Sexually Transmitted Diseases

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What is a sexually transmitted
disease (STD)?
 They are caused by infections that are passed from one
person to another during sexual contact.
 Here are some of the most common STDs in the
United States that we will discuss:
 Chlamydia
 Gonorrhea
 Genital Herpes
 Genital Warts
 Syphilis
What you should know…
 Most STDs are spread ONLY through sexual contact.
 Most STDs have either very mild or no symptoms.
 Many STDs can be treated and cured, but early
diagnosis is important.
 STDs can recur because the body does not build up an
immunity against them.
 STDs can cause sterility, blindness, and birth defects.
 The BEST way to protect yourself from an STD is by
practicing ABSTINENCE.
Surprising Facts
 STDs are most common in the 15 -24 age group…50%
of all new STDs are found in this age group!
 46% of American high school students have had
sexual intercourse and put themselves at risk for STDs.
 1 in 4 teens contracts an STD every year.
 1 in 2 sexually active people will get an STD by the
age of 25.
Bacteria called Chlamydia trachomatis
Sexual contact, mother to baby during delivery
Signs &
Girls: Vaginal discharge, pain during urination, pain in lower
abdomen, bleeding between periods, mild fever, muscle aches, or
Boys: Discharge from the urethra, itching or burning around penis, or
swollen testicles (rare)
*Many people don’t realize they have Chlamydia because they don’t
show symptoms.
*If symptoms do appear, they can take up to 3 weeks.
Antibiotics should clear up the infection in 7 to 10 days.
Infection of the urethra, inflammation of the cervix (female) or the
epididymis (male), Pelvic Inflammatory Disease in females which can
lead to infertility or ectopic pregnancies later in life.
Cause (Bacteria or
Bacteria called Neisseria gonorrhoea
Sexual contact, mother to baby during delivery
Signs & Symptoms
Girls: Yellow-green vaginal discharge, pain during urination, pain
in lower abdomen, bleeding between periods, or mild fever.
Boys: Yellowish-white discharge from the urethra or burning
during urination.
*Males are more likely than females to show symptoms.
*Many girls show no symptoms or they may be so mild, she
doesn’t notice them until they are severe.
If left untreated, can lead to pelvic inflammatory disease (PID) in
females and pain & swelling in the testicles creating scar tissue in
men which can both cause infertility.
Can cause meningitis and blindness in newborn babies.
Genital Herpes
Herpes simplex virus 2
Sexual contact (even when sores are not present), mother to baby
during delivery
Signs & Symptoms
Pain, tenderness, or itching in the genital area, fever or headache.
Bumps and blisters may appear on the vagina, penis, scrotum,
anus, thigh, or buttocks. Blisters open to form painful sores that
can last 3 weeks.
No cure. A person can take medication to help with symptoms.
Some people don’t show symptoms or maybe have only one
outbreak. An infected person is ALWAYS at risk of spreading,
even if there are no sores present.
Genital Warts
Cause (Bacteria or
Human papillomavirus – HPV (virus), which is the most
common sexually transmitted disease.
Sexual contact, skin-to-skin contact, mother to baby during
Signs & Symptoms
Girls: Warts in the vaginal or anal area or on the cervix.
Boys: Warts on the penis, scrotum, groin, or thigh.
*Warts are usually flesh-colored and painless, therefore, they are
not noticed right away.
There is a vaccine to PREVENT HPV, but it doesn’t protect
against all strains.
No cure. A person can take medication to help with symptoms.
The immune system MIGHT clear up the HPV infection on its
If left untreated, can lead to cervical cancer in women.
Cause (Bacteria or
Bacteria called Treponema pallidum
Sexual contact, mother to baby during pregnancy and/or delivery
Signs & Symptoms
Primary stage: A chancre sore appears 10 days to 3 months after
contracting infection and/or enlarged lymph nodes.
Secondary stage: Weeks to months after the chancre appears,
syphilis bacteria enters the blood causing symptoms such as rash,
fever, headache, loss of appetite, weight loss, sore throat, muscle
aches, joint pain, and enlarged lymph nodes. Infection can affect
the liver, kidneys, and eyes, or cause meningitis.
Tertiary stage: Symptoms such as damage to the eyes, large blood
vessels, heart, bones and CNS can appear years later. Other
symptoms include memory loss, decreased mental function,
walking, balance, bladder control, and vision.
Can be treated with antibiotics in the early stages.
If left untreated, can lead to very serious health problems.
Cause (Bacteria or HIV is the human immunodeficiency virus. HIV is the
virus that causes AIDS.
Sexual contact, infected needles, mother to baby during
pregnancy or delivery, contact with infected blood or
other body fluids.
Signs &
Most people don’t experience symptoms for years.
Some develop flu-like symptoms for a few days. Later
symptoms include swollen lymph nodes, weight loss,
fever, mouth infections, diarrhea, tiredness.
No cure. A person can take medication to help with
Immune system weakens so other diseases and illnesses
can develop. Many people with AIDS die of other
illnesses such as the flu or pneumonia.
 ABSTINENCE is the BEST way to prevent yourself
from getting a sexually transmitted disease.
 Don’t ruin your future by making bad choices now!
 Not choosing abstinence can lead to:
 Infertility
 Higher chance of divorce (you are 50% more likely to
divorce if you engage in premarital sex)
 Unintended pregnancy
 Less education, poverty
 Sexually transmitted diseases, life threatening illnesses
such as cancer, diseases, death