Digestive tract

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Digestive Tract
• Digestive tract also called
gastrointestinal (GI) tract
– Is a muscular tube
– Extends from oral cavity to anus:
• Passes through pharynx, esophagus, stomach,
and small and large intestines
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Accessory Organs
Figure 16-1
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Digestive Tract
Figure 16-1
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Functions of the Digestive
1. Ingestion
Occurs when materials enter digestive tract via the
2. Mechanical processing
Crushing and shearing
Makes materials easier to propel along digestive tract
3. Digestion
The chemical breakdown of food into small organic
fragments for absorption by digestive epithelium
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The Movement of Digestive Materials
• Peristalsis
– Consists of waves of muscular contractions
– Moves a bolus along the length of the digestive
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The Movement of Digestive Materials
Peristaltic Motion
Circular muscles contract behind bolus:
While circular muscles ahead of bolus relax
2. Longitudinal muscles ahead of bolus contract:
Shortening adjacent segments
3. Wave of contraction in circular muscles:
Forces bolus forward
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Figure 16-3
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Figure 16-3
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Oral Cavity
Figure 16-4b
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The Tongue
Manipulates materials inside mouth
Functions of the tongue
Mechanical processing some crushing, moving around
Manipulation to assist in chewing and to prepare material
for swallowing
Sensory analysis by touch, temperature, and taste
Secretion of mucins (slime) and enzymes (lingual lipase)
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Oral Cavity
• Salivary Glands
– Produce 1.0 to 1.5 liters of saliva each day:
• 70% by submandibular glands
• 25% by parotids
• 5% by sublingual glands
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The Salivary Glands
Figure 16-5
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Oral Cavity
• Saliva
– 99.4% water
– 0.6% includes:
• Electrolytes (Na+, Cl–, and HCO3–)
• Buffers
• Antibodies
• Enzymes
• Waste products
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The Teeth
• Tongue movements pass food across
occlusal surfaces of teeth
• Chew (masticate) food
• Tooth structure
– Dentin:
• A mineralized matrix similar to that of bone
• Does not contain cells
– Pulp cavity:
• Receives blood vessels and nerves through the
root canal
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The Teeth
• Tooth Structure
– Root:
• Of each tooth sits in a bony socket (alveolus)
– Crown:
• Exposed portion of tooth
• Projects beyond soft tissue of gingiva
• Dentin covered by layer of enamel
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The Teeth
Figure 16-6a
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Types of Teeth
Dental Arcades (Arches)
Contain four types of teeth:
Cuspids (canines)
Bicuspids (premolars)
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Dental Succession
• Primary Teeth
– Also called deciduous teeth, milk teeth, or baby
– 20 temporary teeth of primary dentition
– Five on each side of upper and lower jaws:
• 2 incisors
• 1 cuspid
• 2 deciduous molars
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Primary Teeth
Figure 16-6b
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Dental Succession
• Secondary Dentition
– Also called permanent dentition
– Replaces deciduous teeth
– 32 permanent teeth
– Eight on each side, upper and lower:
• 2 incisors
• 1 cuspid
• 5 molars
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Secondary Teeth
Figure 16-6c
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The Pharynx
• A common passageway for solid food,
liquids, and air
• Regions of the pharynx
– Nasopharynx
– Oropharynx
– Laryngopharynx
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The Esophagus
• A hollow muscular tube
• About 25 cm (10 in.) long and 2 cm (0.80 in.)
• Solid food and liquids to the stomach
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• Also called deglutition
– Can be initiated voluntarily
– Proceeds automatically
– Check out this swallowing xray:
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The Stomach
• Anatomy of the Stomach
– The stomach is shaped like an expanded J:
– Shape and size vary from individual to individual
and from one meal to the next. (supersize me?)
