The purpose of assessment is to support student learning.

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Transcript The purpose of assessment is to support student learning.

Learning is a journey
Not a guided tour
• Academic students develop students’ knowledge
and skills through the study of theory and
abstract problems. These courses focus on the
essential concepts of a subject and explore
related concepts as well. They incorporate
practical applications as appropriate
Applied courses focus on the essential concepts
of a subject and develop student’s knowledge
and skills through practical applications and
concrete examples. Familiar situations are used
to illustrate ideas and students are given more
opportunities to experience hands-on
applications of the concepts and theories that
they study.
How do I support all learners?
• Turn to a partner. Answer the following
• How many overall expectations could you
meet with the Oh Deer activity and the
apple demo?
• How many specific expectations could you
meet with the Oh Deer activity and the
apple demo?
How do I support all learners?
• Turn to a different person and answer the
following question
• Which specific expectations could you
leave out? Why?
How do we help all learners?
• We choose what we want students to
learn based on their interests and our
enduring knowledge-and provide them
with different kinds of activities and justify
our activity based program by clustering
ministry expectations!!!
The TEAM approach
• T- talker
• E-encourager
• A-articulator
• M- mover
• Question cups
Find your TEAM
• Introduce yourselves and establish your
roles-please try to stay in those roles to
see how it feels…..
How are the big ideas from the
curriculum guidelines linked to the
overall expectations?
Use the white boards or 11 x 17 paper provided to
demonstrate the connections between the big ideas
and the overall expectations.
How can you make these connections interesting
for your students? Record your ideas on the
whiteboards too.
Student questions…..
• At the beginning of the unit- use questions
to find out what interests your students
• Pick one question that your team thinks
would interests students. How many
expectations cluster with that expectation?
• OPTIONAL-With your TEAM begin
planning your unit. Include activities that
you already have in your repertoire!
Sharing Resources
• Turn to a partner and share your resource
• Could you use your activity to have
students explore before you make a note
together? Why? Why not?
• How many expectations cluster with your
The Egg as your Eye Demo
How is egg white like your eye?
What could happen if acid or base made
contact with your eye?
So what?
How can I make science interesting?
• Having students focus on application,
analysis, synthesis and evaluation
questions rather than knowledge and
comprehension questions while they are
learning and being assessed certainly
• The hand-out provides examples of words
that you can use to support student
How to talk so kids can learn
• Work with your TEAM to discuss the
following questions
• So –what did you think of Chapter 2?
• What did you like?
• What was problematic for you?
For Next class
• Read STAY SAFE and answer the
questions provided in a hard copy format.
• This assignment will be submitted to your
instructor at the beginning of next class
and assessed for completion
• What have you learned in this class that
supports your teaching philosophy-one or
two examples would be great
• What are we taking too long to get to?