The Diversity of Life

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The Diversity of Life
Classification, Viruses, Prokaryotes,
Protists and Fungi
Magnet: Parts of Chapters 20-23
Honors: Parts of Chapters 17 -20
Classification of organisms
• Taxonomy-Discipline of Bio that deals with identifying,
naming, classifying, organisms
– Aristotle- Grouped organisms as plants or animals Grouped animals
based on habitat; plants based on structure (morphology). Believed
species were fixed
• Linnaeus-Father of taxonomy. Classified species based on natural
relationships ( behavior, structure and habitat)
• Systematics is a broader science that deals with taxonomy and
evolutionary history
• Binomial nomenclature-2 word Latin name
• Taxons: Domain, Kingdom, Phylum, Class, Order, Family,
Genus, species
• Species-group of organisms that are able to produce viable
• Phyla in plants are called divisions
• Dichotomous keys
How are relationships determined?
• Evolutionary history (phylogeny). Cladisticsclassifies organisms according to the order they
diverged from a common ancestor. See
cladograms (phylogenic trees)- p. 354. Sequences
orders of organisms based on derived characters
that evolved with respect to a common outgroup
• Development and Behavior
• Biochem (Nucleic acids and amino acids) and
• HW- What is a molecular clock?
Traditional (“old”)5 Kingdom
• “Older” classification system (before domains):
Kingdoms Monera, Protista, Fungi. Plantae,
• But now we have added domains….Monerans are
now divided into 2 domains-Archeae and Bacteria.
3rd domain is Eukarya. According to the
cladogram on p. 354
• , which 2 domains are more closely related?
• Some classification systems are now dividing K.
Protista into 3 kingdoms
Evidence for the 3 domain system
• Distinct differences in the rRNA sequence
between 2 groups of prokaryotes
• DNA sequencing data
• Membrane structure
• Cell wall structure: bacteria cell wall is made of
peptidoglycan. Archaea have proteins in their
walls similar to the ones found in our membranes
• STUDY TABLE 20.3!!!!!!!!
• Made of protein coat (capsid) and nucleic
• 5-300 nm (nm is a billionth of a meter)
• Why aren’t they considered “living”?
• No “cure”. Some can be prevented by
• Ex- influenza, cold, measles, mumps, HIV,
hepatitis, chicken pox, herpes
• Intracellular parasites
• Virus attaches to host cell using their coat’s
proteins and the host’s cell membrane receptors.
Viral genome then enters host cell
• Viruses can be made of DNA or RNA---HIV is a
retrovirus made of RNA
• Lytic cycle(active-lysis) vs. Lysogenic (inactivevirus hidden as prophage). HW-What is a prion?
Give an example
• Cocci-spheres
• Spirillum (spirochete)-spiral (helical)
• Bacillum-rod-shaped
Typical bacterial cell
Know structure p. 63
Large circular chromosome; plasmids in nucleiod
• Cell walls (peptidoglycan); Many secrete sticky
substance that forms capsule outside wall. Both
surround DNA.
• Usually 1-10 um long
• Cell wall prevents osmotic rupture. Penicillin
breaks down cell wall and allows rupture
Bacteria continued
• Some use O2—others are anaerobes (may be obligate or
• Some are flagellated
• Fimbriae (once called nonsexual pili)- help bacteria to
adhere to surfaces.
• Pili (sexual)--used for conjugation
• Reproduce asexually by binary fission
• Endospore- resistant structure with a thick, protective coat
protecting a bacterium inside. Can survive for years
before rehydrating. P. 369
• Some bacteria have an additional outer “coat” containing
lipid. Those that have it are not able to absorb a “dye”
called a gram stain and are called gram -. Those without it
(gram +) can absorb it and appear purple. Technique is
often used in (medical) labs to differentiate types and
narrow down possible diseases .
Prokaryotes are the foundation of
life on earth
• Decompose dead organisms
– Decomposers, saprobes, saprophytes
• Perform nitrogen fixation
• Live in our digestive system and are also used in
the food industry
– Cheese, yogurt, etc
• Used to decompose waste in sewage
• Disesase causing bacteria – Usually produce
toxins. Ex- bacteria that causes botulism
(paralyzes nerve cells)
Some Prokaryotes Cause Disease
• Bacterial Examples: cholera, diptheria,
leprosy, Lyme disease, meningitis, the
plague, pneumonia, sphylisis, tetanus,
tuberculosis, strep throat. See p. 375
• Antibiotics are the most effective means of
fighting bacterial infections
• **No known Archaea cause disease
Major Groups of Archaea
• Extremophiles-3 types
• Methanogens- are poisoned by oxygen;use
CO2 as the electron acceptor in respiration;
produces methane as a waste product
• Halophiles- lives in very saline places
• Thermophiles (aka hyperthermophiles)
• Used to be grouped with bacteria and called
• Now believed eukaryotes “split” from archaeal
line of descent
• Archaea and Eukarya share some of the same
ribosomal proteins and similar tRNA
• Archaea have “unusual” lipids in membrane that
allow them to live under extreme conditions
• Cell walls composed of polysacc and some only
are entirely protein. **A few recently discovered
have no wall (not on test, just FYI)
The Origin of the Eukaryotic Cell
• Eukaryotic cells arose through a
combination of 2 processes:
-membrane infolding- produced all the
membrane-bound organelles except the
mitochondrion and the choloroplasts.