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Anatomy of the Stomach
Figure 16-8a
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Anatomy of the Stomach
Figure 16-8b
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The Gastric Wall
• Histology of the Stomach
– Simple columnar epithelium lines all portions of
stomach. (Oh I remember those)
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Digestion in the Stomach
• Stomach performs preliminary digestion of
– Some digestion of carbohydrates and lipids.
• Stomach contents
Become more fluid
pH approaches 2.0
Pepsin activity increases
Protein disassembly begins
• Although digestion occurs in the stomach,
nutrients are not absorbed there
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The Small Intestine
• Plays key role in digestion and
absorption of nutrients
• 90% of nutrient absorption occurs in
the small intestine
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The Small Intestine
• The Duodenum
– The segment of small intestine closest to the
– “Mixing bowl” that receives chyme from stomach
and digestive secretions from pancreas and liver
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The Small Intestine
• The Jejunum
– Is the middle segment of the small intestine
– 2.5 meters (8.2 ft) long
– Is the location of most:
• Chemical digestion
• Nutrient absorption
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The Small Intestine
• The Ileum
– The final segment of the small intestine
– 3.5 meters (11.48 ft) long
– Ends a sphincter that controls flow of
material from the ileum into the large
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Segments of the Intestine
Figure 16-10
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The Intestinal Wall
Figure 16-11a
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The Intestinal Wall
Figure 16-11b
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The Intestinal Wall
Figure 16-11c
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Intestinal Movements
• Chyme arrives in duodenum
– Weak peristaltic contractions move it
slowly toward jejunum:
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Intestinal Secretions
• Watery intestinal juice
– 1.8 liters per day enter intestinal lumen
– Moisten chyme
– Assist in buffering acids
– Keep digestive enzymes and products of
digestion in solution
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The Pancreas
• Lies posterior to the stomach
– From duodenum toward spleen
• Pancreatic Secretions
– 1000 mL (1 qt) pancreatic juice per day
– Contain pancreatic enzymes
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The Pancreas
Figure 16-13a
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The Pancreas
• Pancreatic Enzymes
• Break down starches
• Break down complex lipids
• Break certain proteins apart
• Release products (e.g., fatty acids) that are easily
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The Liver
• Is the largest visceral organ
– (1.5 kg; 3.3 lb)
– (hepa means liver…..hepatitis?)
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The Surface Anatomy of the
Figure 16-14a
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The Surface Anatomy of the
Figure 16-14b
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The Gallbladder
• Is a pear-shaped, muscular sac
• Stores and concentrates bile prior to
excretion into small intestine
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The Gallbladder
• Functions of the Gallbladder
– Stores bile
– Releases bile into duodenum when triggered by
body. (when it is kind of full but not really)
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The Gallbladder
• Physiology of the Gallbladder
– Full gallbladder contains 40–70 mL bile
– Bile composition gradually changes in
• Water is absorbed
• Bile salts and solutes become concentrated
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The Large Intestine
• Is horseshoe shaped
• Extends from end of ileum to anus
• Also called large bowel
• Is about 1.5 meters (4.9 ft) long and 7.5 cm (3
in.) wide
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The Large Intestine
• Functions of the Large Intestine
– Reabsorption of water
– Compaction of intestinal contents into
– Absorption of important vitamins produced
by bacteria
– Storage of fecal material prior to
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The Large Intestine
Parts of the Large Intestine
1. Cecum:
The pouchlike first portion
2. Colon:
The largest portion
3. Rectum:
The last 15 cm (6 in.) of digestive tract
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The Large Intestine
• The Cecum
– Is an expanded pouch
– Receives material arriving from the ileum
– Stores materials and begins compaction
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The Large Intestine
• Appendix
– Is a slender, hollow appendage about 9 cm (3.6
in.) long. Doesn’t do anything.
