high; industrialization low compared to other countries
• Absolutist rule of Nicholas II
• Bloody Sunday 1905-guards shoot unarmed
• Abdicates throne because of World War I and
March Revolution (1917)
• Failures in WWI led to abdication
Provisional government is weak
Bolshevik (Communists) Revolution
Withdrawal from WWI – Treaty of Brest-Litovsk
Lenin’s dictatorship – economic improvement-NEP
(mixed economy) helps economy improve-controlled
banks, industry, foreign trade
“Peace, land, and bread”
Stalin’s totalitarianism – 1 party dictatorship,
Russification, collective farms & 5-Year-Plans for
industrialization; police state (terror, purges, gulags &
Interwar Period
 Great
 Treaty of Versailles leads to Hitler and Mussolini
 Weimer
Republic blamed for Germany’s bad economy
• Mussolini
• Fascism in Italy
• Invasion of Ethiopia
• Hitler
• Fascism in Germany (Nazi Party-promises to revive the
economy-elected by the people
• Militarism, nationalism
• Holocaust, Final Solution-promised to blame those
responsible for the economy
• Violations of the Treaty of Versailles
• World War II
WWII: 1939-1945
• Rise of racist Nazi & Fascist parties in times of economic
hardship (Hitler, Mussolini)
• German nationalist aggression in Rhineland, Czechoslovakia,
Poland; Italian in Ethiopia; Japanese in China (all by 1939)
• Policy of appeasement by France & Britain to avoid warMunich Conference
• Holocaust
• Defeat of Germany, Italy, and Japan by Allies – Atomic bombs
• First war crimes trials in history: Nuremberg 1945
• Cold War – Capitalism/Democracy vs. Communism
Cold War: post 1945
• Division of the world between communist states led by
the USSR and democratic states of Western Europe and
the US
• Competition between USSR & US over spreading
communism in Asia, Eastern Europe and Latin America
• US policies protecting Europe and providing money to
combat communist spread – Truman Doctrine, Marshall
Plan, NATO, Vietnam War
• Iron Curtain division between W. Europe and E. Europe
Soviet satellite states
• Arms race between US & USSR  Détente and SALT
Human Rights Violations
• Scapegoating
• De-humanizing an ethnic group
• Greedy & brutality
• Economic advantage
• Nationalism
• Armenian Genocide-Turkish government kill Armenian
• Nanjing Massacre-Japanese kill Chinese
• Holocaust-Hitler kills Jews
•Rwanda – Hutus massacring Tutsis
Regional Studies
 Sepoy
 Attempt
to expel GB post-cartridge incident
 Fails and GB continues to expand its influence
 Gandhi
 Led
independence movement pre and post
Non-violent (passive) resistance and civil disobedience
 Salt March and boycotts
 Independence
 India
in 1947 post-WWII
and Pakistan split
Religious differences (Hindus vs. Muslims)
Territorial disputes (Kashmir region)
Middle East
Arab-Israeli Conflict
 Jews
create national homeland post-Holocaust
 Palestinians lose land – PLO and constant war
1948, 1956, 1963, 1978…
 Attempts
at peace  Camp David Accord
Iranian Revolution
 US
backed Shah Pahlavi overthrown by Shiite
cleric Ayatollah Khomeini
 Create Islamic theocracy – Sharia
 Anti-US/Israel
 Attempt to build nuclear arsenal
Middle East
 Saddam
Hussein = dictator
 Persian Gulf War  UN/US led effort to expel
Saddam post-invasion of Kuwait
 Not
 Operation
Iraqi Freedom  US effort to
overthrow Saddam
 Overthrown
and hung post-trial in Iraq
Issues today
 Inability
to establish democractic states
 Reliance on oil (OPEC)
 Conflict between tradition and modernization
Imperialism - Colonized for resources
 Berlin
Conference 1884-1885
 Starts
with Leopold taking the Congo for rubber
 Weak
African resistance, only Ethiopians repel
Independence movements post-WWII in
1950s and 1960s
 Caught
between the US and SU during the
Cold War
 Jomo Kenyatta and Mau Mau = Kenya
 Kwame Nkrumah = Ghana
 Nelson Mandela = South Africa
South Africa
 Attempt
to overthrow white minority rule,
apartheid, pass laws, and the homeland rules
 1994 Mandela elected president
Rwanda – Genocide in 1994 when Hutus
exterminated 800,000 Tutsi.
 Little UN involvement
Issues today – fresh water, AIDS, poverty,
child soldiers, limited democracy and history of
dictatorship, weak economy
 Opium
War and Boxer Rebellion attempt to
expel Western powers
 Spheres
of Influence/Open Door Policy = China
open to West economically
 Qing
dynasty overthrown in 1911 and republic
established by Sun Yet Sen and nationalists
 Chinese civil war
 Nationalists
(Chiang Kai-Shek) vs. Communists
(Mao Zedong)
 Long March and peasant support for Mao
 Communist
win post-WWII - 1949
China and Communism
Mao’s policies
 Great
Leap Forward – disastrous attempt to
industrialize country. 40 mill die in famine
 Command
 Cultural
Revolution – Mao’s attempt to create
chaos in country to re-enter politics
Post Mao = Deng Xiaoping
 Four
Modernizations – Like Lenin’s NEP, a
mixed economy, incredibly successful - $$$
China today  big economy, environment
issues, democracy issues (Tiananmen Square),
and one child policy
Latin America
Post-WWII  Conflict between
communism and capitalism during Cold
 Cuba
– Castro and communist revolution in
 Bay
of Pigs invasion and Cuban Missile Crisis
 Trade embargo with US, Castro = dictator
 Nicaragua
– Ortega and Sandinistas
communist revolution
 El Salvador – Contras vs. communists
 Argentina – Peron is dictator post-WWII,
overthrown by military. Leads to “dirty war”
Latin America
Issues today
 Drugs
 Drug
cartels control gov’t, increased corruption,
human trafficking, and crime
 Cash
 Reliance
on one crop to support economy, subject
to global fluctuations
 Organization
of American States – IO attempting
to limit drugs, create stable democracies, and
promote economic interdependence
World Today
 Nuclear
weapons and proliferation
 Unstable economies
 Disease
malaria, tuberculosis
 Terrorism
 Oil
and water
 Ineffective international and regional
The End