– Endosymbiosis-Mitochondria and chloroplasts
believed to once be prokaryotic cells that were
ingested or absorbed by eukaryotic cell.
Kingdom Protista
Domain Eukarya
Very diverse group of organisms
Most are unicellular
The most elaborate cells of all the kingdoms
Most are aerobic & use mitochondria for
• Some are autotrophs, some are heterotrophs
• 3 types: ingestive, absorptive,
Kingdom Protista
• Motility: flagella, cilia, pseudopodia
• Some reproduce sexually, some reproduce
- the haploid stage is the main vegetative stage of
most protists; only the zygote is diploid. Zygotes
undergo meiosis and become haploid (see life
cycle in book)
• Can form cysts that survive harsh conditions
• Most are aquatic (plankton). What adaptation
prevents them from lysing in water?
Protozoa – animal-like protists
• Heterotrophic and ingestive; Grouped by their
means of locomotion (only know these):
1-ciliophorans (P. Ciliophora) – move with _______;
examples include Paramecium & Stentor & Blepharisma
**paramecium have a macronucleus (for everyday
metabolism) and micronucleus (reproduction)
2 -zooflagellates (P. Zoomastigophora) – move with
examples include Giardia, Trypanasoma
3 -sarcondines (**some texts: P. Sarcodina; others: P.
Rhizopoda) – move with _______;
examples include amoeba
4 -sporozoans (P. Apicomplexa/ P. Sporozoa) – don't
move; parasitic; Plasmodium
Algae – the plant-like protists
• Autotrophic
• Classified by the pigments they contain
• All of the algae contain chlorophyll
(photosynthetic), but some contain different
types of chlorophyll and accessory
pigments, causing them to appear other
colors than green.
The Plant-Like Protists
• P. Chlorophyta – green algae
Chlamydomonas, Volvox, some seaweeds, sea
• P. Chrysophyta – golden-brown algae -Ex:
Diatoms! Contain silica (**some books are
classifying this differently now, but I am still
going with this)
• P. Euglenophyta – Ex: Euglena (are
photosynthetic, but can ingest if too deep in water
to get light)
• P. Dinoflagellata/ P. Pyrrophyta -dinoflagellates – cause red tide (toxic to fish)
More Plant-Like Protists
• P. Phaeophyta – the brown algae
-include the largest seaweeds, the kelps
• P. Rhodophyta – the red algae
-include the red seaweeds, some encrusted
and common in coral reefs
The Fungus Like Protists
• Unicellular, heterotrophic, absorbative
(usually feed on decaying matter)
• Cell walls mainly made of cellulose (like
plants). No chitin, which is found in true
fungal walls
• Most known as slime molds or water molds
• When food is not plentiful, they produce
spore producing structures (sporangia) and
the wind disperses the spores
• Ex- slime molds
• Look similar to some species of moss, but are not.
• Lichens are symbiotic associations between a fungus
(often an ascomycete) and green algae or cyanobacteria
• The fungus usually give lichens “shelter” (optimal
environment) which gives rise to their shape
• Alga provides the fungus with food
• Fungus provides a suitable physical environment for
What is a fungus?
Most are muticellular
Digest food outside bodies
(using enzymes) and
absorb it
• some are saprophyteslive off of dead organic
• Cell walls made of chitin.
Structure and Function of
Multicellular Fungi
• Composed of tiny filaments called hyphae
• Hyphae are long strings of cells. Mass called
mycelium. Some species can grow a km of
• Can reproduce asexually by releasing haploid
• Unicellular fungi-yeast
• Multicellular ex: mushrooms, molds
Life cycle
• See supplement for life cycle of mushroom
• Stages of a mushroom (Basidiomycetes):
– Dikaryotic (contains 2 haploid nuclei/cell)
– Diploid- Haploid nuclei fuse in fruiting body of
mushroom forming diploid zygote
– Haploid-Zygote undergoes meiosis and forms
haploid spores. Spores then germinate and
• Phyla:
– Zygomycota- Common mold(ex-Rhizopus). Reproduce
by conjugation
– Ascomycota- Sac fungi; Contain ascus which are sac
like structures that contain spores. Ex-Yeast, mildew
– Basidiomycota-Have fruiting bodies (ex-mushroom’s
cap). Contain basidium which are spore bearing repro.
structures on the gills of the mushroom caps
– Deuteromycota: Imperfect fungi. Sexual repro. has
not been observed. Ex: Penicillium, ringworm, athletes
Mycorrhizae (“fungus roots”)
• Mutualistic
associations of
plant roots and
• Almost all
vascular plants
Ecological Impacts of Fungi
• Decomposers! Important nutrient recyclers
• Some are pathogens, such as ringworm and
athletes foot.Plant pathogens--Dutch elm disease,
Chestnut blight
• some produce deadly toxins-ex-some species of
• we use them for their antibiotics-penicillium.
Produce enzymes that rupture bacterial cell walls