Transcript Jeopardy

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Final Jeopardy
$100 Question from H1
Classless society maintained by a dictator.
$100 Answer from H1
What is communism?
$200 Question from H1
Society rooted in tradition and maintained by a dictator.
$200 Answer from H1
What is fascism?
$300 Question from H1
This humiliated and impoverished Germany, making them bitter
and eager for revenge.
$300 Answer from H1
What is the Treaty
of Versailles?
$400 Question from H1
Called to settle Nazi territory claims
regarding Czechoslovakia.
$400 Answer from H1
What is the Munich Conference?
$500 Question from H1
The invasion of this country sparked WWII.
$500 Answer from H1
What is Poland?
$100 Question from H2
This was Hitler’s second goal.
$100 Answer from H2
What is to “purify the Aryan Race”?
$200 Question from H2
These law restricted Jewish voting and marriage rights, as well as
limited their ability to teach or work as a journalist.
$200 Answer from H2
What are the Nuremberg Laws?
$300 Question from H2
After a frustrated German Jew killed a Nazi police
office Nazi propaganda sparked this event.
$300 Answer from H2
What is “The Night of
Broken Glass”?
$400 Question from H2
These were enclosed areas were Jews were forced to
$400 Answer from H2
What is a “Ghetto”?
$500 Question from H2
This was the intentional, systematic, and
accepted Nazi plan to answer the “Jewish
$500 Answer from H2
What is the “Final
$100 Question from H3
A secret agreement between Hitler and Stalin that allowed
Hitler to fight a one front war and give Stalin more land
while avoiding war.
$100 Answer from H3
What is the Non-Aggression Pact?
$200 Question from H3
The bullish British Prime Minister Winston Churchill
once said “The enemy of my enemy is _____________”.
$200 Answer from H3
What is “my friend”?
$300 Question from H3
Allied invasion of Normandy,
$300 Answer from H3
What is D-Day?
$400 Question from H3
Important Ally victory in Russia in which the Nazi line was
moved westward
$400 Answer from H3
What is the Battle of Stalingrad?
$500 Question from H3
These were held at the conclusion
of the war in Europe to ensure that
basic international human rights
were protected even during a time
of war.
$500 Answer from H3
What are the Nuremberg Trials?
$100 Question from H4
This Axis Power did all the fighting
in the Pacific Theater of War.
$100 Answer from H4
Who are the Japanese?
$200 Question from H4
Japanese style of warfare.
$200 Answer from H4
What is Kamikaze?
$300 Question from H4
Japanese Fascist totalitarian dictator.
$300 Answer from H4
Who is Tojo?
$400 Question from H4
This is where the US dropped the atomic bombs.
$400 Answer from H4
What are Hiroshima and Nagasaki?
$500 Question from H4
List the three reasons for using nuclear
weapons during WWII.
$500 Answer from H4
What is:
End the War
Save American Lives
Show US military/technological strength?
$100 Question from H5
This many peopled died in the Holocaust.
$100 Answer from H5
What is 11,000,000 (6,000,000 of which were Jews)
$200 Question from H5
Fascist totalitarian dictator of German during
$200 Answer from H5
Who is Adolf Hitler?
$300 Question from H5
Work camps for all able bodied Jews during
the Holocaust.
$300 Answer from H5
What are Concentration Camps?
$400 Question from H5
To make concession in exchange for
avoiding war.
$400 Answer from H5
What is Appeasement?
$500 Question from H5
After the US dropped the
atomic bombs on Japan this
$500 Answer from H5
What is the proliferation or race for more
and bigger nuclear weapons between the
US and Soviet Union.
Final Jeopardy
According to our sources, where
did Hitler learn how to
systematically kill a race of people?
Final Jeopardy Answer
From the Armenian Genocide of