Diapositive 1 - giz

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Content of national reports
Reunión Técnica de Trabajo del Proyecto BIEE
24 – 26 de febrero, 2014, San José, Costa Rica
Bruno Lapillonne, Vice President, Enerdata
Objectives of the report
Report on the work of data collection
Introduce the methodology of indicators in your country ( add
explanations on the definition of indicators though boxes or annexes)
Show the understanding of indicators
Show how the indicators can be useful to evaluate the energy
efficiency policy implemented
Interpret the overall trends observed in energy consumption, total
and by sector, from the more detailed indicators
Propose recommendations on future needs for data collection
Contents of the final report
Executive Summary
Introduction to the project and short presentation of data sources
The Background to Energy Efficiency
Overall Assessment of Energy Efficiency Trends
Energy Efficiency Trends in energy sector
Energy Efficiency Trends in industry
Energy Efficiency Trends in Households
Energy Efficiency Trends in Transport
Energy Efficiency Trends in Services
Energy Efficiency Trends in Agriculture
Conclusions and recommendations
Annex: Documentation on data sources and processing
Content of the final report
1. Introduction to the project and
short presentation of data sources
•Introduction of the project to be provided by Cepal
•Short presentation of data sources : introduce the source used (detail
in Annex); point out cooperation (see example )
Short presentation of data sources
Observatoire national
de énergie
Institut national
de la statistique
Enquêtes et
pétrolières de
Ministère du transport
Contents of the final report:
The Background to Energy Efficiency
Overview of energy efficiency targets and measures
 Overall economic context (GDP growth) and energy supply context
 Energy consumption trends: by fuel and by sector:
o Trends in total primary and final energy consumption (annual growth rate
for the period or by sub period)
o Change in fuel mix for primay consumption and final energy consumption
(pie charts 2000 and 2010)
o Primary consumption by main sector (%): energy sector (transformations,
industry, transport, others, non energy uses (pie charts 2000 and 2010)
o Final energy consumption for energy uses by main sectors: energy (own
uses), industry, transport, households, public, commercial, agriculture
(pie charts 2000 ad 2010)
Content of the final report :
Overall Assessment of Energy Efficiency Trends
Overall Assessment of Energy Efficiency Trends
 Energy intensity trends
 Primary vs final intensity
 Final energy intensity variation:
Final energy intensity variation by sector
Sectoral intensities and structural changes
Content of the final report :
Energy Efficiency Trends in Energy sector
Energy Efficiency Trends in
 Introduction: policy measures and objectives in the energy sector
 Power generation: total and thermal
 Share of CHP
 T&D losses
 Refining
 Etc...
Content of the final report :
Energy Efficiency Trends in Industry
Introduction: policy measures and objectives in the industry
Overall trends
Analysis by branch and for selected energy intensive products :
Show trends in energy efficiency by focusing on main energy consuming
branches : gross energy intensive-branches (cement, clinker, steel,
phosphate ) and intensities for large heterogeneous sectors (textiles,
chemicals, food).
Effect of structural changes :
Analyze the change in industrial specialization on energy intensity (role
of structural effects), first at the manufacturing level and for the total
industry (including mining and construction)
Content of the final report :
Energy Efficiency Trends in Households
Introduction: policy measures and objectives in the household
Global trends
Specific consumption by main end-use
Diffusion of efficient equipment
Domestic electrical appliances
Content of the final report :
Energy Efficiency Trends in Transport
Introduction: policy measures and objectives in the transport
Global trends
Specific consumption by main mode (road, air, rail and water)
Road consumption by type of vehicle
Content of the final report :
Examples of national report on energy efficiency can be found on the
ODYSSEE web site (e.g. Germany, UK)