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A change in ocean current causes the
climate on an island to become drier.
As a result, the grasses that cover the
island change from dark green to
light brown. Over time, a species of
green toads that hide in the grasses
and are subject to predation respond
to these changes this is and example
Their coloration will
change to brown.
What is natural
A river caused one population of
giraffes to become separated into two
populations. Members of these two
populations were later brought
together but were not able to breed.
What is this an example of?
What is Speciation?
The biotic part of
a desert is…
What is anything
Organisms that get
energy by breaking down
the remains of dead
organisms are called…
What are Decomposers?
Grass is eaten by a prairie dog.
The prairie dog is eaten by a
coyote. This an example of…
What is a
Food Chain?
Going from the bottom to the
top of an energy pyramid,
This happens to the amount
of energy…
What is … It decreases?
When penicillin was first
developed it was hailed as a
miracle drug. People said that
bacterial diseases would be
completely wiped out. However,
over time many of these species of
bacteria are no longer killed with
penicillin. One likely cause of this
phenomenon is…
What is Rapid bacterial
mutations due to
environmental pressures?
When an effective insecticide is
used on a population of insects,
most of the insects are killed.
However, a few may survive due to
genes that make them resistant to
the insecticide. The the BEST
explanation of why this occurs…
What is Insects that survived
sprayings passed their
resistant genes to their
The process by which
individuals that are better
adapted to their
environment survive and
reproduce more
successfully than others
What is natural
Over time, animals may
change behavior or
physical appearance in
response to changes in the
environment. This is
What is Adaptation?
A storm blew several butterfly-eating
birds to a distant island. The island,
which previously had no birds, was
filled with butterflies of all colors. One
year later, all of the butterflies were
dark green and brown. What is a likely
explanation for the change in the
butterfly population?
What is The surviving
butterflies had a trait
that protected them
from the birds?
The first organism in a
food chain is always …
What is Producers?
The environment in
which an organism
lives called is called…
What is it’s
Living things that make
food from sunlight are
called …
What are
The symbiotic relationship
that is characterized by
organisms that help each
other is called…
What is Mutualism?
The type of animal that
feeds on the body of dead
animals is called …
What are Scavengers?
A cell that has lost its
chromosomes will be
unable to ….
What is be unable to
produce offspring?
The number of
chromosomes that are
present in a normal
human sex cell….
What is 23?
A gene can be described
as …
What is the coded
instructions for a
If the body cells of an
organism have 10
chromosomes, then
the sex cells produced
during meiosis would
have ___.
What is 5?
The structures
where genes are
What are
The function of
chromosomes is
directly related to …
What is passing
on traits?
Heredity is …
What is the passing
on of traits from
parents to
This makes up
What is… many
genes joined
The Process of
meiosis can be
described as…
What is …
Reducing the
number of
chromosomes by
one half…
Mitosis produces____
____ while meiosis
produces ____ ____.
What is Body cells
& Sex cells.
Unlike mitosis,
this is the end
results of
What is four
different cells are
The haploid
number of
chromosomes for a
human sperm of
egg cell is…
What is 23?
The number of
chromosomes in a
body cell (somatic)
is know as…
What is diploid?
Occurs in meiosis,
But not in mitosis…
What is Gametes
{sex cells} are
Make your wager
At least 90% or
What is the score
we are going to
make on the CRT?