Nutrition and Food Pyramid

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Nutrition and Food Pyramid
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 What are some reasons why we eat food?
Foods Supply Energy
 Fuel for your body
 When your body uses nutrients in food, a series of chemical
reactions take place, therefore energy is released.
 Metabolism
 Chemical process by which your body breaks down food to
release energy
Foods Supply Nutrients
 What is a nutrient?
 Substances your body needs to:
 regulate body function
 promote growth
 repair body tissues
 obtain energy
***Body requires more than 40 nutrients for these tasks
 What is a calorie?
 The amount of energy released when food is broken down is
measured in units
 Heat Energy
 Scientific term - The energy needed to raise the temperature of
1 gram of water through 1 °C (now usually defined as 4.1868
 What is the recommended daily caloric intake for a average
Average Caloric intake?
Caloric Intake for Women
Caloric Intake for Men
 Several factors play into how much calories you
should take in daily.
How much exercise – low, moderate, intense
How fit are you – obese, in shape
Quality of the foods you eat – fast food, fruits, vegetables
How much sleep you get, how long you stay awake
Six Types of Nutrients
 Carbohydrates
 Fats
 Proteins
 Vitamins
 Minerals
 Water
 Purpose: Supply energy to your body
 There are two different types of carbohydrates –
 simple : known as sugars.
Ex. Fruits, vegetables, milk, table sugar, refined foods
complex: starches are the main types. Starch are sugars
linked together that form a long chain.
Ex. Oats, grains, wheat, potatoes, whole wheat
Complex Carbohydrates
 Fiber – complex carbohydrate found in plants.
 Fiber cannot be broken down and passed through your blood
 Passed through without being digested but is a necessity for
proper functioning of your digestive system.
 A High Fiber diet will –
 Prevent constipation
 Reduce risk of colon cancer
 Prevent heart disease
Daily Carbohydrate Intake
 45 to 65 Percent of your daily diet
 Better to eat foods rich in complex carbohydrates
 High in Sugar – candy, soft drinks – Low
Nutritional Value
 Nutrient with highest energy content
 Purpose supply your body with energy, form your
cells, maintain body temperature and protect your
 Unsaturated – good fat
 Saturated fats- bad fat
 cholesterol
Daily Fat Intake
 25 to 35 percent of your daily caloric intake
 Primarily unsaturated fats
 To reduce intake of saturated fats, substitute low fat
foods for meats and dairy products that are high in
saturated fats.
 Purpose serve as a source of energy
 Growth and repair of body tissue’s
 High Protein diet – ex. Milk, eggs, meats, nuts,
beans, peas, lentils
22 total amino acids
13 are made in the body
9 MUST come from food!!!
Complete proteins- animal sources have all 9 amino
Incomplete proteins- veggies, nuts , seeds lack one
or two incomplete proteins
Amino Acids
 Makes up protein in our body and food.
 Digest protein, body breaks down the protein into
amino acids which are absorbed into bloodstream
and reassembled to make the proteins your body
 Essential Amino Acids – 22 total amino acids
9 come from food
The rest your body manufactures
Complete and Incomplete Proteins
 Complete – Proteins from an animal source
 Meats, fish, dairy
 Contains all nine essential amino acids
 Incomplete – Proteins that come from a plant source
 Beans, broccoli, peas, etc.
 Lack one or more essential amino acids
Daily Intake Protein
 10 to 35 percent of your daily diet should be proteins
 Diet with a variety of meat and vegatables will supply
the right amount of protein and amino acids you will
 Nutrients that are made by living things, are
required only in small amounts
 Purpose – assist in chemical reactions, using other
 Two Classes – Fat soluble – dissolve in fat. Water
soluble – dissolve in water
Fat Soluble
 Fat Soluble Vitamins
 A, D, E, K are found in vegetable oils, eggs, vegetables, milk,
fruit, sunlight
 Can be stored in the body
Water Soluble
 Water soluble vitamins
 Vitamin C, B Vitamins are found in fruits, vegatables
 Can not be stored in the body
 Important to get a daily dose of these vitamins
 B1, B2, B3, B6, B12, Folate, C
 Play a role in metabolism, nervous system function, healthy
red blood cells, formation of proteins, fights infections
 Nutrients that occur naturally in rock and soils
 24 essential minerals have been shown for good
 Need seven minerals – calcium, sodium, potassium,
magnesium, phosphorus, chlorine and sulfur
 65 Percent of your body is water
 Purpose hydrates your body
 Carries waste out of your body
 Digest food
 Cells/tissues/organs need water to function
 Play a role in production of energy
Water and Homeostasis
 Homeostasis – process of maintaining a steady state
inside your body
 Water contains dissolved substances called
 Daily Intake – 10 glasses of 8 oz. of water
 Factors – age, gender, physical activity
 Caffeine – increases the amount of water your body excretes
Water and Exercise
 Drink water before and after you exercise
 Sports drinks – try to avoid sports drinks for low to
moderate work outs.
Heavier to more intense workouts, sports drinks can be
beneficial but in moderation.
When in doubt drink water
Old Food Pyramid
New Food Pyramid
Mission Nutrition
Reading Food Labels