8. What software do you have on your computer - technology-two

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Transcript 8. What software do you have on your computer - technology-two

Evolution of Computers
Are you on a computer right now?
 Then do you know how a computer
 Read all about the evolution of
computers. The term Computer,
originally meant a person capable of
performing numerical calculations
with the help of a mechanical
computing device.
The evolution of computers started way back in the
late 1930s.
In the evolution of computers the first generation was
characterized by the use of vacuum tubes. These
computers were expensive and bulky. They did not
support multitasking.
It was in 1937 that John V. Atanasoff
devised the first digital electronic
The U.S. Army's Ballistics Research
Laboratory came up with the Electronic
Numerical Integrator And Computer (ENIAC)
in 1946. It came to be known as the first
general purpose electronic computer. Until the
1950s all computers that were used were
vacuum tube based.
In the 1960s, transistor based
computers replaced vacuum tubes.
Transistors made computers smaller
and cheaper. They made computers
energy efficient. But transistors were
responsible for the emission of large
amounts of heat from the computer.
Due to this computers were subject
to damage. The use of transistors
marked the second generation of
-Stanford Research Institute brought
about ERMA, Electronic Recording
Machine Accounting Project, which
dealt with automation of the process
of bookkeeping in banking.
The use of Integrated circuits
was in the third generation of
computers. Small transistors
placed on silicon chips, called
semi conductors. This
increased the speed and
efficiency of computers.
Operating systems were the
human interface to computer
operations and keyboards and
monitors became the inputoutput devices.
In 1968, was launched the first
mini computer called the PDP8.
In 1969, the development of
ARPANET began with the
financial backing of the
Department Of Defense.
Thousands of integrated circuits placed onto a silicon chip made up
a microprocessor. Introduction of microprocessors was the hallmark
of fourth generation computers.
In 1971, Micro Computer came up with microprocessor and Ted
Hoff, working for Intel introduced 4-bit 4004..
In 1974, Xerox came up with Alto workstation at PARC. It consisted
of a monitor, a graphical interface, a mouse, and an Ethernet card
for networking.
IN 1971
The fifth generation computers are
under development. They are going
to be based on principles of artificial
intelligence and natural language
recognition. Developers are aiming
at computers capable of organizing
1991 - World-Wide Web (WWW)
was developed by Tim Berners-Lee
and released by CERN.
1994 - Netscape Navigator 1.0 was
released Dec. 1994, and was given
away free, soon gaining 75% of
world browser market.
1996 - Microsoft failed to
recognized the importance of the
Web, but finally released the much
imporoved browser Explorer 3.0 in
the summer.
The system unit is
composed of a motherboard, a
power source, a microprocessor,
memory, hard-disk(s), and a
graphic card. These are the core
components of a system unit.
Apart from these we can find
auxiliary components such as a
TV tuner, CD/DVD ReadingWriting units, floppy disk unit, etc.
There are 3 types of
monitors: CRT monitors
(cathode-ray tube), LCD
monitors (liquid crystal
display) and LED monitors
(light-emitting diode).
Vocabulary exercises :
1. Complete the fallowing sentences with one word only:
If you want your computer to work, you ……. it on.
Jim wants to ………… his computer.
This project is really good. You need to ………………
it form this website: www.project.com
A computer is a …………. that receives input, stores
an manipulate data and provides output in a useful
The first computer did not support ………………… .
In the evolution of computer the first generation was
characterized by the use of …………. tubes.
7. Mary needs to…….. on the school’s website.
8. The first electronic computers were the size of a large
room, consuming as much power as several hundred
modern ……………. computers.
9. If you want to go on-line, you need to turn on your
…………… .
10. My computer doesn’t work well. I probably got a
……….. .
1. Match the items to form the definition:
1) an output device
that produces a paper
copy of alphanumeric
or graphic data.
2) aided electronic system using
photoelectric cells to separate copy, as
color illustrations, into its primary
colors, correct color copy, and produce
a set of color separations ready for
proofing or printing.
4) parts of the computer which do
not have a material form, such as
programs, data, protocols, etc.
3) all of those parts
of a computer that
are tangible objects
5) to transfer (software, data, character sets,
etc.) from a smaller to a larger computer
1. Have you ever used a computer?
2. Do you own a computer?
3. Do you have access to the Internet?
4. Do you use the computer to do your
5. Do you use the computer only for
6. Do you consider yourself dependent on
7. How many hours do you use the computer per
3 hours
2 hours
1 hour
4 hours
6 hours
8. What software do you have on your computer?
 Windows
 Winamp
 Yahoo Messenger
 Photoshop
 Media player
 BS-player
 Nero
 U- torrent
9. What is your favorite activity on the computer?
Playing games
Listening to music
Surfing on the Internet
Watching movies
10. How do you imagine your life without a
More TV, less information
Not so hard
Not so interesting
11. Do you think messenger is an efficient way to
communicate? Why?
Yes, because is easy and fast;
Yes, because is free;
Yes, because you make a lot of friends;
Yes, because you keep in touch with your
No, because people use to take different identity
an isolate from the real world;
No, because you can not make real friends;