The Crusades

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Transcript The Crusades

The Crusades
Outline of PPT
I. Call to fight
– Reasons for Joining
II. First Crusade
 III. Second Crusade
 IV. Third Crusade
 V. Fourth Crusade
 VI. Effects on Europe
Call to Fight
Byzantine emperor, Alexius I, asked Pope
to help in fighting the Seljuk Turks (Muslim)
 Pope Urban II took opportunity to
showcase papal leadership
 Cause: take back holy lands from Muslims
 Urban II challenged Christians to take up
weapons and join in a holy war
 Pope promised fighters “remission of sins”
Reasons for Joining
People joined crusading
bands for a variety of
– Religious fervor, adventure,
chance to fight, gain
territory, riches, possibility
of a title
– Pope and kings saw it as
an opportunity to free
Europe from young nobles
who disturbed the peace
and wasted lives and
energy fighting one
First Crusade
 Attempt to recapture the holy city of
 Crusaders wore red crosses on their tunics
 Battle cry—”God wills it!”
 Crusaders were ill-prepared
– Lack of food and water, disease was common,
not prepared for heat of Middle East
Depiction of First Crusade
Second Crusade
 Response to the city
of Edessa being
captured by Muslims
(Christians want to
take the city back)
 This crusade was a
failure (Defeated in
Edessa and Jerusalem
was taken by Muslim
leader Saladin)
Third Crusade
 Came about when Jerusalem fell to
Muslims in 1187
 3 important rulers agreed to lead forces
– Emperor Frederick Barbarossa of Germany
– Richard I the Lionhearted of England
– Phillip II Augustus, King of France
Third Crusade
Not successful
 Richard manages to
 Barbarossa drowned
negotiate a
and his army fell
settlement with
Saladin to allow
 Richard and Phillip
Christian pilgrims free
had some success
access to Jerusalem
along the coast, but
failed miserably inland
 Phillip goes back
Fourth Crusade
 Saladin died in 1193 and Pope Innocent
initiates another Crusade led by Venetian
 Suppose to be headed to holy land, but
see opportunity to take Byzantium and
eliminate their trade competition
 Christians crusaders attack the Christian
Effect on Europe
Benefited Italian port cities of Venice,
Pisa, and Genoa
 First widespread attacks on Jews
– Believed Jews were responsible for the
“murder of Christ”
Lessened power of Pope and nobles