Transcript Tobacco

By: Devin R. & Ronnie E.
Why you should know
• If you were going to use them or do
• If you know someone that does or wants
• They are very bad for you
• And often very disgusting or interesting
Carbon Monoxide
Rat Poison
Negative effects of smoking
Brain damage/ memory loss
Cancer of the lungs, mouth, and throat
Yellow fingertips and loss of circulation in
fingers and toes
• Wrinkly skin
• Weight loss (sometimes)
• Gateway drug
• Feels like your lungs are what your
stomach feels when your hungry
• More of an addiction problem than
anything because of how often it is used
and that you can use it with everything
(you can’t be injecting heroin or snorting
cocaine all the time, you'd die) That of
course is mental addiction not physical
• First of all Scary: treatment, death,
discomfort etc.
• Lungs, mouth, and throat
Brain Damage
• Harms more than one region of the brain
• Brain damage can lead to memory loss
• Holes in brain
Vs. Cocaine abuse…
Not as much difference as you
Would hope or want to see…
Gateway drug
• Some scientists believe that because
tobacco is an addictive drug it is more of a
gateway drug than illicit drugs that aren’t
• Especially if you start at a young age, its
definitely a very dangerous gateway drug
because you are obtaining it illegally just
like you would, say, crack
Tobacco IS a DRUG
Negative affects of dealing
• Get in trouble with the law (Misdemeanor
Crime – leads to a Criminal Record)
• Get into trouble with the school
• Get into trouble with your parents
• Bad reputation
• Medical Practitioners
• Knowledgeable Friends and Family
• Trusted adults
– Counselors, Teachers, Principals, Coaches
Ask, is it worth it? Really? (think twice)
Don’t Get involved with drugs
It always turns out bad