Transcript Alcohol

Legal Risk
• You must be 21 to buy alcohol in the
United States
• Laws do not allow the drinking of
alcohol in public places such as malls
and beaches.
• Those who are caught driving under the
influence of alcohol will have their
drivers license suspended.
• Those who are found guilty of repeated
drunk driving charges may be sent to
• Drug– is a chemical that causes
changes in a person’s body or
• Alcohol is a drug!
• Alcohol is found in beverages
such as a beer, wine, and liquor
• The content of alcohol in most
beverages is between 6% and
• Beer and wine indicate the
percentage of alcohol on their
• Alcohol such as whiskey, vodka, and
rum list their PROOF on the label
• Proof- the percentage of alcohol in the
beverages—it is twice the percentage of
• Example:
– Vodka is 50% alcohol—then it has a proof
of 100
– (50%) (2) = 100
– Rum is 120 proof—then it is 60% alcohol
• Alcohol is a depressant
• A drug that slows the activity of the
body’s central nervous system
• Example:
– Slows the heart rate
– Slows the digestive process
What immediate effects does
alcohol have on me?
• Confusion- due to slowed brain activity
• Decreased alertness- due to slowed brain activity
• Poor Coordination- due to slowed brain activity
• Blurred Vision- due to slowed brain activity
• Drowsiness- due to slowed brain activity
• Loss of inhibitions- controls people put on their emotions
and behaviors in order to behave in a socially acceptable
What does alcohol do to my body?
• Intoxication- the negative effects alcohol has on
a drinker’s body and behavior.
– Moment when the alcohol is consumed faster than the
body can break it down
• Alcohol causes problems to the different areas of
the body:
– Bloodstream- alcohol causes the blood vessels to
* Blood flows to the surface of the skin making
the drinker feel warm
* However, the body temperature actually drops
• Brain
– - the alcohol slows the speed of some
brain activities.
• Alcohol depresses the part of the brain
that controls breathings and heartbeat.
• Too much drinking may result in alcohol
poisoning or death
• Blackouts- periods of time that a drinker
cannot remember
• Organ responsible for chemically breaking
down the alcohol into carbon dioxide and
• When people drink alcohol faster than the
liver can break it down- they become
intoxicated or drunk.
• 1 drink per hour
• Drinking alcohol over a period of years can
lead to liver damage - Cirrhosis
Blood Alcohol Concentration
• The amount of ethanol in a
persons blood is expressed by a
What factors influence my BAC?
• Gender
* Females usually handle a
SMALLER amount of alcohol than
males because females weight
LESS and carry MORE body fat
* Alcohol does not dissolve in fat
• Age- younger individuals can not
process the alcohol as fast
• Weight
• Height
* Alcohol is found in the
bloodstream, a smaller individual
has less blood therefore will be
effected by alcohol differently than
someone who is bigger
• Amount of food in the stomach
* Food absorbs some of the alcohol
and slows the absorption of alcohol
into the bloodstream
* Think of food as a sponge that can
soak up the alcohol
* Without that sponge, the alcohol
goes directly into the blood stream
• Concentration of Alcohol
• Amount of Alcohol Consumed
* The more alcohol that is consumed
the more it will effect your BAC
• How fast someone drinks
* Gulping down a drink raises the
alcohol level in the blood because the
body has less time to process the
alcohol- 1 drink per hour
Long-Term Effects of Alcohol
• Tolerance
* The body builds up a resistance
to a drug
* The body needs LARGER
amounts of alcohol to achieve the
effect that was originally produced
• The body develops a resistance to a
drug and requires the drug to function
• Dependence is addiction
• When a person stops taking the drugs they
experience withdrawal
• Withdrawal symptoms include:
* shakiness,
* sleeping problems
* irritability
* rapid heartbeat
* sweating
Brain Damage
• Alcohol abuse destroys nerve cells in
the brain
• The connections in the brain may be
• This may cause forgetfulness, an
inability to concentrate and poor
Digestive Problems
• Large amounts of alcohol cause
the stomach to produce too much
acid which may lead to ulcers
Liver Damage
• Alcohol interferes with the liver’s ability
to break down fats so the liver begins
to fill with fat
• Cirrhosis- a disease of the liver where
useless scar tissue replaces normal
liver tissue. This is the last stage of
liver disease and can result in death
Heart Disease
• Excessive drinking contributes to
increased blood pressure.
• Alcohol abuse leads to heart
Fetal Alcohol Syndrome
• Birth defects caused by the effects
of alcohol on the unborn child
• Alcohol in the mother’s blood
passes into the unborn baby’s
Signs and Symptoms of FAS
Mental retardation
Birth defects
Abnormal facial features
Growth problems
Problems with the central nervous
• Trouble remembering and/or learning
• Vision or hearing problems
• Behavior problems
• A disease in which people are
addicted to alcohol
• There are many different stages of
• Early Stage
• Middle Stage
• Late State
Early Stage
• Consume alcohol to try and relieve
• May drink excessive amounts of
• Drink to escape problems at home,
school, and work
Middle Stage
• May refuse to acknowledge their
drinking problem
• They are able to hide their problem
• May start to be absent from school
or work
Late Stage of Alcoholism
• The alcoholic’s life revolves
around drinking
• Reverse tolerance is a condition in
which less and less alcohol causes
• Shampoo effect
Where do I go for help?
• Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) –
group composed of recovering
alcoholics who give
encouragement and support to
help other alcoholics stop drinking
and stay sober
• Al-Anon- group that helps friends
and families of alcohols learn how
they can contribute to the recovery
• Alateen- provides help and support
for teenagers living with alcoholic
• Teens learn skills to develop selfesteem so that they can over come
guilt feelings and regain emotional
and social health
If we know that drinking has a lot of
negative effects…..then why do
people still drink????
• There are many different types of
advertising that we see daily in the media
* TV
* Movies
* Magazines
* Radio
* Internet
Brand Loyalty
• Tells consumer that a brand is
better than the rest
• Example:
–King of the beers
• Tries to convince consumers that
everyone else wants a product and
they should too
False Image
• Convinces consumers that people
who use the product give off a
certain image
Free Stuff
• Tell consumers that they will get
prize or gifts if they buy the
Great Outdoors
• Showing consumers using the
product in exotic places
• Uses a slogan, jingle, or carton
to keep consumers’ attention
• Uses a well-known personality to
say that a product or service is the
Nothing but the positive
• Greatly exaggerates the
benefits of the product
Science Status
• Give consumers evidence of a
survey or test that proves the
product is effective or reliable