Transcript File

Key Individual in Disease and Infection : Paul Ehrlich
Key dates: 1854-1915. Key discovery 1909. Nobel Prize in
Medicine, 1908.
Who? German physician and scientist
Why significant?
•Developed staining techniques making it possible to
distinguish different blood cells.
•In 1909, developed the first chemical cure for a disease –
Salvarsan 606
•He called it a ‘magic bullet’ because it homed in on and
destroyed the harmful bacteria that caused syphilis.
Factors in their success:
Koch’s research team
Problems: It wasn’t until the 1930s that Gerhard Dromagk
developed Prontosil, the second ‘magic bullet’, to cure blood
poisoning. Scientists then discovered that the important
chemical in these cures was sulphonamide and drug companies
then developed more sulphonamide cures for diseases such as
Key Individual in Disease and Infection : Alexander Fleming
Key dates: 1881 – 1955. Nobel Prize 1945
Who? Doctor and research scientist
Why significant?
•He identified and published the discovery of penicillin, an antibiotic mould that killed bacteria (1928).
Factors in their success:
LUCK: He was studying bacteria and returned from holiday to
find mould in one dish that was killing it.
SKILL/SCIENCE/TECH: He was able to see the importance of this
and then conducted experiments to show it killed other types of
COMMUNICATION: He published his findings in scientific journals.
Problems: In 1929, his findings were mainly ignored as he had
not used penicillin on animals to heal infections so had no
evidence of it being useful. It was difficult for him to produce
penicillin in enough quantity. Fleming also cautioned against
using too little penicillin or for too short a period, due to the
possibility of developing resistance.
Key Individual in Disease and Infection : Ernst Chain and
Howard Florey
Key dates: Florey (1898-1968) and Ernst Chain (1906- 79)
Shared Nobel prize with Fleming in 1945
Who? Medical Scientists
Why significant? They developed the way to mass produce
penicillin which has since saved thousands of lives and made
many other better more quickly.
Factors in their success:
COMMUNICATION: Fleming’s research.
WAR: WW2 and especially the US involvement provided the
funding to develop penicillin in large quantities. US drug
companies provided facilities.
SCIENCE/TECH: They were researchers from Oxford
University who worked together.
Problems: In the early days they also found production
difficult and one patient improved then died when they ran
Key Individual in Disease and Infection : Domagk
Key dates: Domagk (1895-1964). Nobel Prize in 1939.
Who? German Bacteriologist
Why significant? Credited with creating KI-730. The first
commercially available antibiotic – Prontosil. Fascinated by
Ehrlich’s work.
Factors in their success:
LUCK: New it worked on Animals but untested on Humans.
Daughter was injured by an infected needle. Wound turned
bad. He gave her Prontosil and she survived.
SKILL/SCIENCE/TECH: Very thorough with his work.
Discovered in 1932 that a dye called Prontosil would work.
Problems: Turned the patient a red tinge… Sulphonomides
could damage Kidneys and Liver, they did not work on strong