Curriculum Night for Parents

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Transcript Curriculum Night for Parents

Ms. Collins
7th Grade Math and Social
Team Falcons
Ms. Collins
Graduated from Conner High School
Graduated from Thomas More College
Joined the Army Reserves in 2008
Middle School Math and Social Studies
Currently still serving until 2017
Have taught for 2 years at a private school
teaching 6th, 7th, and 8th grade Math and SS
Second year at OMS
Enjoy teaching, reading, and spending time
with family and friends!
Content Covered in 7th Grade
Number System
Expressions and Equations
fractions, fractions, fractions
Ratios and Proportional Relationships
working on rational numbers and number sense
shapes, surface area, and volume, angle
measures, and spatial awareness
Statistics and Probability
Random sampling, chance occurrence,
comparing populations.
My Expectations
 Students
are expected to come to class
prepared, turn in their homework before
class starts, and be ready for the warm
 Absences—If a student is absent they
have the same number of days of their
absence to make up their work. It is the
responsibility of the student to ask for
assignments they missed and questions
they may have.
Work policy
Late work
1 point per question for exit slips, 2 points per
question for homework, higher points for tests and
I will accept late work from students, but they MUST
contact me. I do take away 10% of their grade for
each day it is late and after the 10th day, the grade
is a zero.
Extra credit
Randomly picked problems every so often
Some worksheets are made for extra practice may
be used for extra credit.
Class Website
 Go
to OMS homepage
 Click Teacher Websites
 Click Collins, Jennifer
On the left-hand side says 7th Math
 Click
on link for Collins Math Website
Important Dates
 September
7th – Labor day
 Sept. 16th– Picture day
 October 9th and 12th – Fall Break
 November 3rd – Election Day
 November 25th – 27th – Thanksgiving Break
 December 21st – Jan 1st – Winter Break
In school Dates
 Tuesday,
August 25th
Star Math Test
 Make
up day is Thursday, August 27th
 Red—No
technology; place electronic
devices in the holder
 Yellow—electronic devices can be used
for instructional purposes
 Green-Free to use cell phone, but must
adhere to code of conduct and AUP
My info
 Emailing
me is the fastest and easiest way
for me to communicate with parents.
 859 282 3240 ext. 85116
 [email protected]
the N!
 Planning
is from 08:20 – 09:30 a.m.