Welcome to french 3a - White Plains Public Schools

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Transcript Welcome to french 3a - White Plains Public Schools

Madame Snell
[email protected]
Room A-208
Objectives for the class
To prepare the students for the Checkpoint B final
exam in June.
 Checkpoint
B = Regents level
 Exam will be given during the Regents Exam period
To increase the students’ proficiency in speaking,
listening, reading, and writing.
The syllabus: Topics
La description physique – Describing people
La routine quotidienne – Daily routine
Les travaux domestiques - Chores
Pour rendre service – How to ask for or offer help
Les vacances: Plaisirs et Problèmes – Vacations: Pleasures and Problems
(activities and caring for the environment)
Comment décrire une événement – How to describe a past event or narrate
a story
Comment faire des achats – How to make purchases, request services, or
visit a doctor or dentist
Les voyages – Being a tourist and communicating with hotels, at train stations
and airports, in restaurants, and at tourist attractions
Comment se donner rendez-vous – How to make a date or an appointment
La vie professionelle – Talking about future plans, education and professions
The syllabus: Grammar
Les verbes réfléchis
La formation du subjonctif
Révision – le passé composé
Le futur
Le conditionnel
Le plus-que-parfait
Les pronoms COD et COI
Les pronoms relatifs
Les expressions négatives
Le comparatif et le superlatif
The syllabus: Readings
Short stories
Excerpts from novels
Popular music texts
Articles: the world of art, the music of France, great
figures and moments in the history of France, France
and the French today, the Francophone world
Textbook: Discovering French - rouge
Grading Policy
Performance – 70%
Practice – 15%
Participation – 15%
Missed or late assignments – will be marked as
incomplete [INC] in Infinite Campus until they are
completed. At the end of the quarter, any missing work
will be given a score of 45%.
For each missing assignment, students must fill in a Late,
Incomplete or Redo Assignment Form, which I will collect
and keep in the student’s file.
1 point
2 points
3 points
4 points
5 points
Frequency of
I rarely participate in
class and only when the
teacher calls on me.
Make little or no effort
to help in a group
I participate every day in
class, but usually only
when the teacher calls on
me. Go along with group
activities, but rarely
I participate voluntarily
once each day in class.
Will also answer when
the teacher calls on me.
Participate in most
activities in class.
Contribute a little to
group activities.
I participate voluntarily
every day in class a
minimum of 2 times per
day. Participate in all
activities in class.
Usually contribute
meaningfully to group
I participate voluntarily
every day in class at least
3 times per day.
Participate in all class
activities right away. Am
usually a leader in group
Quality and accuracy of
I make no effort to
practice the target
language in class.Speak
in English almost all the
I make little effort to
practice the target
language. Usually speak
English in class, will
occasionally try to speak
the target language.
I use the target language
sometimes in class.
Sometimes talk with the
teacher in the target
language. Usually switch
to English without
asking permission .
I often use class time to
practice the target
language. Usually
communicate with the
teacher in the target
language. Usually ask
permission to speak
Behavior in class
I almost never have my
materials in class. Have
a bad attitude. Treat
others without respect.
Don’t pay attention.
Keep my cell phone in
my hand. Usually don’t
have my HW and rarely
try to do the DN. Do not
take notes.
Often distract other
students and am often
I am always late to class
and/or have many
unexcused absenses.
Constantly ask to leave
the classroom.
I bring my materials to
class some of the time.
Have a positive attitude
more than half of the
time. Not terribly
motivated, but am
focused for at least part
of each lesson and
generally show respect
for others. Often have to
be reminded to take out
HW, do the DN, and to
copy the date and the
objective. Take notes
some of the time.
I sometimes come late to
class. Have a number of
unexcused absences. Ask
to leave the classroom 2
times a week.
I usually bring my
materials to class and
have a positive attitude.
Am motivated, focused
and ready to learn. Am
respectful of others. My
cell phone is usually
turned off and out of
view. Usually take out
HW and begin DN
without being asked,
copy the date and the
objective from the board,
and take notes.
Attendance and
I often come to class
without my materials and
without a positive
attitude. Often not
focused. Have a
minimum of motivation
and of respect for others.
Sometimes keep my cell
phone in view. Have to
be reminded to take out
HW and do the DN.
Often forget to copy the
date and the objective.
Rarely take notes.
Sometimes disruptive.
I’m often late to class
and often absent.
Absences are almost
always unexcused. Ask
to leave the classroom 3
times per week.
I always use class time to
practice the target
language. Always
communicate with the
teacher and my
classmates in the target
language. Always ask
permission to speak
I always bring all
materials and a positive
attitude to class. Am
always motivated,
focused, ready to learn.
Always respectful of
others. Always enter the
classroom with cell
phone turned off and out
of view during class.
Always take out HW and
begin DN without being
asked, copy the date and
the objective from the
board, and take notes.
I always come to class on
time. Am rarely absent.
Any absences are always
excused. Rarely ask to
leave the classroom for
any reason.
I usually come to class
on time. Sometimes
absent, but always an
excused absence. Ask to
leave the classroom no
more than once a week.
Extra Help
Students who would like to meet with
me for extra help or to make up a test
or quiz should make an appointment in
I am available periods 4, 5, and 7 and
am sometimes available at lunch or
after school.
Contact Information
Please email me at:
[email protected]
You are also welcome to join my Remind
group for your child’s class to receive
messages and reminders. To join, please
text the number 81010 and send the
following message:
For period 1 - @mmesnell-1
For period 3 - @mmesnell3
Thank you! Merci beaucoup!
Please don’t hesitate to get in
touch with me.
I am looking forward to this year
with your children!