A Brief History of Planetary Science
Transcript A Brief History of Planetary Science
Physics 202
Professor Lee Carkner
Lecture 10
Tuesday help session moved to SC120
(physics discussion room)
Practice problems on WebAssign and web
Test Friday
½ conceptual multiple choice
½ problems
Equations given, but not labeled or explained
Bring calculator and pencil
PAL #9 Sound
Changing medium to get max v
v = (B/r)½
Want large B and small r
A low density fluid that is hard to compress
Changing medium to get max Dpm
Dpm = vrwsm = (B/r)½rwsm = B½r½wsm
Large v and large r
Want to increase v by increasing B, not decreasing r
Want medium with large B and large r
Such a fluid would be hard to move
Heavy and hard to compress
PAL #9 Sound (cont.)
Interference from two loudspeakers
To get destructive interference you want the
received waves to be out of phase by ½
Want the difference in path length to be ½ l
f = 1150 Hz, v = 343 m/s (for room temperature
v = lf, l = v/f = 343/1150 = 0.3 m
Want DL to be 0.15 m
If L1 is 4m, make L2 4.15 m
Constructive interference occurs when DL = 0l,
1l, 2l …
L2 = 4 m (or 4.3 m or 3.7 m etc.)
Intensity of Sound
The loudness of sound depends on its
intensity, which is the power the wave
delivers per unit area:
I = P/A
The units of intensity are W/m2
The intensity can be expressed as:
I = ½rvw2sm2
Compare to expression for power in a transverse
Depends directly on r and v (medium
Depends on the square of the amplitude and
the frequency (wave properties)
Intensity and Distance
Consider a source that produces a sound of
initial power Ps
As you get further away from the source the
intensity decreases because the area over
which the power is distributed increases
The total area over which the power is
distributed depends on the distance from the
source, r
I = P/A = Ps/(4pr2)
Sounds get fainter as you get further away
because the energy is spread out over a larger
I falls off as 1/r2 (inverse square law)
Inverse Square Law
I1 = Ps/A1
A2=4p(2r)2 = 16pr2 = 4A1
I2 = Ps/A2 = ¼ I1
The Decibel Scale
The human ear is sensitive to sounds over a
wide range of intensities (12 orders of
To conveniently handle such a large range a
logarithmic scale is used known as the decibel
b = (10 dB) log (I/I0)
I0 = 10-12 W/m2 (at the threshold of human
log is base 10 log (not natural log, ln)
There is an increase of 10 dB for every factor
of 10 increase in intensity
Sound Levels
Hearing Threshold
0 dB
10 dB
60 dB
Rock Concert
110 dB
120 dB
A musical instrument is a device for setting up
standing waves of known frequency
A standing wave oscillates with large amplitude and so
is loud
We shall consider an generalized instrument
consisting of a pipe which may be open at one or
both ends
Like a pipe organ or a saxophone
There will always be a node at the closed end and
an anti-node at the open end
Can have other nodes or antinodes in between,
but this rule must be followed
Closed end is like a tied end of string, open end is like a
string end fixed to a freely moving ring
Sound Waves in a Tube
Pipe open at both ends
For resonance need a integer number of ½
wavelengths to fit in the pipe
Antinode at both ends
v = lf
f = nv/2L
n = 1,2,3,4 …
Pipe open at one end
For resonance need an integer number of ¼
wavelengths to fit in the pipe
Node at one end, antinode at other
L = ¼l n
v = lf
f = nv/4L
n = 1,3,5,7 … (only have odd harmonics)
in Closed
and Open
Musical Instruments
When playing a musical instrument you
change n, v or L to produce a sound at the
desired frequency
Musical notes are related to a specific
For example: A = 440 Hz
Music is the superposition of all of the notes
being played at one time
Smaller instruments generally produce high
frequency sound
f is inversely proportional to L
Beat Frequency
You generally cannot tell the difference
between 2 sounds of similar frequency
If you listen to them simultaneously
you hear variations in the sound at a
frequency equal to the difference in
frequency of the original two sounds
called beats
fbeat = f1 –f2
Beats and Tuning
The beat phenomenon can be used to tune
Compare the instrument to a standard
frequency and adjust so that the frequency of
the beats decrease and then disappear
Orchestras generally tune from “A” (440 Hz)
acquired from the lead oboe or a tuning fork