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The Large Intestine
• The Colon
– Has a larger diameter and thinner wall than
small intestine
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The Large Intestine
• The Rectum
– Forms last 15 cm (6 in.) of digestive tract
– Is an expandable organ for temporary storage of
– Movement of fecal material into rectum triggers
urge to defecate
• The anal canal is the last portion of the
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The Large Intestine
• Anus
– Also called anal orifice
– Is exit of the anal canal
– Has keratinized epidermis like skin
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The Large Intestine
• Anal Sphincters
– Internal anal sphincter:
• Circular muscle layer of muscularis externa
• Has smooth muscle cells, not under voluntary control
– External anal sphincter:
• Encircles distal portion of anal canal
• A ring of skeletal muscle fibers, under voluntary control
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Figure 16-17a
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The Large Intestine
Figure 16-17b
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The Functions of the Large Intestine
• Physiology of the Large Intestine
– Less than 10% of nutrient absorption
occurs in large intestine
– Prepares fecal material for ejection from
the body (doesn’t that sound nice?)
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The Functions of the Large Intestine
• Absorption in the Large Intestine
– Reabsorption of water
– Reabsorption of bile salts:
– Absorption of vitamins produced by
– Absorption of organic wastes
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The Functions of the Large Intestine
• Vitamins
– Are organic molecules
– Are important as cofactors or coenzymes in
– Normal bacteria in colon make three
vitamins that supplement diet
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The Functions of the Large Intestine
Three Vitamins Produced in the Large Intestine
Vitamin K (fat soluble):
Required by liver for synthesizing four clotting factors,
including prothrombin
2. Biotin (water soluble):
Important in glucose metabolism
3. Pantothenic acid: B5 (water soluble):
Required in manufacture of steroid hormones and some
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The Functions of the Large Intestine
• Toxins
– Bacteria break down peptides in feces and
• Ammonia:
– as soluble ammonium ions
• Indole and skatole:
– nitrogen compounds responsible for odor of feces
• Hydrogen sulfide:
– gas that produces “rotten egg” odor
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The Functions of the Large Intestine
• Toxins
– Bacteria feed on indigestible
carbohydrates (complex polysaccharides):
• Produce flatus, or intestinal gas, in large
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The Functions of the Large Intestine
• Movements of the Large Intestine
– Distension of the rectal wall triggers defecation reflex
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The Functions of the Large Intestine
• Elimination of Feces
– Requires relaxation of internal and external
anal sphincters
– Reflexes open internal sphincter and close
external sphincter
– Opening external sphincter requires
conscious effort
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• Essential Nutrients
– A typical meal contains:
• Carbohydrates
• Proteins
• Lipids
• Water
• Electrolytes
• Vitamins
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• Digestive Enzymes
– Are secreted by:
Salivary glands
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Homestatic Imbalances
• Heartburn: (Gastric reflux) when gastric juices are
forced back into your esophagus. Hurts like a heart
attack hence the name.
• Ulcer: Any open sore in the lining of the GI tract.
caused by stress, smoking, diet, bacteria.
• Gallstones: If bile (in gall bladder) stays too long
cholesterol crystals form and block the duct.
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Homestatic Imbalances
• Cirrhosis: Chronic inflammatory condition that
hardens/scars tissue. Caused by alcohol and/or drug
• Jaundice: When bile pigments accumulate through
body (you look yellow)
Hepatitis: Swelling of the liver usually due to a virus.
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Homestatic Imbalances
• Constipation: Large intestine holds contents too long
and absorbs too much water. Caused by lack of
exercise, fiber, and/or fluids.
• Diarrhea: When contents pass through before water
is absorbed (gastroenteritis). Usually caused by
• Hemorrhoids: Blood vessels in the rectum and anus
swell and rupture. Itches and hurts.
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Homestatic Imbalances
• Diverticulitis: When your diet lacks fiber, colon works
too hard and increases pressure on its walls. Can be
life threatening if the mucosa ruptures.
• Appendicitis: Swelling of the appendix. Life
threatening if it ruptures. Lower right abdomin pain.
• Dental plaque: Masses of bacteria and other particles
clinging to your teeth.
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• The end
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