Transcript Alcohol

 Alcohol
 The drug found in wine, beer and liquor that causes
 Considered a drug because it alters a persons physical
and emotional state
 Intoxication
 Physical and mental changes produced by drinking
 AKA: drunk, hammered, sloshed…
Short Term Effects
 Irritates mouth, throat, esophagus and stomach
 Heart must work harder
 Body looses heat
 Liver works harder
 Causes dehydration
Long Term Effects
 Damage to Body
 Damage heart- irregular heart beat, hypertension
 Damage to liver
 Cirrhosis
 Disease that replaces healthy liver tissue with scar tissue
 Damage to Brain
 Dehydration and lack of oxygen causes cell death
 Dementia- decrease brain function
 Loss of brain function
Effects on Mind
 Slows down nervous system
 1-2 drinks
 Talkative and relaxed
 2+ drinks
 Loose ability to make good decisions
 Multiple Drinks
 Slurs speech, coordination, mood swings
Blood Alcohol Concentration
 Amount of alcohol in a person’s blood as a percentage
 Driving Limits
 .08 legal limit (DUI)
 .02 has ability to influence driving
 Buzzed driving is drunk driving!
Alcohol Breakdown
 Liver can break down 0.4 oz of alcohol in 1 hr
 How long will it take to break down a 1.5 oz serving of
liquor containing 40% alcohol?
 40% = 0.4
 1.5 x 0.4 = 0.6 oz of alcohol in one drink
 0.6 oz @ 0.4 = 1 hr
 1.5 hrs to completely breakdown the drink
Alcohol Breakdown
 Example:
 How long will it take to break down (3) 12 oz. cans of beer
with 4.2% of alcohol content?
 How long will it take to break down a (2) 5 oz. glasses of red
wine containing 12% alcohol
Family and Society
 Alcohol Abuse
 Drinking too much alcohol habitually
 Binge Drinking
 Heavy episode of drinking
 Alcoholism
 Lose control of drinking behavior
 Stages
Problem drinking
Alcohol & Pregnancy
 Fetal Alcohol Syndrome (FAS)
 Set of physical and mental defects that affect the fetus
because of consumption
 FAS is the leading preventable cause of mental
retardation in our country
Drinking and Driving
Slows reaction time
Affects vision
Reduces coordination
Affects judgement
513,000 people in the US are injured in alcohol-related
car crashes every year
3 in 10 will be involved in a alcohol-related crash
 Don’t drink
 Plan ahead
 Designated driver
 “DD”
 Arrange someone to pick you up
 Call a cab
Drink Count?
 How many drinks have you had today?
 How long do you need to wait before the alcohol is
completely out of your system?
 Are you safe to drive?