Revolutions and Nationalism - Charleston County School of

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Revolutions and Nationalism
Ch. 30
Dawn of Revolution
Social Discontent:
• Russification:
- Autocracy, Orthodoxy, Nationality
• Emancipation/ Redemption Tax
• Industrialization/ Witte System
Gov. Reform:
• Duma- Russian Parliament
• WWI /Provisional Gov.
• Soviets:
- Local councils/Unions – Socialist
Lenin: Bolshevik Rev. 1917
Socialism: An economic system in which the means
of production (land, capital) are publicly owned
and operate for the welfare of all.
• Co-operative management of the economy
(State/Gov. should play an active role in the
economy) – Soviets/ Communist Party
• Economic inequality was the result of pass
political inequality
• Key industries/ institutions owned socially
Marxist Leninism
The Vanguard/ Professional Revolutionaries:
▫ “to organize the class struggle of the proletariat and to lead this struggle,
the ultimate aim of which is the conquest of political power by the
proletariat and the organization of a socialist society”
▫ To maintain “continuity” and “safeguard” the revolutionary ideology - “to
cleanse the proletariat of the their false individual consciousness and
instill the revolutionary class consciousness(socialism)”
The Communist Party: “democratic dictatorship of the proletariat”
▫ “freedom of discussion, unity of action”
“Peace, Land and Bread”
Civil War: Red v. Whites
Result: Nationalization
Red Terror/Cheka:“enemies of the people”=Bourgeois/Cap.
Union of Soviet Socialist Republics
Stalin and the Totalitarian State
“Everything within the state, nothing outside the state, nothing against the state.”
The Command Economy:
▫ “Socialized seed and livestock”
▫ Kulaks- Independent farmers
▫ Holodomor- “Killing by hunger”
- 14.5 million peasants, 1930-37
▫ 5 Year Plan
"it is only possible to achieve real liberation in the real world... by
employing real means... slavery cannot be abolished without the steamengine and the mule and spinning-jenny, serfdom cannot be abolished
without improved agriculture…the development of industry, commerce…”
Holodomor(Killing by Hunger)
The Totalitarian State
Police Terror: The Great Purge
- Up to 1.2 million
Socialist Realism:
• Cult of Personality
Religious Persecution
The Soviet Lady
“Day after day, life becomes even happier!”
Soviet Propaganda
“Study the Great Path of the Party
of Lenin and Stalin!”
“In the USSR there are many, many new schools, in the USA – schools are being
closed all the time.”
Cult of Personality: The sunlight of Mao Zedong’s Thought
illuminates the road of the Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution
Nationalism in India
Mughal Dynasty (1526 – 1858)/ Raj: 1858+
Gandhi: Civil Disobedience,
Nonviolent Direct Action
British Imperial Policies:
• Industrial Monopoly
• Cash Crops
Indian National Congress (Muslim League)
▫ National Independence
▫ Democracy
• Rowlatt Act
- “to control public unrest and root out conspiracy”
• Amritsar Massacre
- 1,000 protesters killed
The India Act, 1937
…the gradual development of self-governing institutions
India Independence Act of 1947 – the Partition
“ The Impossible men of India shall rise and liberate their motherland”
Socialization – the means by which social and cultural continuity are maintained
Subjective Truth: Ethnocentric Bias
“To accept passively an unjust system is to cooperate with that system;
thereby the oppressed become as evil as the oppressor… Religion reminds
every man that he is his brother’s keeper. To accept injustice or segregation
passively is to say to the oppressor that his actions are morally right”
– MLK, Stride Toward Freedom, 1958
Foreign Control of China
Ming and Qing Dynasties (1644 -1911)
Closed Door Policy,1656
The Opium Trade
• Opium War, 1839
The Treaty of Nanjing, 1842
Spheres of Influence
• Open Ports
• Concessions
• Extraterritorial Rights
• Legalized Opium!
Nationalism in China
Treaty of Nanjing, 1842
Boxer Rebellion, 1899
• Eliminate foreign influence
The Nationalist Party, 1911
(the Republic of China)
• Self Determination
• Democracy
• Capitalism/ “peoples livelihood”
WWI/Treaty of Versailles:
• Shandong Province (Japan)
• May Fourth Movement
• Mao/Chinese Communist Party
The Peasant Proletariat:
• The People’s War
• Agrarian Socialism
Chinese Civil War:
• Nationalist
• Communist
• Japanese Militarist
“The present regime of the new warlords of the Kuomintang (nationalist) remains a
regime of the comprador class (business owners)… it is a regime which has
capitulated to imperialism in its foreign relations and which at home has replaced the
old warlords with new ones, subjecting the working class and the peasantry to an
even more ruthless economic exploitation and political oppression.” - Mao Zedong
"He (Caribbean and African man) fought with the white man to save the white man's home and
the war was won. Black men all the world over are asking today: "What have we got? What are
we going to get out of it all?
The answer, in effect, comes clear, convincing and conclusive: 'Get back to your kennel you
damned dog” - Felix Eugene Michael Hercules, Society of Peoples of African Origin
African Nationalism
Colonization: Taxes…
The Rise of Black Nationalism:
• WWI conscription
• Educ./ “new elites”
• 14 Points – Self determination
• The Nation-State
• Pan-Africanism
“We believe that any law or practice that tends to deprive any African of his land or
the privileges of free citizenship within his country is unjust and immoral, and no
native should respect any such law or practice” – Marcus Garvey